I disputed the idea that how Cloud was written in KH had anything to with how he'd be written anywhere else, and now people are saying that argument was never made in the first place when this:
Force said:
Also, though I think KH's presentation is a lousy Cloud too, even KHII had that scene where he was being cocky (and subtly ripping on Squall at the same time), which also could potentially bode well.
Force said:
Given the reason he was depicted as he was in KH (popular interpretations of the character), it's not silly. And it's not an unreasonable expectation either, given that Dissidia -- which features the "616 Cloud" and came after KHII -- took him in much the same direction, albeit with more character exploration.
I said:
This right here implies that the way he was written in KH could have some bearing on future iterations of Cloud in the compilation.
This right here implies that the way he was written in KH could have some bearing on future iterations of Cloud in the compilation.
I went on the mopey tangent because that's who Cloud was in KHII. He was NOTHING like the original Cloud. Making one offhand snide remark in response to Cloud amidst a see of dumb mopey wannabe stoic lone wolf shit does not make him like the real Cloud, past that shit in AC which was an isolated incident.
But hey, if people want to pretend I'm going on about nothing then ok.