Is Cloud really 5’8 in AC?


Tifa Pwnage 101
That always seemed a bit awkward to me, more so inaccurate. This is where SE has a definite consistency problem.
I’ve seen many bios that had Cloud at 5’7” (170cm), which was the statement during FF7. Then, Ultimania came along with 5’8” (173cm). That seems plausible, as far as FF7 and Last Order are concerned. Crisis Core however made him more into a 5’9”ish-type a guy.

Now, come along Advent Children making 5’7” and 5’8” look ridiculous. This -

that’s not 5’7-5’8, this is a good 5’10-5’11”. I'm pretty sure that doesn't look short and sort of tall in fact. And, while I'm at it I should mention Tifa, who had me wondering way more than Cloud... (not the best example, but anything in the church goes)

that ain’t 5’5” either, seeing her looking this tall with a pair of glorified Converse shoes, I’d give her a fair 5’8-5’9ish. Sephiroth should also be taller than 6’1”.

What do you think? Either SE is clueless about the metric system, or they simply choose design quality over consistency.


Double Growth
They probably don't care about the heights any farther than everyone is taller/shorter than who they're supposed to be taller/shorter than.


Tifa Pwnage 101
yeah, that's pretty much what I mean by choosing design over consistency. Doesn't really make sense to include those stats in bios and stuff then, cuz it just creates confusion and it would be much better to just let fans decide based on what they see. I've read Squall was 5'8" somewhere, srly wtf? he's a solid 6 feet.

The point tho is pretty much that Cloud ain't as short as most people claim, and in fact sort of tall, and Tifa is actually pretty tall for a chick.


Pro Adventurer
I think he was supposed to be short in FFVII, if I remember well, it was one of the reasons why he didn't make it into SOLDIER...

I was a bit surprised by his height in AC and in CC, in which he is almost as tall as Zack...


Well.. I like Cloud better as a tall man. :monster:
And I don't think Tifa is tall for being a woman?
I think I'm pretty short (160 cm).. :rage:


Wait. How tall is Tifa? She looks taller than Cid. :monster:

I thought Cloud looked pretty short though. o:

Tifa is 167 cm. :3 And I don't think she is taller than Cid, she just stands closer to Cloud so it looks like that in his POV. And actually.. Cid is 178 cm tall. :monster:

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I remember calculating their given heights in inches and centimeters one day and they didn't match, also.

Also, where did we get that Sephiroth is 6'1? I know I've always thought that, but I couldn't find where it actually said it.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I remember calculating their given heights in inches and centimeters one day and they didn't match, also.

Also, where did we get that Sephiroth is 6'1? I know I've always thought that, but I couldn't find where it actually said it.

It was in the english FFVII manual.

Curiously, in all the other official materials, Sephiroth's height is listed as "unknown".


Tifa Pwnage 101
Better be "unknown" than 6'1, Septh is clearly taller than that. I'd say he is closer to 190cm; a whole head-taller than Cloud, who is not 5'8" in AC by no means.

This is Cloud, and that's not 5'8" nor short:


And Tifa is pretty tall I gotta give her that:

She is not much shorter than Loz, who is gotta be around 6'2", this is just confusing:

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The inconsistencies might just be calculation errors - for years I thought I was 6'4" in US metrics, but a more recent calculation reduces that by two inches.

You lot should just use the metric system, imho. Take an example to your Canadian masters and European forefathers.


Double Growth
...Canadian masters...? Since when? And we DO use the system of our European forefathers, the English - who happen to not use their own system anymore, lol. (Although they do in some cases, like mph. Kinda like how we use metric fr certain things, 2 liter bottles, for instance.)

I hate all that cop-out unknown stuff. Sephiroth blood type being unknown is one thing, but his height? Come on he was in the military! And yes, the English FF7 manual lists him as 6'1".

It was really dumb how they listed Marlene's age as unknown. "Hm...let's see, she was 4 in FF7, Advent Children is 2 years later. Aw, fuck that's hard, just put it as unknown."


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
First off, that Cloud pic you used as an example of Cloud being too tall, was unused footage from a trailer. That's hardly consistent or anything to go by.

Second, if Barret is 6'5, and Tifa is 5'5, then the scale of her standing next to Barret there makes sense. Their height looks to be separated by a good foot.

And we don't know the height of Loz either. So saying he's 6'2 is misleading.


Tifa Pwnage 101
1 inch is 2,54cm, so if they state their heights both in inches and centimetres that are proportional, any further discrepancies are purely conceptual, which is the case. I'm 5'9,5", and Cloud looks taller than me in AC.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
well do you have something to scale regarding Cloud being out of proportion?

Tifa looks proportioned in the pic with her standing next to Barret. And comparing them to characters who have no official measurements doesn't help.


Double Growth
There's not really anything in the FF7 universe sized consistently enough to compare them to. Midgar, the Buster Sword, the Masamune, the planet itself, etc. They're all different sizes almost every time they appear.


Tifa Pwnage 101
First off, that Cloud pic you used as an example of Cloud being too tall, was unused footage from a trailer. That's hardly consistent or anything to go by.

Ok fine, so it wasn‘t used in the official cut of AC, but I'm pretty sure it‘s safe to assume they used the same metrics throughout the whole thing, regardless of what they used or left out during montage. but, since you're being so picky, here:

That's is not 5'8" (173cm), that looks very much in the 5'10ish area.

Second, if Barret is 6'5, and Tifa is 5'5, then the scale of her standing next to Barret there makes sense. Their height looks to be separated by a good foot.

Ok, so by your logic, Sephiroth‘s gotta be somewhere around 6'6 6‘7? He is taller than Cloud by about as much as Barret is taller than Tifa.

And we don't know the height of Loz either. So saying he's 6'2 is misleading.

Look, I think it‘s a rather accurate estimate, because I‘m an operator and I‘ve worked with a lot of 6‘1 6‘3 people, and I can say this very much applies to Loz. I don‘t need to be spoonfed on his height by the bunch that say Cloud is 5‘8“. I‘ve seen plenty of 5‘8, and 5‘7“ people, and believe me, that ain‘t Cloud‘s case.
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How can you lot try to estimate heights when you have nothing to compare them to? I mean, it's all CG etc, which gives the creators all freedom of 'size'. They might all be two inches tall for what we can guess, :monster:.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Reading this thread, I recall the aside from the hitchhiker's guide about the two immense intergalactic warfleets, who set out to utterly destroy earth because of a phrase said by Arthur Dent, only to arrive and be accidentally eaten by a dog.

Eyeball measurements are all well and good, but do we have anything that we can legitimately use as a metric in this case? The phone might work, or anything with a real world analogue.

Addendum: The kirby series, too.


Your Mom
Maybe Cloud's just really, really thin? :wackymonster:

I've always thought he looked a bit too tall in some scenes (such as that one on the hill above), but without some real world standard of measure there's no way to really tell.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If you have no definitive scale, you eyeballing their height makes no sense as a legitimate scale to distinguish their height. That picture of Cloud with the Buster Sword in the ground doesn't really say anything, except that the scale of him and the Buster Sword is still generally consistent.


Maybe Cloud's just really, really thin?

He is, actually. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Tifa was wider than he is.

But that's why he wears shoulder pads and whatnot. So does Seph btw.
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