Lv. 1 Adventurer
- NonchalantXstev
There will be some things from the Compilation used for the story in FFVIIR like Wutai to help develop the backstory for AVALANCHE.
I really don’t understand the anxiety around Genesis anytime inclusion of the Compilation is mentioned. Regardless of one’s feelings on the character, the Compilation itself set it up so that Genesis isn’t supposed to appear directly during the main game timeline since he’s in self-imposed hibernation. At most there could be small references to him, like documents or news clippings regarding the history of SOLDIER.
↑ This. Perhaps Genesis is not much of a loved/liked character, but he's a part of the Compilation, like it or not -yep, as same as Cait Sith, dudes and dudettes! And yes, his presence -may or not may- be strictly necessary for the story development, but he's there and plays his role, and can be referred to in the Remake, not affecting the outcome at all. Will they even refer to Angeal? Could be, why not? He's a part of the Lore as well, and as Crisis Core is canon, references to them could be used.I really don’t understand the anxiety around Genesis anytime inclusion of the Compilation is mentioned. Regardless of one’s feelings on the character, the Compilation itself set it up so that Genesis isn’t supposed to appear directly during the main game timeline since he’s in self-imposed hibernation. At most there could be small references to him, like documents or news clippings regarding the history of SOLDIER.
Yeah, but even if the FFVII Remake doesn’t even indirectly reference Genesis, that doesn’t mean Genesis has been removed from the canon entirely, as the entire point of the way the Compilation used Genesis is that his absence in the OG is can be explained away easily. Even with the Nibelheim flashback Genesis not appearing can be explained as Cloud not “remembering” the entirety of the reactor scene, as Genesis only appeared after the entirety of the OG dialogue had been said.I understand, but I think what some people want is for him to not ever have existed at all, even in hibernation, and this is a chance to remove him from FFVII's canon entirely. Sephiroth could have lost his mind without any help from Genesis, just as the original game showed us.
Your last couple statements is all I hope for as wellI think the problem is that Genesis and everything that concerned him was very jarring in a way that seemed to clash with the original without adding much of substance in return – case in point, the new version of the Nibelheim incident, which was at the very core of the original game and for that reason alone should not have been tampered with.
Of course, this is not limited to poor Genesis, and perhaps he’s not even the worst thing they came up with after the original game. It’s just that he was a very loud, very flashy representation of what rubbed many people the wrong way with the Compilation. So when people say they don’t want Genesis anywhere near the remake, I don't think it's even about the character per se at this point. I think they just hope that everything they rewrite or add will actually complement and enhance the original material, something the Compilation failed to do more often than not.
Personally, I don't care if the changes they implement have any relation with the Compilation or not. I just hope that the way they go about implementing them makes sense thematically and tonally.
I've said the same thing about Crisis Core. Even if they are only shown as minor references, I don't see why that would take away from the gameI really don’t understand the anxiety around Genesis anytime inclusion of the Compilation is mentioned. Regardless of one’s feelings on the character, the Compilation itself set it up so that Genesis isn’t supposed to appear directly during the main game timeline since he’s in self-imposed hibernation. At most there could be small references to him, like documents or news clippings regarding the history of SOLDIER.
Perhaps it’s not that he’s a symbol of Compilation material that is likely to be incorporated in the Remake, so much as that he’s a symbol of unnecessary retcons that cast shadows over pre-existing moments from the original game, and possibly over the Remake as well, even when he doesn’t “officially” appear in them.
That said, I honestly don’t care about him all that much and I’m not opposed to Easter eggs, even about things I didn’t enjoy. I’m more interested in how they could rework a few other things from the Compilation into the Remake, though. I do think the Compilation had some good ideas, they just weren’t written very coherently most of the time.
Speaking of Easter eggs, ever since the game was announced to be split in parts, I’ve been wondering about if and how they could include little nods to the rest of the gang. There’s probably not much of a chance they’ll actually appear, after seeing the amount of care and detail they seem to have put in the new designs and in nailing that first impression… But for most of them even a small reference could work?
I’m pretty sure Red will be in Part 1 in some capacity. I also think we’ll see more of Reeve, and possibly we’ll catch a glimpse of Cait Sith as well, since that was already the case in the OG anyway – maybe we could even meet him somehow, so that when Cloud meets him again him joining the group makes more sense. Cait Sith is a staple FF mascot by now, after all.
The other three are a bit trickier. Vincent is probably the easiest, it wouldn’t be that far fetched to skim through Hojo’s computer and find classified files about this former nameless Turk who was assigned to the Jenova project. Yuffie, I’m not sure… If they’re going to expand Wutai and throw in some more or less fabricated link with the AVALANCHE, maybe there could be some news about the daughter of Wutai’s leader having gone mysteriously missing around the time the bombings started. That could even add another layer to her reasoning for joining Cloud and the others. Or maybe we’ll just hear people talking about this idiot bandit in the wilderness just outside Midgar, I wouldn’t complain.
About Cid, I wouldn’t mind if we actually saw the guy? I mean, it’s not Final Fantasy without a CidMaybe he could be in Shinra HQ to try to make his case about the rocket for the last time before deciding he’s done with them (until the President dies and he tries again with Rufus I guess). I would love to see him wearing an ugly suit
I really hope that we get to see Reeve Tuesti more in the remake. Maybe unpopular opinion but out of all the main characters I think cait sith's/reeve's story needs "rebooting" the most.