This thread is devoted to listing all the sections of FFVII's script that is unavailable in a normal playthrough.
They may be seen either by using cheats or going as far to search the game's files. I use links and videos when I consider it appropriate.
My examples are taken from the NTSC version, but I assume that any differences in the PC version are not that major.
Expect updates to this thread. The game script is copied exactly so any weird spelling is intentional.
Most is really trivial stuff, other parts are quite interesting. Enjoy.
1) Script through cheats
a) Field script
b) Location names in menu
2) Debug Room and searching game files
3) Miscellaneous
4) Resources
1) Script through cheats
a) Field script
---Leaving 7th Heaven---
Explanation: When Tifa and Cloud are about to reminisce their promise, leaving 7th Heaven will cause an event. In the english version most of it just consists of empty dialogue boxes, except at the very end. The japanese version has text, and has been translated in the video below.
---Entering Honey Bee Inn without permission---
Explanation: Whether you own a Member Card or not, passing by the guard without permission and entering Honey Bee Inn will result in a weird scene.
Cloud is standing still at the entrance. The background turns red in tone. The ringing sound effect and then the "Cloud's ghost" sound effect is played, like those in the "The &$#% Room".
Cloud looks around confused, turns 180 degrees, looks around, then stand stills. One of the Bee-dressed females approach him.
"Choose the BEST 'flavor' from the
4 rooms."
"But you can only choose
from an unoccupied room."
The bee walks back to the centre.
This scene only happens once and can be triggered from any door. If you stand in the upper part of the area, you will see the ghost of Cloud running from the position outside of the dressing room, with Buster sword in hand. The ghost then stops above the centre of the room, lifts his arms to his head, shakes and then disappears.
Aside from all this, the script and events from here on are the same as always.
---Yuffie in awe---
Explanation: When seeing the impaled giant snake on your way to Mythril Mine your party members can express their feelings about this sight. Yuffie does not have any lines earlier in the story, nor in the Mythril Mine, yet she has a line here!
"Geeeeez, Louise!"
---Second Shinra grunt at the Nibelheim bridge---
Explanation: When Tifa is leading the party to the Nibel Reactor, at one point both Shinra grunts are visible on the screen but only one can be spoken with because the other is in your way.
Explanation: By entering the building to the left that is on fire, Zangan will comment your presence. Even if Zangan hasn't run into the building yet, this line can be triggered. Usually the camera man, man in white, is in the way for this to happen.
---Cargo ship, dead commander---
Explanation: Approaching this commander below the deck will usually trigger the event that leads to the Jenova battle. If this event is not triggered you can talk to the commander. The dead sure are talkative.
---Ride the Shinra yacht? No.---
Explanation: In the Costa del Sol harbor, a sailor can be seen tending a small yacht. The game has made him unreachable, but that's nothing a few cheats can't solve! (He seems to be there throughout the whole game)
"Ride the Shinra ship?
1> Yeah, I could go for that
2> Don't think I could steer it
" that so?"
Actually, we do have an old junker
we're gonna get rid of,
And I was thinking about
going into the tourist business."
"But it's probably tougher than it looks
I better think this through a little more......"
It's too much for an amateur!"
---Aeris likes the jealous Cloud---
Explanation: This is one of those cases where Affection Points have an effect on the game. Just like it affects whom Cloud dates on disc 1 or how it affects the dialogue between Cloud and Tifa at the end of disc 2.
This scenario requires you to have more than 120 Affection Points for Aeris when you enter Gongaga, however this is IMPOSSIBLE to get without using cheats.
When you visit Zack's parents and Aeris walks out you can talk to Aeris and get two dialogue options.
Choosing "(...jealous...envious...)" with more than 120 AP (255 is the maximum) leads to this:
"Are you...jealous?
Hmm? Hmmm?
Are you, Cloud?"
*Cloud turns away*
"I'm kidding. I'm sorry."
*Aeris nods*
"I was hoping maybe you were..."
The underlined part is the addition, I just wanted to show it in relation to the normal answer.
---Cid in Nibelheim---
Explanation: When the party first enters Nibelheim they question Cloud's story about the village having been burnt down. At this point neither Vincent nor Cid can be in your party naturally; the game has assigned dialogue to Cid, but interestingly none to Vincent.
Scenario 1: Without Tifa in party, Cid speaks first.
"Didn't you say that your hometown
burned down?"
Scenario 2: Without Tifa in party, Cid does not speak first.
"Yo, Cloud.
It's not nice to lie."
Scenario 3: With Tifa in party.
"Hey, that's different from
the one I heard!"
---Aeris is sick of this---
Explanation: Reviving Aeris through cheats (the ONLY way to do so) will give her dialogue in the Great Glacier. See video and article.
---Tifa in North Corel Huge Materia mission---
Explanation: Tifa has two dialogue boxes for this mission; which she does not belong to according to the story. The underlined text is the hidden part.
Scenario 1: Not catching up to the train.
*Cid walks into North Corel*
I never shoulda gave that Huge Materia
to the Shinra so easily..."
"I wonder what Shinra wants to do
with all that Huge Materia?"
Scenario 2: Train crashes into North Corel.
*The party observes the devastation*
"^$#@%$ !
We couldn't stop the train..."
"We have to do something about Shinra!
I sick of hearin'
about sad things like this!"
Things get MUCH worse/better with the Fort Condor mission...
---Cloud, Tifa and Aeris in the Fort Condor Huge Materia mission---
Explanation: Contrary to the story, the aforementioned characters have lines during this mission. See livejournal link for this part of the script. (I highly recommend reading the last scenario.)
---What is a clone?---
Explanation: It explains the true meaning of being a 'Sephiroth clone'. Too bad it is never naturally triggered.
BrutalAl triggered it by using a code that automatically sends you to any field in the game; this field of the Highwind deck is obviously different from the normal one you visit.
---How do we save the planet?---
Explanation: When Cid has held his convincing monologue that indeed they can save the planet, but stating he does not know how, usually the next scene is triggered by Nanaki without you doing anything.
Avoiding this scene allows you to see hidden character lines. This suggests that at an earlier stage in development the next scene was to be voluntarily triggered. Yuffie does not have any lines and Vincent was not given a new one.
"Damn, it kinda makes me sad..."
"Cloud......what should I do...
I've got to think."
We have to think about what to do."
Cait Sith
"...that ain't ta say I don't reckon what
the President's thinkin'."
"But, I can't shake th' feelin' he's
rushin' things a bit......"
"I TOLD you I was thinkin' about it!"
b) Location names in menu
Explanation: When you enter the menu on any field you usually see a given name for that location. However sometimes the game doesn't allow you to enter the menu; here I list those elusive 'location names'.
In some areas of the game the location bar is blank; I do not list these.
* Aeris"How cute!!" *
Location: Screen with the two baby birds on the way to/from North Corel.
* Inside the Ferris Wheel *
Location: Inside of the Gondola ride in Gold Saucer.
* Waiting Room *
Location: Where the Chocobo Jockeys wait for the next race (location of Ramuh).
* Cet Wall *
Location: Where the paralyzed remains of Nanaki's father resides. "Cet" could be a messed up attempt at romanizing "Seto", which would make this "Seto's wall" basically.
* Inn *
Location: During the scene with Zack's parents. After the scene it changes to * Zack's Home *.
* akao! , # Ƌ28Bdw! C *
Location: Screen where Tifa and Cloud are shown to be submerged in the lifestream.
* "A promise under a star *
Location: On and off when Tifa helps explore Cloud's consciousness in the lifestream.
2) Debug Room and searching game files
---Unused text---
In the following site, , you can find translations of text that was left in the game's files but never used. Parts of it can be triggered in debug rooms, and there are some other interesting videos in there as well.
The highly recommended read is the part with scrapped Honey Bee Inn/Manor dialogue.
Standing ovations to the translator; GlitterBerri.![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
---The scrapped sidequest---
Many have heard of the Key Items "Letter to a Wife" and "Letter to a Daughter". Involved in this was supposed to be a traveling salesman in Gongaga, parts of whose dialogue exists in the game's files although no such event can be triggered in the game itself. (scroll down to see his script in the linked article)
3) Miscellaneous
---Fort Condor Japanese script---
A strange glitch can occur when you are given the option to initiate or postpone a Fort Condor battle. Sometimes instead of English text, the game shows a short snippet of katakana characters. The symbol apparently means "dami" and is really nothing but nonsense.
I am yet to see this glitch on any other version than the PAL one.
---Yuffie giving MP Absorb materia...or not---
This line isn't so much impossible as it is VERY difficult to get. If your materia list is full when Yuffie is about to give you the MP Absorb materia, she changes her mind and the materia from then exists on her bed to get later on. The only way to get this naturally is to grind any materia that Yuffie didn't steal from you, until your materia list is maxed out.
Interesting to note is that if you can't take on new materia, neither in your equipment or inventory, then the stolen materia Yuffie gives back to you will simply be discarded and lost forever.
4) Resources
Programs 7mimic and Meteor. (May provide links to these later on)
Cheat codes provided by BrutalAl. Many discoveries would not have been made without these cheats.
Terence Ferguson's Date Mechanics guide.
They may be seen either by using cheats or going as far to search the game's files. I use links and videos when I consider it appropriate.
My examples are taken from the NTSC version, but I assume that any differences in the PC version are not that major.
Expect updates to this thread. The game script is copied exactly so any weird spelling is intentional.
Most is really trivial stuff, other parts are quite interesting. Enjoy.
1) Script through cheats
a) Field script
b) Location names in menu
2) Debug Room and searching game files
3) Miscellaneous
4) Resources
1) Script through cheats
a) Field script
---Leaving 7th Heaven---
Explanation: When Tifa and Cloud are about to reminisce their promise, leaving 7th Heaven will cause an event. In the english version most of it just consists of empty dialogue boxes, except at the very end. The japanese version has text, and has been translated in the video below.
---Entering Honey Bee Inn without permission---
Explanation: Whether you own a Member Card or not, passing by the guard without permission and entering Honey Bee Inn will result in a weird scene.
Cloud is standing still at the entrance. The background turns red in tone. The ringing sound effect and then the "Cloud's ghost" sound effect is played, like those in the "The &$#% Room".
Cloud looks around confused, turns 180 degrees, looks around, then stand stills. One of the Bee-dressed females approach him.
"Choose the BEST 'flavor' from the
4 rooms."
"But you can only choose
from an unoccupied room."
The bee walks back to the centre.
This scene only happens once and can be triggered from any door. If you stand in the upper part of the area, you will see the ghost of Cloud running from the position outside of the dressing room, with Buster sword in hand. The ghost then stops above the centre of the room, lifts his arms to his head, shakes and then disappears.
Aside from all this, the script and events from here on are the same as always.
---Yuffie in awe---
Explanation: When seeing the impaled giant snake on your way to Mythril Mine your party members can express their feelings about this sight. Yuffie does not have any lines earlier in the story, nor in the Mythril Mine, yet she has a line here!
"Geeeeez, Louise!"
---Second Shinra grunt at the Nibelheim bridge---
Explanation: When Tifa is leading the party to the Nibel Reactor, at one point both Shinra grunts are visible on the screen but only one can be spoken with because the other is in your way.
Explanation: By entering the building to the left that is on fire, Zangan will comment your presence. Even if Zangan hasn't run into the building yet, this line can be triggered. Usually the camera man, man in white, is in the way for this to happen.
---Cargo ship, dead commander---
Explanation: Approaching this commander below the deck will usually trigger the event that leads to the Jenova battle. If this event is not triggered you can talk to the commander. The dead sure are talkative.
---Ride the Shinra yacht? No.---
Explanation: In the Costa del Sol harbor, a sailor can be seen tending a small yacht. The game has made him unreachable, but that's nothing a few cheats can't solve! (He seems to be there throughout the whole game)
"Ride the Shinra ship?
1> Yeah, I could go for that
2> Don't think I could steer it
" that so?"
Actually, we do have an old junker
we're gonna get rid of,
And I was thinking about
going into the tourist business."
"But it's probably tougher than it looks
I better think this through a little more......"
It's too much for an amateur!"
---Aeris likes the jealous Cloud---
Explanation: This is one of those cases where Affection Points have an effect on the game. Just like it affects whom Cloud dates on disc 1 or how it affects the dialogue between Cloud and Tifa at the end of disc 2.
This scenario requires you to have more than 120 Affection Points for Aeris when you enter Gongaga, however this is IMPOSSIBLE to get without using cheats.
When you visit Zack's parents and Aeris walks out you can talk to Aeris and get two dialogue options.
Choosing "(...jealous...envious...)" with more than 120 AP (255 is the maximum) leads to this:
"Are you...jealous?
Hmm? Hmmm?
Are you, Cloud?"
*Cloud turns away*
"I'm kidding. I'm sorry."
*Aeris nods*
"I was hoping maybe you were..."
The underlined part is the addition, I just wanted to show it in relation to the normal answer.
---Cid in Nibelheim---
Explanation: When the party first enters Nibelheim they question Cloud's story about the village having been burnt down. At this point neither Vincent nor Cid can be in your party naturally; the game has assigned dialogue to Cid, but interestingly none to Vincent.
Scenario 1: Without Tifa in party, Cid speaks first.
"Didn't you say that your hometown
burned down?"
Scenario 2: Without Tifa in party, Cid does not speak first.
"Yo, Cloud.
It's not nice to lie."
Scenario 3: With Tifa in party.
"Hey, that's different from
the one I heard!"
---Aeris is sick of this---
Explanation: Reviving Aeris through cheats (the ONLY way to do so) will give her dialogue in the Great Glacier. See video and article.
---Tifa in North Corel Huge Materia mission---
Explanation: Tifa has two dialogue boxes for this mission; which she does not belong to according to the story. The underlined text is the hidden part.
Scenario 1: Not catching up to the train.
*Cid walks into North Corel*
I never shoulda gave that Huge Materia
to the Shinra so easily..."
"I wonder what Shinra wants to do
with all that Huge Materia?"
Scenario 2: Train crashes into North Corel.
*The party observes the devastation*
"^$#@%$ !
We couldn't stop the train..."
"We have to do something about Shinra!
I sick of hearin'
about sad things like this!"
Things get MUCH worse/better with the Fort Condor mission...
---Cloud, Tifa and Aeris in the Fort Condor Huge Materia mission---
Explanation: Contrary to the story, the aforementioned characters have lines during this mission. See livejournal link for this part of the script. (I highly recommend reading the last scenario.)
---What is a clone?---
Explanation: It explains the true meaning of being a 'Sephiroth clone'. Too bad it is never naturally triggered.
BrutalAl triggered it by using a code that automatically sends you to any field in the game; this field of the Highwind deck is obviously different from the normal one you visit.
---How do we save the planet?---
Explanation: When Cid has held his convincing monologue that indeed they can save the planet, but stating he does not know how, usually the next scene is triggered by Nanaki without you doing anything.
Avoiding this scene allows you to see hidden character lines. This suggests that at an earlier stage in development the next scene was to be voluntarily triggered. Yuffie does not have any lines and Vincent was not given a new one.
"Damn, it kinda makes me sad..."
"Cloud......what should I do...
I've got to think."
We have to think about what to do."
Cait Sith
"...that ain't ta say I don't reckon what
the President's thinkin'."
"But, I can't shake th' feelin' he's
rushin' things a bit......"
"I TOLD you I was thinkin' about it!"
b) Location names in menu
Explanation: When you enter the menu on any field you usually see a given name for that location. However sometimes the game doesn't allow you to enter the menu; here I list those elusive 'location names'.
In some areas of the game the location bar is blank; I do not list these.
* Aeris"How cute!!" *
Location: Screen with the two baby birds on the way to/from North Corel.
* Inside the Ferris Wheel *
Location: Inside of the Gondola ride in Gold Saucer.
* Waiting Room *
Location: Where the Chocobo Jockeys wait for the next race (location of Ramuh).
* Cet Wall *
Location: Where the paralyzed remains of Nanaki's father resides. "Cet" could be a messed up attempt at romanizing "Seto", which would make this "Seto's wall" basically.
* Inn *
Location: During the scene with Zack's parents. After the scene it changes to * Zack's Home *.
* akao! , # Ƌ28Bdw! C *
Location: Screen where Tifa and Cloud are shown to be submerged in the lifestream.
* "A promise under a star *
Location: On and off when Tifa helps explore Cloud's consciousness in the lifestream.
2) Debug Room and searching game files
---Unused text---
In the following site, , you can find translations of text that was left in the game's files but never used. Parts of it can be triggered in debug rooms, and there are some other interesting videos in there as well.
The highly recommended read is the part with scrapped Honey Bee Inn/Manor dialogue.
Standing ovations to the translator; GlitterBerri.
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
---The scrapped sidequest---
Many have heard of the Key Items "Letter to a Wife" and "Letter to a Daughter". Involved in this was supposed to be a traveling salesman in Gongaga, parts of whose dialogue exists in the game's files although no such event can be triggered in the game itself. (scroll down to see his script in the linked article)
3) Miscellaneous
---Fort Condor Japanese script---
A strange glitch can occur when you are given the option to initiate or postpone a Fort Condor battle. Sometimes instead of English text, the game shows a short snippet of katakana characters. The symbol apparently means "dami" and is really nothing but nonsense.
I am yet to see this glitch on any other version than the PAL one.
---Yuffie giving MP Absorb materia...or not---
This line isn't so much impossible as it is VERY difficult to get. If your materia list is full when Yuffie is about to give you the MP Absorb materia, she changes her mind and the materia from then exists on her bed to get later on. The only way to get this naturally is to grind any materia that Yuffie didn't steal from you, until your materia list is maxed out.
Interesting to note is that if you can't take on new materia, neither in your equipment or inventory, then the stolen materia Yuffie gives back to you will simply be discarded and lost forever.
4) Resources
Programs 7mimic and Meteor. (May provide links to these later on)
Cheat codes provided by BrutalAl. Many discoveries would not have been made without these cheats.
Terence Ferguson's Date Mechanics guide.
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