Holy shit! It's someone's birthday!

Ghost X

Someone's birthday, you say? This calls for a birthday thread to be made and for people to post their birthday wishes in order to maybe fill a page or 4. I suggest someone gets to the task this instant. Make sure you mention the person's name (Alex Strife, in this instant) to personalise it, and then your birthday message.



I have absolutely no clue what this says, and I suspect one of those candles has uranium in its make-up.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Happy Birthday Alex, hope its a good'n :monster:


Chloe Frazer
Feliz Cumpleaños Alex! Disfruta tu día amigo y recuerda que todavía me debes hablar en Catalán. :monster:

Alex Strife

Thank you gaiz! You all rock :D

Ghost, those candles are slightly scary... The picture is basically wishing that my birthay brings songs, caek, many people and happiness. I don't know how I feel about songs, but I definitely have most of the nice people here, and I love caek. So yes, I approve.

Merry Christmas to you too, Flint :D

Not bad, Fangu, not bad! I admit I'm the type to take pictures for work and focus solely on the cars, general ambiance, as I feel slightly uncomfortable at taking pictures of the girls and their assets. Even if it's their job, I guess (more debate about whether it's morally right could follow but oh wells). But oh well, if it's nice to look at, I won't complain. Not today at least :P

¡¡No me olvido!! Ahora tengo menos tiempo para estar en Skype, pero cuando vuelva a tener más tiempo en verano, lo tengo siempre en cuenta. :)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Happy Birthday!!! :D

I'm gonna try this in Spanish:

Bueno Compleanos!!! :D

Using Google, am I right?


Here's the right way (Spanishdict.com):

feliz cumpleaños

(Points for being close!!! :D)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Happy birthday, Alex. Hope you have a good one. ^_^


Happy birthday, couldn't decide on hotties or racing cars, so I found a pic of a hottie racing cars.

Licorice said:
Look at Alex, racing through life! There's no chance you'll overtake me on the bend, though!
Happy Birthday, Alex. Enjoy your day.

This is so adorable.

Alex Strife

Second round of thanking you all! :)

Points to Ari for being quite close. I can forgive the spelling after all! It's such a strange language, isn't it?

I forgot to mention it before, but yes! Licorice, that was an ace birthday message :D

And hottie racing cars is fine, too. Makes me a little jealous, though!

I'll let you all know I decided to be greedy. I don't want a good birthday day. I want a good year. And next year I'll re-negotiate that. Yay?
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