Hypothetical Scenarios


The Wanderer of Time
Only one thing to do if you can't take it seriously Drake. Laugh, clown, laugh! :awesome:



Harbinger O Great Justice
Also, @X-SOLDIER: Your last post makes me realize this thread is like fertilizer for "what-if?" fanfic. Any ideas I present, if they give you ideas for a fic, use 'em! You don't need my permission. Unless you end up writing a shitty fic. Then I kill you with fire for screwing with my hypothetical thinking!

If only someone actually released interesting, official "What If" titles for Final Fantasies in the form of games/comics/etc... It'd be a theorycrafter's dream job.

Since I have no internet access at home right now, (just moved, and they haven't transferred service yet), I may lock myself in a room, and do some writing if I get bored.

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
If only someone actually released interesting, official "What If" titles for Final Fantasies in the form of games/comics/etc... It'd be a theorycrafter's dream job.

Since I have no internet access at home right now, (just moved, and they haven't transferred service yet), I may lock myself in a room, and do some writing if I get bored.

X :neo:

Don't forget to show us what you write! BTW, do you fave a fanfiction.net account?

wubba bubba

master map folder
i think he would have lost his marbles at a later date. for example of something that could happen, he goes into hojo's lab for some reason and finds copies of the documents that were in Nibelheim. though the world will never know i guess.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I think Sephiroth would have left Shinra. Even if learning his origins didn't turn him into a fruit-cake, he would still be pissed about to tell Shinra to go fuck itself. Zack may or may not join him.

Shinra would of course want to catch Sephiroth or take him down. They couldn't deploy SOLDIER to that end, as most SOLDIERs alive at that point were familiar with Sephiroth by more than simply reputation. Regular army would not be enough. So DG would come out, and Nero would probably kill Sephiroth.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Don't forget to show us what you write! BTW, do you fave a fanfiction.net account?

I don't, but I signed up, TLS-X-SOLDIER (other names're already taken :\ ). I've drafted a couple ideas out, and I'm piecing them together in my spare time at work. :P

Here's an extreme one for ya - What if everyone (Biggs, Wedge, Jesse, Cloud, & Barret) didn't escape the first reactor in time? What else happens with them not taking a part?

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't, but I signed up, TLS-X-SOLDIER (other names're already taken :\ ). I've drafted a couple ideas out, and I'm piecing them together in my spare time at work. :P

Here's an extreme one for ya - What if everyone (Biggs, Wedge, Jesse, Cloud, & Barret) didn't escape the first reactor in time? What else happens with them not taking a part?

X :neo:

Sephiroth would make the world go boom.

wubba bubba

master map folder
i mainly asked this to see if we could come up with a weird/random doomsday device. thats the only reason for that question.

wubba bubba

master map folder
course with that said, that makes me wonder a little... what makes him gassy? dont ask me why im asking its just a weird thought.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ok, lets start going a bit further into the hypothetical. What if somehow, Kefka got brought into the FFVII world in Sephiroth's place in ACC. In terms of strength, lets say just before he became god.

wubba bubba

master map folder
well, if i were Cloud, i would think that i lost my mind. or maybe Sephiroth lost his even more then before though he would most likely use his sword still if that were the case. Kefka would most likely throw cloud off gaurd, and Kefka would kill him with light of judgement or something then kill everyone else and take over the world.
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