Final Fantasy XIII-2


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I would love to be able to fight Kefka in the coliseum. But a bigger part of me would die if we could fight Ultros. Just imagine what he'd say about Serah!


unsavory tart
I got Sazh in my party 8D I wish I had went for the second ATB bar instead of Syn boost tho... oh well. >__>

To quickly get the medals you need, play poker. Put in 10,000 coins (so make sure beforehand you at least have 12,000 or so--i had 15,000 from last time and the guy gives you 10,000 to start with)

Once you do that, bet 'all in', rise and repeat. Save before attempting ofc.
It's super easy and I finished in 30 minutes. I thought you needed 50 medals, but you only need 30.

Sazh is a Syn and on my game he has almost 9k HP, and he's got all the good stuff except Haste, not that it matters because you don't really need it lol)
but yeah anyway. thought I'd post this just incase
SAZH DLC yeeayyy

I got Sazh as my Syn now, wouldn't you know, two days after I level 99'd my purple chocobo. I already had used the purple chocobo as a syn in my rotation so I just replaced him, although tbh I don't really use that role a lot. I feel like it's not as useful, sadly.
A part of me felt it was too short for 5 dollars and didn't explain anything. I really wanted to see Sazh's journey and how he managed to get to Hope and leave a note for Serah. That said, it was actually kind of... interesting. Trying to find ways to amass luck so that the probability that a better future for you is actually a nice way to utilize Serpendipity.

Sazh said:
I'm a handsome man, but lady luck never looked my way
I didn't realize how much I missed Sazh's awesome yet corny lines until now. I just really liked how he was presented in this dlc, even if it was too short. Also, him having seven baby chocobos following him is a cute touch.

It's a shame the dlc is pretty much only minigames but...

Chrnobind is my shit. I'm a terrible gambler but I play that game more than healthy. Easily tops one of my favorite FF minigames, which in retrospect isn't hard because I tend to dislike minigames.


Pro Adventurer
Just found this. sorry if already posted !

A source tells Siliconera the coliseum is about to get busy. Square Enix will add cameos from other Final Fantasy games like Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V to fight. If you win the battle and are lucky enough to get a crystal, Gilgamesh will join Serah and Noel in the monster slot. There will also be a guest villain from Final Fantasy VI, although our source wouldn’t reveal who or what this is. Kefka? Ultros? Kaiser Dragon? Your guess is as good as mine.
Jihl Nabaat from Final Fantasy XIII will also be released as Final Fantasy XIII-2 coliseum character in the future.
oh maaan please let it be Kefka ! That would be so epic !


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I went to the Chrnobind table not realizing it was not the poker table and started to play without reading the rules.

Big mistake. Sticking to Poker. :|

Alex Strife

Cameos from other Final Fantasy games? Oh boy, I smell Cloud incoming.

I admit I'd be interested in a FFXIII-style Cloud.

Also, inb4 Lighting-is-Cloud jokes.

EDIT: I'm way too good at the clock-type of game. Chrnobind it's called in English, it seems?


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I wonder just how much DLC we'll actually be seeing and for how long. So far it's coming at a steady pace with no signs of slowing down.

Alex Strife

Just villains? I didn't read it properly...

Smelling Sephiroth then.

EDIT: Now in all seriousness; they may bring villains from Type-0.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Just villains? I didn't read it properly...

Smelling Sephiroth then.


I'd be ok with this. I mean, when you conside rhow badly he's taken his defeats at Cloud's hands, just imagine what it will do to his ego to lose to some Serah in a bathing suit.

In fact, I demand a cutscene for this.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Finished the game.

Now need to get the last remaining fragments and beat the game again. I ended the story with 148 fragments.

I was up all last night going through Sazh's side story, Tetris-land complete with evil giraffes, and the final boss battles.

Proto-Behemoth and accompanying cats were a PAIN IN THE FREAKIN' ASS!!! Seriously, they were worse than most of the battle with Caius, sans full-form-dragon-x-3 Bahamut!

I died about four or five times with the final battle.

I still wonder how they are going to really and completely end this story.

I had a feeling Chocolina was the humanoid form of the chocobo chick's soul!


Great Old One

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a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Serah's boobs seems to hunt me forever. And I wouldn' be surprised if Cloud appeared... Even if he's not q villain. Leave it to SE make weird stuff come true.
I just want Snow and Hope tbh. Maybe Fang too.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Will definitely get the Omega fight. I was just hoping they would get released as regular DLC a few days ago, lol


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I finally played the Sazh DLC episode today. I... didn't really like it :sadpanda: the minigames were a bit frustrating to me. I'm just not a fan of card games in general so I'm biased.

However I thought the little Chocolina quest was adorable, and so were the cutscenes. I may or may not ship Sazh/Chocolina now.

So yeah, besides that, not a fan of it really. But I'm so happy I have Sazh in my party now, I needed a good SYN.


I can see it being cutscene-gameplay-cutscene-gameplay-cutscene - the gameplay being similar to what the intro was in XIII-2 (X-Mashing, but it was really pretty). Perhaps an occasional movement control segment.


fresh to death
On 158 fragments right now and quickly getting frustrated.

Has anyone got any tips on completing the Bestiary?
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