Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
Naw, Chocobos just grow up like Pokemon in FFVII's world. Problem solved. 

I think you're putting too much thought into it. Just because the graphics are realistic now doesn't mean every game mechanic has to be. Don't forget you're playing as a twink with a 500 pound sword. I'd personally rather avoid a sonic adventure Chao situation where it really does take dozens and dozens of hours to get a really good one.EDIT: One thing I did not consider while first writing this post is how Remake will deal with the passage of time in terms of raising newborn Chocobos. It must take a considerable time for a newborn Chocobo to grow enough to be ready for riding, so the game may feel obligated to remove the breeding mechanic altogether because the months and years required would break immersion.
The nature of the sidequest could be changed substantially with this in mind. Will we have to transform a single Chocobo on the path to a Gold Chocobo, similar to how our Chocobo in FFIX evolved? Will there be a single breeding instance in Part 2 that leads to a Gold Chocobo, only it won't be old enough for riding until Part 4? Man this is a can of game mechanic vs immersion worms.
"We're bringing you the ultimate role-playing experience: raising chocobos in real time! Please be excited!"it would be a little unreasonable to ask the player to start the process when it could be a decade before they see the results.
Something that would be fun to see for Part 2 would be a folding chair as a joke weapon for Aerith, with materia slots and a special included ability to bash enemies over the head with it.
Something that would be fun to see for Part 2 would be a folding chair as a joke weapon for Aerith, with materia slots and a special included ability to bash enemies over the head with it.
Ying-Yang in the Shinra Manor basement could be a sub-boss there, maybe guarding the way to where Vincent's sleeping. And the Snow in the cave on the Great Glacier. She was already a set encounter in the OG, so I could easily see the remake expanding her to full miniboss status. Oh, and as far as full bosses, I imagine Demon Wall in the Temple of the Ancients is going to be insane.
(Getting Vincent is now 2 mandatory chapters lol)