How would YOU do it?


Rookie Adventurer
A "time shifter"-like item (a la Chrono Cross New Game+) would be nice. In fact, it should be standard in all RPG (New Game+s). I may be a tad on the impatient side :wacky:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Time Witch. ZAP ZAP


Pro Adventurer
Time Witch. ZAP ZAP

Makes enough sense for me I guess...:loopy:

If I were to be in charge of remaking FF7, the most important thing to keep in mind is the humour. I actually like AC (ACC is better, I really like that) but if they try to make everything in a remake badass I`ll be disappointed. The sense of humour was what made the dramatic moments work.

That could be shortened to one phrase: CROSS-DRESSING, kthnxbai


AI Researcher
International version of FFXII had a feature like that, you held down L1 or something and the regular gameplay was sped up.

So I agree, they can carry that on to future games. Frankly, all RPGs should have that option :monster:


ACF Refugee
If I was the english voice director I'd have a VISION. God, the thing I hate about the last few games, is that the voices just didn't damn match up with anything. The best comp title voice-wise has been DoC. Now THATS saying something. Also, voices have changed, in general. Tifa sounds a LOT different in each entry in the compilation. You could tell in ACC, which scenes were new or not, whether you've seen the original or not, because all of the voices sound different.


Fiat Lux
International version of FFXII had a feature like that, you held down L1 or something and the regular gameplay was sped up.

So I agree, they can carry that on to future games. Frankly, all RPGs should have that option :monster:

The only downside to that, of course, is the amount of Benny Hill gags associated with each game.


he are sick
Pretty much on the same lines as most people. The core game play would remain the same. Full 3D graphics, updated music etc. Dunno how the over world should be tackled. Although we all love the original world map. I'd rather see somethng of a hybrid betweent he Chibi style and a huge FFXII style state of play. Still with random battles etc.

More locations, either from the compilation and new. Un plot related obviously, but just something to give it a refreshing feel rather than a out right remake.

Chocobo Racing a bigger and more interactive part of the game proberbly. I'd leave the snow boarding in, obviously updated graphics, but not to AC standard. I'd make it an inbetween the original and AC style so it fits in.

More customisable weaponary rather than just materia, either by using materia fusion or allowing the weapon to keep learn the skills from materia if equiped for long enough. So you could make say a Buster Sword with a fire elemental attack base. Meaning you may have to level up weapons from fresh to get through the ALL NEW ULTIMATE DUNGEONS.

Yes I want MEGA HARD dungeons, with crappy prizes at the end that serve no purpose. Just proof you beat the dungeon.

Chocobo mini game simlar to FFIX. I loved that mini game, I think it was one of the best mini games put into a game. It was huge, I'd love something like that. So you can get better equipment or materia. Also allows for the discovering of new locations


ACF Refugee
obviously updated graphics, but not to AC standard. I'd make it an inbetween the original and AC style so it fits in.

No way Jose! It'd have to be AC style, because first of all, ALL of the compilation titles are in the same art style, and the compilation is now canon. Plus I don't see the point of having it all cartoony, almost all of Square's games within the past 5-10 years have had realistic looking graphics. VII, X, XII, XIII, Last Remnant etc. Plus the E3 Tech Demo had it in the same style as AC. Hope I didn't go overboard :P


Pro Adventurer
No way Jose! It'd have to be AC style, because first of all, ALL of the compilation titles are in the same art style, and the compilation is now canon. Plus I don't see the point of having it all cartoony, almost all of Square's games within the past 5-10 years have had realistic looking graphics. VII, X, XII, XIII, Last Remnant etc. Plus the E3 Tech Demo had it in the same style as AC. Hope I didn't go overboard :P

I agree with this. Hell, I think Cloud should have his AC hair rather than a redone version of his original...

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
No way Jose! It'd have to be AC style, because first of all, ALL of the compilation titles are in the same art style, and the compilation is now canon. Plus I don't see the point of having it all cartoony, almost all of Square's games within the past 5-10 years have had realistic looking graphics. VII, X, XII, XIII, Last Remnant etc. Plus the E3 Tech Demo had it in the same style as AC. Hope I didn't go overboard :P

No they aren't. And it wouldn't have to be anything.


ACF Refugee
Not 100%, but if you take into consideration the fully rendered high res cutscenes, they're all the same. If you think logically, then you must realize that the remakes gonna keep the same art style.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Not 100%, but if you take into consideration the fully rendered high res cutscenes, they're all the same. If you think logically, then you must realize that the remakes gonna keep the same art style.

Just like before crisis had the same art style?

They have no obligation to stick to the same art style, just like they switched it up with the original, and how DoC had a more stylized art style than AC did.


ACF Refugee
Oh please, a reasonable amount of Before Crisis can't even be considered Canon due to time descrepencies. Plus it's for a phone. They had to change it up. And Once again I said not 100%, Crisis Core and Dirge only varied slightly from what was established in Advent Children.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Oh please, a reasonable amount of Before Crisis can't even be considered Canon due to time descrepencies. Plus it's for a phone. They had to change it up. And Once again I said not 100%, Crisis Core and Dirge only varied slightly from what was established in Advent Children.

Before Crisis is canon. It doesn't matter if it's a phone or not.

And look at Vincent in AC then look at him in DoC. He's clearly more with sharper features.

There is no reason at all that they should stick to any one established style.

If anything they might try a hybrid art style, melding realism with stylized art, as sort of a homage to FF7, leaning more toward style.

Saying that they have to stick with anything is silly, because it's their property and they're free to explore it as they see fit without raping the source material in its entirety.


ACF Refugee
I said certain events, like sloppily overlapped timelines, plus none of the Turks even had any damn names. It does matter if it's for a phone because a phone is obviously not capable of the graphics seen in CC, DOC, or AC. They changed Art Styles out of necessity.

I said that they're not 100%, but DoC's roots are obviously in AC's art style. Plus, all members of AVALANCHE except Vincent look exactly the same as they did in AC.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
They're rendered the same. DoC clearly is more stylized.

It doesn't matter, they don't have to stick to any one thing. They have enough creative feeling to stretch things how they want, and seeing as how game consoles aren't even remotely capable of what we see in AC, they'll probably explore their creative freedom even more and lean towards are more artistic and clean style over the pseudo realism of ac.

There is nothing anywhere obligating them to stick to that style, at all.


ACF Refugee
aren't even remotely capable of what we see in AC

Are you aware of FFXIII? That was built on an engine from a few YEARS ago, and it's still better than nearly ANYTHING else out in the market today. I bet an FFVII remake could do even top that, and come pretty damn close, if not just as good.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Are you aware of FFXIII? That was built on an engine from a few YEARS ago, and it's still better than nearly ANYTHING else out in the market today

No, it isn't. There are several games out on the market that look as good if not better than that game. Several that are going to be released this holiday as well. FFXIII's only outstanding feature is its art direction.

I bet an FFVII remake could do even top that, and come pretty damn close, if not just as good.

You would lose that bet.


ACF Refugee
I said nearly anything my friend, and yeah I was kinda overstating about the bet. When I said top I meant to top XIII, not AC, and/or come pretty damn close to AC. My bad, it's 2 o freaking clock. But whatever.
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