Once Chocobo breeding becomes a thing, whether it be in Part 2, 3 or 4, we will not be allowed to mate close relatives.
The sidequest towards getting the Gold Chocobo will be changed so it's less tedious than the original game, even with the banning of unethical mating practices. One way might be to find rival Chocobo racers whose Chocobos can be matched up with yours for mating, thus linking Chocobo mating- and racing in a different way from the OG.
EDIT: One thing I did not consider while first writing this post is how Remake will deal with the passage of time in terms of raising newborn Chocobos. It must take a considerable time for a newborn Chocobo to grow enough to be ready for riding, so the game may feel obligated to remove the breeding mechanic altogether because the months and years required would break immersion.
The nature of the sidequest could be changed substantially with this in mind. Will we have to transform a single Chocobo on the path to a Gold Chocobo, similar to how our Chocobo in FFIX evolved? Will there be a single breeding instance in Part 2 that leads to a Gold Chocobo, only it won't be old enough for riding until Part 4? Man this is a can of
game mechanic vs immersion worms.