Happy Birthday AbortedJ


To the guy who is unafraid, unafraid to request,
How fisting is done, and how to do it best.
Looks like an ex con, but he's really quite cute.
He used to be a boxer so looks good in a suit.
He likes to feed kitties and checks on them at night,
but step on his wrong side, and he'll give you a fright.
(Or sleep with your Mom without locking the door,
Just keeping you informed, so you know the score.)
No patience for kids, with small bladders at the flicks,
Or anyone, for that matter, who insists on being a prick.
To the guy who is genuine despite all his grum-bl-ings,
Truth is he digs girly chats and playing on slides and swings!

(I might have made that last part up.... :shifty: Or did I? :faint: )

Happy Birthday dude, I hope you have a great day! :joy:
Happy Birthday! You are the first TSL member to be graced with the gift of my new TLS Birthday Cake Photo!

It says, "Congratulations on Your Birthday"

I don't know who made this cake but I think I would have enjoyed their party.

Anyway - many happy returns of the day, dude.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Happy birthday mo chara :monster:

Alternatively, if birthdays aren't your thing...fuck birthdays, they can die in a fire! >__>

Nah, seriously, hope ya have a good'n amigo

Deleted member 546

Many happy returns of the day an' shit d00d, hope you managed to find a decent steak and good cold beer/liquor. :monster:
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