I have two goodie bags because my friend is not FF inclined HAHAHA
Anyway I left before Kingsglaive started because I didn't want to be there til half 11 and I'm shattered (and I've already seen Kingsglaive, though it would be nice in the cinema). Tabata's stern message about people spoiling the game was pretty hilarious. "STOP IT NOW!" lol
The livestream was pretty good, at least the Midgardsormr and Leviathan fights were pretty amazing to watch. Pretty hype.
This was apparently livestreamed on IGN btw. At least at some point the guy mentioned "whether you're watching this on IGN.com" or something.
I'm like 100% sure Joe won that quiz thing or at least won a poster for participating, because he tends to be a lucky bastard like that.
I applauded for the guy who won the quiz with 10/10 but I was too bitter about the "runners up" getting posters so I whispered "cunt" to each one of them as they walked down the aisle (in a funny/ half serious scottish way). I was legit bitter though lol
Even had it been completely crap I wouldn't have called it a waste of money. Exclusive look at some amazing moments from the game (that Leviathan fight!!!! SERIOUSLY), Tabata being all nice and "thanks for being fans", ACTUAL FF SWAG I GOT STICKERS AND A MINI FF CARD HOLDER WALLET THING AND MOOGLE POPCORN and then could have stayed to watch the movie itself.
It's worth noting this was half the price of a normal movie ticket too.
worth it