Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)

Dragonslayer Ornstein

Pro Adventurer
on that note, it took them a long time to even adjust to a second analogue stick or for Kojima to not get motion sickness from a 3d camera in MGS.

Tbh there's a truly horrendous sexist moment in that video that I've kind of avoided mentioning because I wanted to pretend it didn't exist but since we're on the topic; when they're mentioning all the stuff about how having her around would have changed the group dynamic, one of them (can't remember who) made a joke about how she might clean the tent and I was like ughghgGHGh why. WHY. Just shut your stupid misogynistic mouth ffs.

About to show how points go over my head entirely and I can look silly: I'd clean the tent and I'm a guy. I tend to like housework and consider how they keep their pace together kinda awkward. I'd think any cultured individual would clean that sty of a tent and it's not a stretch to say girls /seem/ to be raised better at that on average. Or were. My mother is way more clean than most guys in my family, about as much as me. It's also a really good trait that does people of both genders justice.

If their world is at all sexist like ours I'd be pining for a female party member just so they're statistically likelier to stop acting like slobs.

tbh I felt like turning the game off as soon as I saw the opening was a bunch of guys rolling around and grunting after sleeping together. Not that I mind guys being with guys but as a preference thing I don't like the idea of waking up with my face in Gladiolus' stomach muscles and grinding all over Noctis' sleeping grunts, which is what the camera seemed to want from me. It's like waiting forever to play a good FF game only to get a guy's sweaty armpit instead.

All in all I took the joke light heartedly. Cleaning and fixing cars are pretty goddamned useful traits. (ones I have) More than what the guys in this can do...

That said, I wonder why Ignis wouldn't clean the tent anyway? He seems to be the sort who would. He has his wits about him.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Okay so I played and beasted through Episode Duscae today. Consider this entire post a spoiler to it's content.

It starts out with an impressive opening of the sausage fest of a party waking up in a tent. While the need to have the cell phone alarm continually going through the scene until Noctis wakes up was annoying, it's at least very realistic and leads to a bit of humor. Fortunately, the opening cutscene is mercifully brief and you take control of Noctis very soon after they wake up.

You control Noctis, a prince who is basically every Final Fantasy protagonist ever. Tough, a bit brooding, but ultimately a good guy.
In your party are:

Ignis, who I gather is some sort of aide or teacher to Noctis and speaks with I swear the same voice as Balthier.

Gladious, a tough greatsword swinging guy who acts as your tank essentially.

Prompto, who is the comic relief and also the weakest member of your party.

The name of the game is your car is broken down and you need to make 24,000 gil to pay for it. Now, it is theoretically possible to make that sum of money without doing the main quest of Episode Duscae, but it's not really practical as the rarest loot only sells for 400, and most enemy drops sell for the 5 - 20 gil range.

Within about one minute you see a sign announcing, conveniently, a 25,000 gil reward for the slaying of the dreaded Behemoth "Deadeye". This leads you into a tutorial with Gladious teaching you the mechanics of combat. For the elaborate tutorial you are given most combat won't utilize every mechanic, but it's handing knowing how to warp to high ground, perform a warp-strike, etc. The most poorly explained mechanic was the parry which I failed at repeatedly until I realized that all I had to do was hold down the defensive stance button until the screen gave me a parry option (a la Wind Waker).

After the tutorial you have free roaming of Duscae, which is an impressively large scale area, especially for a demo. To give you an idea, I would estimate that it is roughly 5 times the size of the Archylte Steppe from Final Fantasy XIII, though it may be much larger, and it certainly feels so with an enviornment rich in detail.

For the first time ever, you truly feel like this is a living breathing world and not a handful of corridors. The world design rivals Shadow of the Colossus. Whether you are tramping through underbrush, walking along dirt paths through the forest, carefully maneuvering through wetlands or hiking over open plains, the world feels alive.

There is a day to night transition, which is highlighted by the fact that when night falls your characters turn on flashlights on their chests and use that as your primary light source. When night falls, it's usually about time to stop and make camp in one of the many "havens". Camping not only feeds your party with food that offers stat benefits, but also acts as your main manner of "leveling up".

Your first official quest is to search for clues to Deadeye's whereabouts. After stopping at 3 out of 6 locales, you are able to head to the nest, but searching for the other 3 locales to complete this quest nets you an EXP reward. When you enter the den, you have to fight your way through very large groups of enemies. At this point I was besieged by about 10 wolves at once point, and only barely made it out alive.

The technical aspect of this game rewards proper execution, and punishes button mashing. You really have to be careful with what you are doing. You can even hit your teammates, but not in a way that deals any damage, though from what I've seen it can distract them. Most annoying is that they will scold you with one of numerous, oft repeated lines.

0 HP doesn't mean the end, it just puts you in a "Danger" situation which can be healed for free by your party members rescuing you (and you in turn can rescue them), or by using a Potion. At the end of the battle everybody's HP returns to maximum, but the longer you spend in Danger, the more your maximum HP decreases, as hits taken while in Danger deplete the gauge. If your party members maximum HP decreases all the way, they are KO, and after battle return with a bare minimum HP. If this happens, a safe bet is to retreat, find a haven and rest.

My first encounter with Deadeye was amazing as there is an initial trap that you set and trigger with a series of well-placed movements, but it all proves for naught, triggering the "real" boss fight, which I felt was a bit of a tease. If that had been the actual way the boss was defeated, it would have felt rewarding and unique.

It didn't really matter as after we thoroughly got our asses kicked we were given the wise advice by Ignis to simply flee, which I did with relish. After camping out the next day I was prompted to visit the chocokeeper and got a story about a nearby cave to visit.

This cave... lemme tell you... this fucking cave. For one, it wins about a thousand points by actually looking and feeling like a real cave. I think I could have used the map to get through it, but I preferred wandering about in the dark by the light of my flashlight and being surprised.

Then I found myself beset by Goblins, which was highlighted in two key moments. First when I had to squeeze through one of many tight cracks, only to get a first person view of a bunch of the red eyed bastards heading right for me in a moment which probably would have made me wet my pants in real life. Second was a showdown near the end of the cave with honestly more of the bastards than I can count. Prompto died in this encounter and the rest of us spent half the battle in and out of danger. There must have been something like 25 given how many I killed and how many more kept popping up. They aren't terribly tough, but in large waves like that with nowhere to run to, I honestly felt like I might die in that cave.

Fortunately I made it through and got to the end, unlocking the Astral ability Ramuh. This gave me the strength to summon his aide while in Danger. I was then prompted to return and fight Deadeye once again with the power of Ramuh. This fight was very brief as with the first time in Danger, I summoned Ramuh who, in an amazingly awesome bit of animation decimated Deadeye.

We then headed to the garage where our car was and sold Deadeye's horn for the gil reward. After a short cutscene talking to our hot "fan service" mechanic, I was given control of the car... sort of. I could chose to teleport to "The Disc" which ended the demo. There was an option to "Take The Wheel" but it was grayed out.

That was my time with the game and honestly it's a huge step forward for the series. The entire time playing it I was going "This is what Final Fantasy XIII could have been."


That Man
^I'm reminded of "Gigant's Passage" in the first FF game (Earth Crystal Cavern)... three guaranteed encounter panels of nothing but Gigants to fight in a cave.

I imagine there are places where enemies can endlessly spawn in this game and you just have to escape to take a break, even if they're weak but can still outnumber you and wear down your stats.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I love the opening because it's just trolling the people who've been waiting for at least the better part of a decade for the game to come out, when the playable character can't be arsed to wake up and rolls over to sleep again. There's definitely some meta shit going on and I thought it was actually pretty funny. :monster:

Also, the beefcakery is pretty fun :wacky:


on that note, it took them a long time to even adjust to a second analogue stick or for Kojima to not get motion sickness from a 3d camera in MGS.

About to show how points go over my head entirely and I can look silly: I'd clean the tent and I'm a guy. I tend to like housework and consider how they keep their pace together kinda awkward. I'd think any cultured individual would clean that sty of a tent and it's not a stretch to say girls /seem/ to be raised better at that on average. Or were. My mother is way more clean than most guys in my family, about as much as me. It's also a really good trait that does people of both genders justice.

If their world is at all sexist like ours I'd be pining for a female party member just so they're statistically likelier to stop acting like slobs.

tbh I felt like turning the game off as soon as I saw the opening was a bunch of guys rolling around and grunting after sleeping together. Not that I mind guys being with guys but as a preference thing I don't like the idea of waking up with my face in Gladiolus' stomach muscles and grinding all over Noctis' sleeping grunts, which is what the camera seemed to want from me. It's like waiting forever to play a good FF game only to get a guy's sweaty armpit instead.

All in all I took the joke light heartedly. Cleaning and fixing cars are pretty goddamned useful traits. (ones I have) More than what the guys in this can do...

That said, I wonder why Ignis wouldn't clean the tent anyway? He seems to be the sort who would. He has his wits about him.

While I understand what you're saying and get the spirit behind it, they were very clearly saying that having a female around would result in her cleaning the tent (because she's female), and there's really no other way to read that. I don't think I'm applying sexism to it so much as they are saying "boys be messy, girls be tidy". I'm a clean/ neat freak myself, but that doesn't make their gender stereotyping OK. In fact, it makes it worse, because now I know I don't conform to their idea of "male" and would also not fit in in this merry band of bro-ness :monster:

I'm exaggerating a little, but hopefully you understand the point I'm trying to make with this. They've applied the old "women clean, men are slobs" stereotype to these characters based purely on the fact that she is female. If it was a male character, they wouldn't be saying this, and that's the difference.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Forgive the double-post but I've moved on to a new pastime. Secret hunting. Specifically I've found my interests to be in testing the borders outside the borders. You see, as it was discovered within mere hours of the release, it's extremely easy to glitch outside the borders of the game world and explore the undeveloped wilds beyond.
Somebody found Titan hanging out in a tricky to access area just outside the borders of the screen.

But a true explorer looks in places where others haven't. My first attempt takes me near the Titan area where I discover that the game has a secondary kill switch, leading me to believe Titan's hiding spot was intentionally left in by the developer.

You can find what I find in this first video here.

My second video is loading up and I was examining one of the arches and found that the collision detection on it is... wel messed up as hell. I try to get to the distant otherside of the arch but find that same kill switch. I'll provide a link when it's done.
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That Man
Now now guys, just because Square-Enix has never been inside an all-girl's dormitory doesn't mean they're not fully justified to say whatever they want about the fictional females they base FICTIONAL stories around.

I swear, one of these days Squeenix needs to make an Eroge or Dating sim.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Namco's already in on that shit.

On Oculus, even!

God help us.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster here!

Sorry to just jump in without introducing myself first, but I really want to comment here because I feel like there’s been a misunderstanding about that Active Time Report, and it's been making me a bit sad.

After I watched it, I had no complaints about anything they had said in the video, so when I looked here and saw the everyone complaining about how they were being sexist and such, my reaction was, “Did we all watch the same video? Did they all have different English subtitles than I did?” So, I went back and watched that particular part again, and I was still baffled. I didn’t see any sexist comments. After considering a bit, I think maybe the pronouns used caused some confusion about who was being referred to when they spoke about “cleaning”. I went ahead and copied down the relevant dialogue, and added a couple notes to it to show what I mean:

HT: Normally it’s just the four guys, so the tent’s probably not in tip top shape, but if a female character gets thrown into the mix, you can expect things to be a little different than usual.

AO: They [meaning the guys] will probably clean up.

HT: Exactly. They [the guys] will probably clean, and say things they wouldn’t normally say around her. Things like that. I think it’ll be fun to see the differences when the guys are being themselves, and when it’s not just the four of them.

I don’t understand Japanese well enough to follow this kind of conversation, so I can only rely on the provided subtitles, which might not be wholly accurate. But I trust them overall. I think if the intent was to imply that the girl would go around cleaning up the guy’s camp, they would have said “She would clean.”

I just wanted to make an attempt to point out a different interpretation for you all. This was one of my favorite things that they talked about in the video, because I imagined the guys starting to set up camp with a new female guest party member and the guys realizing, “Oh snap, we need to clean up!” And then they scramble to make things more presentable since there’s a girl around to impress (or at least not offend). And I laughed and was happy to imagine such a scene. And I wanted to share that feeling! ^_^

[FONT=&quot]Anyway, to all who read this, thank you, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


^Thanked because welcome to the forum, and I re-checked the video and you're correct, I've misinterpreted what they said. Massive whoops. Probably something to do with me not posting about it immediately after.

(While the actual comments are less damaging, I'm still not sure I agree with the stance that it's completely non-sexist).

Also go make an introduction thread :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^They can't make intro threads until they have five posts elsewhere on the boards.

Also, I don't get how the sentence in that context is sexist. People act slightly different if they're with friends of their same gender then when they're with friends of mixed genders. That's just how normal non-sexist human interaction works. It's almost like it's some varriation of how people act when they're only around family members as opposed to how they act when people outside of the family are around.

If Noctis and Co. do end up acting differently when it's just them verses when other people are there, then all the more power to them. That's how real life relationships work.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
It took me awhile to write, but I just finished posting an introduction, and I think it worked, despite it only being my second post. I hope it worked anyway.

But yeah. I don't really see anything sexist about what they said, but I won't deny the possiblity of it since debating such things definitely isn't my forte.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I swear, one of these days Squeenix needs to make an Eroge or Dating sim.

They did. It was disguised as an rpg. It was called Lightning Returns


Aw bless their cotton socks!

Ah it almost brought a tear to my eye. And made me jealous. Who was that Scottish scrub and why was I not invited. I'm far less nasal.


I'm sorry though, there is the cynic in me that's like... look at them all, so hopeful.
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