Double Growth
I don't think so especially considering how crap the PS1 was in handling 2D for some reason...
I also used to collect the Sonic the Comic. That was teh shiz. For a children's comic, it had some brilliant writing and characters. I felt it did more with the Sonic universe than any of the video-games or cartoon series. Again, I really wish I'd kept hold of them, as well. I should have issues with my mother for all the classic memorabilia she made me chuck out.
Well....most of that was true. Except Septic Tulip.
The real question here is "could you take FFVII as seriously with THIS as Cloud" ?
Also, that shot of Cloud should be the main image for the Frontpage poast. It will certainly draw a crowd.
What I want to know is how they used official art for all the other characters and Cloud looks...homemade?
I didn't have an N64 at that time, but I remember the utter collective disappointment over Quest 64 And that was before I used the internet with any frequency.
Well, it was a continuation of SatAm with Sally Acorn, etc.
They probably couldn't find a clean or artifact free version, so they had to trace and replace.
Images part 2
Final Fantasy
Other games
zomg that FFVIII article - priceless. so many laughters. :'D
Brooke, did you rip these pages out of the magazines? D:
oh ff8
you are so foolish for thinking that squeenix would do anything but shove a pairing down your throats, egm <3