Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I tripped and bent it back. Actually, I tripped on my way up the stairs to get my notebook and pen to start on something. :lol:

Oh, the irony! Or tragedy. Whatever.
LOL. I'd write with the bitch anyway. /sadist

I have stairs in my house, but I usually almost trip going down them... Stairs are kind of inconvenient that way. I'm glad your fingers better now. :3

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow

I would write with it... but, then I have trouble seeing through the tears of pain and agony. (LOL. No, it really doesn't hurt that much.)

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
... Fanfiction. (I feel so nerdy saying that! :lol:)

I wrote a fanfic a couple days ago, and decided to write a companion piece/prequel to it. I'm not finished and actually haven't really written all that much for it.
I write fanfiction sometimes :3 Usually request from friends. I don't think writing fanfiction is really all that weird, alot of bad fanfiction just gives it a bad name.

fanfiction of what kind? I just finished a Star Ocean one like a week ago. Other then that it's all original work.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Final Fantasy VII.

... And one Nancy Drew fanfiction I wrote when I was eleven or twelve.

Mostly I wrote original work, though. What kind of original work do you write?
Game scripts usually. Pieces to be compiled into something. I actually have alot of friends working on it with me. Its more enthralling to come up with your own idea and your own creations, imo. Mainly revolving around demonology and murder type themes. I have alot of 'open projects' though.

How about you?

(FF7 fanfics are damn easy to write for me :awesome: )

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I dabble a bit in every genre. I think it's pretty split between fantasy and regular fiction, though. I too have a lot of 'open projects'. :D


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
oh that hot betch. :monster: It reminds me of Musubi from Sekirei. :awesomonster:
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