Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
TLS suck for having the chit chat thread, dead
Dudes and dudettes! Guess what I just did? :awesome:

I tried every computation of getting or losing 1-3 Huge Materia. You know, in FFVII. That game with the guy with the really big sword; you may have heard of it.

Interesting finds, very interesting indeed...


Unknown Hero
Dudes and dudettes! Guess what I just did? :awesome:

I tried every computation of getting or losing 1-3 Huge Materia. You know, in FFVII. That game with the guy with the really big sword; you may have heard of it.

Interesting finds, very interesting indeed...

I think people are too dead to care.

That indeed sounds interesting.
But I still have no idea what game you speak of.:awesome:
Argh, I got to do one last check before I can be certain...

I'm checking if the order at which you get the first huge materia matters... Plus checking if there is a trick to make the Fort Condor Huge Materia "optional", like the Underwater Reactor materia... Oh well. At least this is the last check.

Edit: Nope. You can't leave the Huge Materia in Fort Condor alone if you win the battle there. Not even if you walk off to North Corel and do the mission there.
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Unknown Hero
Argh, I got to do one last check before I can be certain...

I'm checking if the order at which you get the first huge materia matters... Plus checking if there is a trick to make the Fort Condor Huge Materia "optional", like the Underwater Reactor materia... Oh well. At least this is the last check.

Edit: Nope. You can't leave the Huge Materia in Fort Condor alone if you win the battle there. Not even if you walk off to North Corel and do the mission there.

After you check shit, will you be making a thread about this one?
Nope, no new thread. This is just some minor info, although not yet revealed, that will be added to Absolute Steve's guide.
In short, I've discovered that a part of his guide is wrong. Now it can be corrected. (However IF the order at which you get the first two Huge Materia matters... Wow, I will have to repeat all I just did basically >_< Just to be 100% certain.)


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
There isn't that many members logged in today in this forum. Probably everybody is busy shopping or working overtime.


Get a life, imho :monster:.

I just made a calculator in C++. It's concept is simple, but it's code is pretty awesome, imho. Not that I made it myself, mind, I copied it from The C++ book by the designer of the language himself.


Gas Mask Enthusiast
Lachlan, Ana, Aniline, Natoli
I guess that means we're zombies.

Incredibly hot zombies, but zombies none-the-less.
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