Lv. 25 Adventurer
I don't normally become a part of a community just to be a part of a community, so normally I wouldn't even do this. But Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game of all time so it should be easy enough. I'm hoping to do something special for the fan community, if I am so able. In a way, introducing myself here is a way to kick myself into gear. I write fiction, I like stories, and creativity. I'm a screenwriter at heart. If you guys post fan fiction, I guess that's mostly why I'm here. I have a great idea, and it would be nice if someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Compilation wouldn't mind reading a spoilerrific outline to let me know how much fan nitpicking I could get from readers who are really hardcore. I know it's probably not necessary, but I'd like to be able to please as many fans as possible. I know FF7 and I played Crisis Core, and I have AC complete. But I don't know Dirge of Cerberus and I'm using some of the elements from that in my story. Anyway - doesn't matter, any info on how to post, and who might be willing to critique would be greatly appreciated. And you know: glad to be here Thanks everybody