

Rookie Adventurer
too many names
Hello everyone,
I'll go by Reginald here though I have about 7777 online names.
I was directed here by Lex as a good place to post about my writing (thanks Lex).
I look forward to reading your posts and engaging in some entirely non "productive" discourse with you all.


Rookie Adventurer
too many names
I have essentially written a dissertation length article on the real-world esoteric/philosophical/political significance of Sephiroth and his character arc. There's all kinds of stuff in there about kabbalah, neo-platonism, medieval persecution of the Jews, Nietzsche, blah blah... So not exactly bed-time reading.

Although I have an academic background, its not pitched at an academic level. So, for instance, I wouldn't want to turn it into a journal article.

So, mostly I'm here to ask whether its the kind of thing people here would be interested in, and if so, what they think I should do with it (other than stick it...)

I'll make a proper post about it shortly.
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