Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


What you need to know about the flying car

Even after seeing the footage, some fans speculated that it might not be a full-blown vehicle, and the take-off is just a short sequence that plays before the fast-travel menu opens. We can assure you, that is not the case; we flew the Regalia ourselves during our visit to Square Enix’s offices.

Our time behind the wheel was brief, but it was long enough to call up memories of flying iconic ships like the Blackjack and Highwind. It may not look like a traditional airship, but it functions similarly. The ground falls away after take-off and you soar in the sky, with full control over your movements. You travel quickly, but the world of Final Fantasy XV is much bigger than earlier installments, so it doesn’t seem like it would be possible to circumnavigate the globe in a matter of seconds. We didn’t get to attempt a landing, but the team told us that it isn’t as simple as pressing a button – and that the first landing is likely to be a rough one for many players.

As exhilarating as it may be to cruise through the air, don’t expect to get your wings easily or early. “The player will obtain the flying Regalia near the end of the game as an additional challenge,” says Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata. “When certain conditions are met, the car is remodeled to the flying model.” That explains why the car looks so different in the tease shown at the Uncovered event; it’s the same car, but with extensive modifications.


Makes sense that it's a modification that comes late in the game - when I saw footage of it, I immediately asked Force why anyone would ever just drive anywhere :monster:


Pro Adventurer
So the Regalia car is your airship, then?
I won't lie, I was hoping for something a bit bigger, but fuck I'm getting to fly something so I ain't gonna complain. :monster:


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
^It would be cool if it was some type of big airship, I was thinking you'd get to fly something like that while leading an army back to the city to re-take it. At the same time it makes way more sense that it's a James Bond-esc car that flies.

Also they are adding a lot of realism showing that it'll be hard to land, I wonder if you can screw up and crash like in Ace Combat series.


That Man
I'm the type who does things in all the ways possible:

---Travelling the world ON FOOT.
---Travelling the world BY CAR.
---Travelling the world BY CHOCOBO.
---Travelling the world by FLYING CAR.

The first one is mostly because FF has always been a "walking on foot" deal (ever since the very first game). I know you suffer if you don't sleep in this game, but camping is also part of the experience... so I'm looking forward to this journey.

Also, I "really" hope you get to see all of Insomnia, not just the Citadel. I want Noct's homecoming to be epic in a "Shakespearean / The Godfather Part III" sort of way.

Also, I hope NPCs aren't idiots this time around... we need some serious characters/populace.

Zelda's towns never got it right, and while Lightning Returns NPCs were okay, they kinda got under foot after a while.


That Man
Famitsu interview with Hajime Tabata and Takeshi Nozue in English.

That interview is brilliant. Tabata is basically saying "I went in and smashed up the hierarchy" which was apparently much needed. He's very open and positive when talking about the development of XV, which will hopefully only be a positive thing for the game.

I was basically going to say the same thing. :D From all the interviews of him, I really like Tabata and I think he's brought a lot of good changed to the XV project. I love that he made it a meritocracy system in the production of the game, and I love that he recognized that the FF series was actually failing and that they couldn't just do the same things and expect to stay a big presence in the market. Seems like making him the project lead is one of the best things SE did for the FF series in the last 10 years.
Of course we'll find out if this is true or not when we all play the game, but I do have high hopes for it, not gonna lie.

Still, this begs the questions: How does Tetsuya Nomura feel about being displaced? And is this good for him?


I hope he's utterly miserable since he's being forced to direct two games people actually want. It's like Square Enix bizarro world.


Higher Further Faster
I'm confused by your comment, Lex. How would that make him miserable? I would think the Remake and KHIII would be good things?


For us of course. But Nomura made it apparent he wasn't happy about being pulled off XV. I'm just hoping he's had a slice of humble pie since his ten years of "tell them nothing, pretend KHIII doesn't exist, zippers zippers zippers" has now come to an abrupt end.


I'm being facetious, but my headcanon is that he didn't want to do the remake or KHIII and when Wada was janitorised the new leadership just went "k dude, get your fucking shit together" and he stood in a board room stomping like a child going "but I want to drive my ferrari some more" and the new boss went "lol u want fired?" and now here we are :monster:


Speaking to the magazine when asked about XV’s situation Nomura commented, “It was the company’s decision, I can’t say anything more than that.”

While it's true he's not directly saying "I am unhappy about this" I think we can easily infer that given this statement and the fact that he's still an employee for a company in Japan.


Speaking to the magazine when asked about XV’s situation Nomura commented, “It was the company’s decision, I can’t say anything more than that.”

While it's true he's not directly saying "I am unhappy about this" I think we can easily infer that

Can we though? :monster:

I'm pretty sure dude's not exactly crying himself to sleep being put in charge of the remake of the most beloved and important FF in the history of forever.


We definitely can Tets. It would have been disrespectful to Tabata for him to outwardly say so, and we've had lengthy discussions before about how open disrespect is not the done thing in Japanese companies, you know this yourself. Frankly I was shocked to the core to see him admit even this much publicly when it happened.

Time will tell how he does with VII and KHIII, I can only say I like what I've seen so far. The only thing I can actually say about Nomura is that I'm incredibly wary of him. I would have been happier with another director for VII.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, Kitase is all about doing weird shit, at least Nomura is more willing to put his foot down and say, "That's not what happened in the original story, tho..."


^Maybe we should have a thread about this, because it's an interesting topic. I suppose my main area of concern is that Nomura's track record as someone in charge of any sort of story is, IMO, not good. Not to mention the development hell that was Versus. Nomura's games have been incredibly well received (KH is what immediately springs to mind) but I don't understand how he goes from character designer to director. I would have preferred Nojima, barring any crazy shit he might have said in interviews I'm not remembering.

Also Tenny you have that backwards. Yes yes I know Kitase wanted to do the weird Jenova thing in CC, but the thing that's sending alarm bells in my head with VII is that Nomura said "yassss, snip snip snip, Kitase-san isn't comfortable with it but I'm like who even gives a shit about plot amirite" in that interview from a little while back.

I shall create thrad :monster:


Higher Further Faster
Speaking to the magazine when asked about XV’s situation Nomura commented, “It was the company’s decision, I can’t say anything more than that.”

While it's true he's not directly saying "I am unhappy about this" I think we can easily infer that given this statement and the fact that he's still an employee for a company in Japan.

But wasn't this question posed before the Remake announcement? He can't tell us "I was pulled off FFXV to remake FFVII." If not announced yet. :monster:

Maybe he's just being vague?

I just don't think we all know enough to really be able to say for certain.

EDIT: Ninja'd, make thread :P


I made a thread.

Maybe it is just down to interpretation guys, but I genuinely believe Nomura was pissed when he was pulled off XV. He made it clear throughout the development that he was "trying to do something amazing" and it felt like that game was his like... magnum opus or whatever. From recent interviews I'm glad for the project itself that he's no longer a part of it, given that Tabata is showing a frankness and level-headedness we've never in our lives seen from a big-name person at Square.


^Oh yeah I'd forgotten about good ol' Yoshi-P. He's been awesome for XIV. I think we can all pretty much agree at this point that the restructuring has been good for SE.
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