Final Fantasy XIII-2


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
is odin even worth leveling as a com? my gold chocobo is really powerful and aside from the coolness factor of having fucking ODIN in your party is he worth leveling or should i just have the chocobo infuse him?

So far I got him leveled on the 28 and he has earned some pretty good attacks. Tho' if you ask me the Red Chocobo is better than the gold. It has many more abilities that are totally worthy ^^

Finally finished my Chocobo Collection <3. And well too bad I won't be able to buy the bikini, since I will be without internet connection and I'll be pretty busy with College stuff.


AI Researcher
I'm levelling up Odin, at level 71 right now, but he's definitely not going to replace my gold chocobo at this rate unless he gets some amazing bonuses later on. He only has 302 attack and 134 magic with 2650 HP.

Kind of on that subject, is it best to use the monster items that focus on just one stat (attack, magic, or life) or the all-purpose ones? I usually try to use the all-purpose ones but have been wondering if maybe the specialist ones would be best for some roles. Like defenders, I basically tried to give them the HP bonuses. But do those single stat items give better bonuses than the all stats items overall?

The other night I spent like an hour before I gave up, but I didn't know about that. XD That really is a weird design choice though. This is the only place like it isn't it?

What's his name? It isn't Tezcatlipoca, is it? Because that's the guy I'm looking for >___> In the video description (that I just now noticed , lol) says 'only appears once per game' FFUUUU. That sucks though, and that'll be a pain in the ass >__>

Oh my, well I thought it'd be a good distraction, except it always gets me distracted instead :awesome:
That was the one I had to find :sadpanda: I was hoping to at least catch it or max out its libra screen (for pointless sense of completion), but nope.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I defeated Ochu yesterday. First try.
I was so proud of myself, although this Ochu was definitely not as hard as XIII's lol


Great Old One
someone wrote on YouTube they want to spoon Caius

:lol: oh the imagery

Also, listening to Caius' theme -- nice to actually be able to hear it properly. I've been too busy not getting my ass handed to me the times it's played during battle I haven't really paid attention to the details.


wangxian married
If I counted right, the only monster I got left to add to my bestiary is the
rare c'ieth in oerba 400 AF

thank gawd then I can just mess around until new DLC comes out, and work on getting weapons and stuff.
got the trophy for changing paradigms 1,000 i think? times, earlier.

i think i got that one too! "strategist" achievement i think?? i got giants fist yesterday i felt all proud ;O;

so close to maxing out all the levels just one more for each of them!!


AI Researcher
If I counted right, the only monster I got left to add to my bestiary is the
rare c'ieth in oerba 400 AF
I am just about to try this one again on normal, as it is the last trophy I have left to get.

Also, on that earlier spoilered topic:
I've changed my mind on Odin. At least after giving him the +25% attack skill from Dreadnaught, he's got the highest attack and good HP. His magic is a bit of a let down, though.


unsavory tart
I've changed my mind on Odin. At least after giving him the +25% attack skill from Dreadnaught, he's got the highest attack and good HP. His magic is a bit of a let down, though.
What level are you with at Odin? Because I'm at level 70 and he's still near my worst commando (312 atttack and 119 magic). He's also really expensive to level up since it takes 4-5 crystals a node. My synergist is more powerful than him
If anyone's curious, here's some of the commando's I've leveled (a lot of them have been leveled up poorly because I wanted to use them for infusion)

Pichuu (70 max)
7372 HP
1146 attack
667 magic
(That's with the passive abilities magic +16%, HP +24%, Strength +25%)

Red chocobo lvl 70 not maxxed
HP 3565
Attack 649
Magic 456
(strength 16%, magic 10%)

mini flan (63 not maxed) <- miniflans have 20% attack and magic boosting passive abilities AND role resonance without too many undesirable passive abilities to mess your list up, so I tried to infuse him, but he eventually gets a bit expensive to level
HPL 3735
Attack: 552
Magic 536
(magic 20%, strength 20%)

Gold chocobo: (45 maxed) leveled up him weirdly with strange passive abilities because he was my racing chocobo
HP: 7640
AttackL 748
Magic: 697

Protobehemoth (lvl 40 maxed) <- has has boring passive abilities >__>
HP: 6956
Attack: 943
Magic: 332

Don toonberry (lvl 30 max)
HP 4969
attack: 925
Magic: 701


Toonberry (lvl 30 max)
HP: 5035
attack: 930
(Strength 35%, magic 35%)
Last edited:


wangxian married
I'm levelling up Odin, at level 71 right now, but he's definitely not going to replace my gold chocobo at this rate unless he gets some amazing bonuses later on. He only has 302 attack and 134 magic with 2650 HP.

Kind of on that subject, is it best to use the monster items that focus on just one stat (attack, magic, or life) or the all-purpose ones? I usually try to use the all-purpose ones but have been wondering if maybe the specialist ones would be best for some roles. Like defenders, I basically tried to give them the HP bonuses. But do those single stat items give better bonuses than the all stats items overall?


i was just shoving whatever available materials i had into their mouths was

was this not the right way to do it


Great Old One
I used "all" for all of them, magic for the magic based ones, strength for the strength based ones, and HP where I felt it was needed (or for SENs)... but I didn't really plan it out... is that critical?

Also, are there no good magic based COMs? They all seem to be about the strength.

And what are the best RAVs? I've used a Behemot I got quite early in the game. He's really kicked ass. But now I want a magic based one, so I'm working on this tiny guy whos name starts with an N... damn I suck at names and I don't have the game here


AI Researcher
What level are you with at Odin? Because I'm at level 70 and he's still near my worst commando (312 atttack and 119 magic). He's also really expensive to level up since it takes 4-5 crystals a node. My synergist is more powerful than him
I've maxed him out now, but was in the 90s before. It is a lot of work getting him to the point where he really stands out, but now (with +25% strength) his attack stat is over 1000. But magic is still pretty weak, think the gold chocobo was better in that respect, and I don't think he can learn that armour piercing skill? Which is a shame. But I levelled him up while trying to get that 100 preemptive battles in a row trophy, using the bit in the steppe where you fight 5 kochus when it's rainy. With the item drop accessories, that's a guaranteed 5 crystals each time you fight those.

I think I just wanted it to be good because it's Odin and Lightning and I have these feelings.

Also now I have all the trophies I have nothing to do but wait for DLC and money to buy it and try to capture/ fully scan the rest of the monsters :sadpanda:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
fucking finally beat the main storyline, that final boss gave me a ridiculous amount of trouble

shall post thoughts in spoiler thread


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
Still don't have the trophy for Serendipity D: I bought 25k worth of coins, that better win me what I need, dammit.


AI Researcher
The one for winning coins? I got that yesterday (was finishing off trophies that day), but it must be what you've accumulated overall because I got it without having 10,000 coins on me. With a good chocobo (I haven't even bothered trying to give them the best racing skills yet) you can get 2500+ before you have to retire it and start again, so it's not too much of a hassle. You could get it while trying for Dark Matter or other items, really.

Speaking of items, did the last update add another Genji item? (helm I think?) Because I'm sure that was there before.


There's a trophy for winning/buying 10,000 casino coins in serendipity, and then there's the fragment for winning 7,777 casino coins from the slot machine. I think Shiala's talking about the fragment, because you can actually get the 10,000 casino coins trophy from just buying them.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
I am talking about the trophy/achievement for the 10,000 casino coins in Serendipity. I was having a really hard time getting that trophy for whatever reason and I know I'd won more than 10,000 casino coins collectively due to the fragment + time spent in races. :| But still no trophy, lol :|

Last night I just bought 25k worth of casino coins and let my PS3 go. Woke up to 46k in casino coins from the slots and finally got my trophy! FINALLY FREE.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
15k might be enough but I honestly have no clue how low I got before I apparently hit some jackpots.

I suggest, trying it out while you're gone and when you come back, if you haven't won the trophy yet and you're low on coins after all that trouble, reset the game so you can get your money back and try again overnight.


Dammit. I'm pretty sure I'm way overleveled.
i just fought Proto fal'Cie Adam, and the first sequence was a cake walk. I did get a little beat up during the second sequence, but I still beat him in 2:03 (target time 5:58).
I think what I might actually do is switch Noel and Serah's roles, to make battles a little more challenging for myself (I have Noel and Serah at level 90 in commando and ravager, respectively, but only in the 20's for the opposite roles.). So I guess we'll see. I'm just not really a power gamer, I like things to be challenging more than being able to breeze through everything. Personal opinion!


Great Old One
I had the same thoughts as you, Avec. But when I got to the last chapter everything all of a sudden was super hard. I don't like that the game is like that, but since everything is so free, plotwise, I guess it has to be like that.


I've already said this regarding winning the casino coin fragment, and I don't want to sound like a know it all but people remember to talk to the woman standing in front of it if you're trying to win this 7,777 fragment!

If she says anything that isn't "It's like a hot summers day!" regarding the mood of the slot machine, LEAVE and come back.

You're GUARANTEED to get the fragment with 10,000 casino coins as long as she says that!


unsavory tart
Pretty much any guide that talks about the achievement goes: get at least 5000 coins, play slots, rubber band, go to bed.

I got my 7777 achievement that way, and I'm pretty sure I got the trophy the same time. I just rubber banded my controller, then made lunch and cleaned my entire kitchen when I came back to see that I won. I think the achievement could have been called "do something productive with your time" and it would have worked. There's a possibility you could lose all your money, even with decent luck, but you can just restart the game before it autosaves and do it again.


Pro Adventurer
Shiala, Bulma, Choco-Lightning
My luck is frankly, just terrible. As was recommended, I never used the slots unless she said it was a hot summer's day.

My luck is horrifyingly terrible, though. :| I will never play the lottery.


Pro Adventurer
i hope this doesn't count as spoilers but i'm having trouble with the touching red cactuars... i think I've touched all of them, but the time gate is still blocked :/

I've been running around for hours changing weather and just searching xD


wangxian married
the time gate only gets unlocked once you fight all three giant cactuars (they're the green ones that trigger it)

there's two in the clearwater marshes, one near the little stone when you first hop over and the other is slightly further down the map. you need moogle hunt for both.


Pro Adventurer
the time gate only gets unlocked once you fight all three giant cactuars (they're the green ones that trigger it)

there's two in the clearwater marshes, one near the little stone when you first hop over and the other is slightly further down the map. you need moogle hunt for both.

Omg thankyou for much for this ! <3
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