Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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fresh to death
Or, she was just another Bella.

Or, maybe Bella is just another Ophelia.


Do not even compare the two.
If it wasn't 4:30am in the morning, I would write an essay on why you're wrong and I'm right and there's nothing you can do about it because I'm a twat.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I'm sorry...did you just compare Shakespeare to STEPHANIE MEYER?

b7 pl0x

I wasn't comparing Shakespeare to Stephenie Meyer... I was comparing the suicidal Ophelia to needy, Mary-Sue Bella who doesn't commit suicide in the second book just because she promised Edward that she wouldn't. :monster:
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We have come to terms

You're comparing the works of Shakespeare

with fucking


You should be ashamed of yourself.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I'm not saying anything like, "Her works are better than his" (shoot me in the foot if I ever did), or, "His works are better than hers" (which, they are). I'm just making a connection between the characters in one aspect.

Celes Chere


Leave Chi alone!


We have come to terms
^ people in glass houses shouldn't have robots that throw rocks.

And eat a hot bowl of dicks Mog, Twilight is shit. l2read so you can read it and see how awful it is, and then regret that you learned to read, or that man evolved and developed the ability to communicate through language to express thoughts and ideas, because it led to the creation of such utter garbage so foul that even a goat wouldn't eat the pages.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Do not even compare the two.
If it wasn't 4:30am in the morning, I would write an essay on why you're wrong and I'm right and there's nothing you can do about it because I'm a twat.

I can decide whether to respond to this with a serious answer or not.

Um... Leave Chi alone?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And eat a hot bowl of dicks Mog, Twilight is shit. l2read so you can read it and see how awful it is, and then regret that you learned to read, or that man evolved and developed the ability to communicate through language to express thoughts and ideas, because it led to the creation of such utter garbage so foul that even a goat wouldn't eat the pages.

No I mean, I'm not denying its bad. But...so are a lot of other things, I guess. Even worse than Twilight (Yes.). Like, I'm not defending the books themselves in any way, it's just the reaction here is rather weird. Like, someone says they like Twilight and everyone descends on them like vultures. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN TWILIGHT SKDFHDLFSAD". Like, it would be one thing if this was just a one or two time thing, but it's like a running, trademarked joke around here. Twilight was released how many years ago?

Someone tells me they like something that's shit and I just sort of shrug. So someone has bad taste in a book they like to read. So do a lot of people. Who cares? I just leave them to their business.

Yes, I am a spoilsport and no fun.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
are you really moaning about people using the internet as an outlet for shit they wouldn't do in real life?

I have yet to accost a person for liking twilight in the real world, but ffs this is the web, I am free to call someone on their terrible taste if I so choose, in whatever manner I deem fitting.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
are you really moaning about people using the internet as an outlet for shit they wouldn't do in real life?

I have yet to accost a person for liking twilight in the real world, but ffs this is the web, I am free to call someone on their terrible taste if I so choose, in whatever manner I deem fitting.
your a homo\example

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
are you really moaning about people using the internet as an outlet for shit they wouldn't do in real life?

I have yet to accost a person for liking twilight in the real world, but ffs this is the web, I am free to call someone on their terrible taste if I so choose, in whatever manner I deem fitting.

I am just saying. I actually usually rather would have kept the whole thing to myself, I don't know what possessed me to even say anything about my feelings on the matter.

By all means, carry on.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Also I like Macbeth ^___^ its like Eclipse and analyzes and studies every aspect of shakespear as much as his other works kinda compares with Dragonball evolution.


We have come to terms
I'll not take any sass from a cripple artist/rapper/whatever he decides he wants to be next that can't even close the deal.


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
All I can say is, I'm worried, we're in a lousy horror movie and there's not a single asian person in sight. I think I'm next in the hit list.
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