Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
I mean, seriously though. Who would have expected the King of Pop to die today?

I know I didn't--I mean it's the King of Pop--I swore he'd drop dead at 120. It just felt like the world became a little bit dimmer today.


Great Old One
I still view him as I used to - perverted and sick, but also a great artist, so yeah. It is a huge shock. A very huge one indeed.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
People die. I'll never understand why everyone gets so worked up over celebrities dying.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Man, what a sad day. :no:

Btw, this is Tifaeria if anybody wanted to know who I was previously! :awesome:


Great Old One
Hi Elita, cute name. :monster:

Um, besides from being surprised from Michael Jackson's death, coming back after watching Transfomers, and now studying, I'm okay. :monster:


Great Old One
How was TF2, Alise? I'm gonna see, but not til the weekend. Good? Bad? Hilariously Bad?
The action was absolutely amazing. Robots clashing at each other was pretty badass, and the fighting scenes were great to watch. The graphics were really good, overall.

The plot? No, not so much. The acting could have been done much better, the plot went a bit too fast - just to focus more on the action scenes, and it just felt very rushed. Too many robots came in this time, and we the end makes you feel like Bay left out a lot of important points in the end.

There is a TF3 coming out though, so maybe that'll answer some of the questions. I doubt all though, which are still running through my head.


We have come to terms
"Ugh, this tastes like crap!"

"What the hell did you give me!?"
Whoops...it was the other one, the ramen noodles. She keeps asking if she can have yours, and then if you give her some, she'll ask for more. It's very amusing xD

And yeah, hearing Para-Medic say stuff like "And before you even ask, it DOESN'T say anything about how it tastes!" and such is goos stuff xD The glowcap/battery one is great, and so is the one about the vampire bats.

Be sure to call them back when you EAT the glowcap and it recharges your batteries xD

Hello, all.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
I don't remember any quotes from the movie. I just remember it being made of win and greatness:awesome:


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
It was at the start when it was in black and white. But yeah awesomeness. :awesome:


We have come to terms
Looking at tony's sig makes me lust for pancakes...
Seeing you say that makes me want them. And I don't even like pancakes...the power of suggestion O.o

So what are you lot up to this evening? Besides Tony, who is also doing FA.
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