Iron Man


I might have enjoyed Iron Man 3 more than the other two. :monster:

I didn't mind the twist itself, just that the villain they had wasn't that strong enough to fall back on imo.
My guess is he's going to do random cameos. Things he can just pop in for a few days, or a week, collect a paycheck, and move on.


Higher Further Faster
Confession: I just watched Iron Man 3 for the first time right now. It was fun for the most part. I did not dislike it, except for a bit at the end that pissed me off.

So he could have had the shrapnel removed at any time? He could have been able to take out the arc reactor at any time? What was even the point of the plot of Iron Man 2, then?

I always thought the arc reactor in his chest was so cool. Now it's gone? Just like that?

The rest of the movie was fine, it's that part that really extremely pissed me off. :monster:


Well, the Chinese version has this subplot with Dr. Wu who apparently wants to try out a new experimental surgery on Tony so I suppose it couldn't have been done before/was too risky.

We didn't get that subplot because it was mostly inconsequential scenes filled with Chinese product placement or so I've heard. :wackymonster:

When I first watched it I was under the impression they used Extremis to aid in the surgery but that wasn't mentioned at all so my mind was probably just making shit up to fill in the blanks automatically or something.


Higher Further Faster
Hey, at least that is somewhat of an explanation. The regular version leaves us hanging thinking that this was an easy option all along.


Pro Adventurer
I was under the impression that he implies they use Extremis at the end of the movie as well up until 10 seconds ago when Tets mentioned the unreleased subplot :monster:

Either way it makes the most sense that he would use Extremis to assist in removing the shrapnel. It's pretty much what happened in the comics and it would be kind of weird if he didn't end up using Extremis to remove the shrapnel in the you know... Extremis movie..

Either way with the direction the Iron Man movies and Avengers 1 took with the progression of the Iron Man suits it's still likely we will say the Extremis suit in either the later half of Avengers 2 or at some point in Civil War or Avengers 3. It would be really really weird if they didn't go in that direction given all of the steps already taken. Not to mention Tony will need it in order to not get completely smacked down by later villains like Thanos and even to an extent Ultron.

End of the day in my headcanon with the way the final scene is presented and worded it just makes sense that he used Extremis in some fashion to help remove the shrapnel and will later on use it to become the Iron Man suit.


Higher Further Faster
I wish they had made that a bit more apparent. I didn't realize that had happened in the comics.
But really, if I had to choose between a substance my body might reject and then eventually blow up from or the super badass looking arc reactor, I would keep the reactor. But that's just me I guess. :monster:
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