Hi folks,
Yop and I had a discussion about this and we're going to set a go-live date now that Discourse has been skinned (here is the forum).
This will be a drastic change for the users of TLS - I anticipate that it may be too drastic for some members. In the event that we don't like it, we'll revert back to this version of TLS and I have offered to purchase a Xenforo license. Xenforo is the spiritual successor to vBulletin, and it's what ResetEra uses. It's much more similar to vB but with all the modern features you'd expect, including post notifications, intuitive post reply, subscription/ highlighting quote options and mobile compatibility. Discourse can also do all of this, but it's far less familiar.
Everyone is encouraged to give Discourse a fair chance before we disregard it as a possibility though.
All that said, please know that regardless of what software we stick with, we'll be limiting customisation options and enforcing stricter rules about signatures and avatars (re: size etc) in order to maintain readability and an overall look. TLSF is legendary and that's the awesome people + vB3, but it can look like a dumpster fire at times
Yop and I had a discussion about this and we're going to set a go-live date now that Discourse has been skinned (here is the forum).
This will be a drastic change for the users of TLS - I anticipate that it may be too drastic for some members. In the event that we don't like it, we'll revert back to this version of TLS and I have offered to purchase a Xenforo license. Xenforo is the spiritual successor to vBulletin, and it's what ResetEra uses. It's much more similar to vB but with all the modern features you'd expect, including post notifications, intuitive post reply, subscription/ highlighting quote options and mobile compatibility. Discourse can also do all of this, but it's far less familiar.
Everyone is encouraged to give Discourse a fair chance before we disregard it as a possibility though.
All that said, please know that regardless of what software we stick with, we'll be limiting customisation options and enforcing stricter rules about signatures and avatars (re: size etc) in order to maintain readability and an overall look. TLSF is legendary and that's the awesome people + vB3, but it can look like a dumpster fire at times