Is Cloud really 5’8 in AC?


Tifa Pwnage 101
If you have no definitive scale, you eyeballing their height makes no sense as a legitimate scale to distinguish their height. That picture of Cloud with the Buster Sword in the ground doesn't really say anything, except that the scale of him and the Buster Sword is still generally consistent.

Buster Sword is what, 5 feet?

How can you lot try to estimate heights when you have nothing to compare them to? I mean, it's all CG etc, which gives the creators all freedom of 'size'. They might all be two inches tall for what we can guess, :monster:.

you have to understand that CGI in this case subtitutes for filming real people with actual video cameras, meaning it works the same way (or intended to at least), so the same metrics we use when estimating the heights of actual people in movies or people we see with our own eyes, apply here as well. Granted, I can't come up with a kind of ruler that would accurately tell me what height they are in those pics, but I know how heights look on camera through experience and I'm pretty much dead on in most cases. So, by my rational, as described above, I think what I say is valid, even though I can't prove it to those who don't know how different heights look in perspective. 5'8" is still a crock of shit, as is Tifa's 5'5.
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Tifa Pwnage 101
So we're supposed to take your word for it. Okay. :monster:

Not necessarily, just some food for thought right there 4 ya. Dunno, If you're bored you can just start going through real people being filmed and compare those shots with their actual recorded heights, but that is if you're REALLY BORED. Of course, there are a lot of things to watch for that can be misleading as well. So, on second though, save yourself the headache.

Maybe I don't know what your height is, but if you look at yourself in the mirror (that would capture +/- your full height), or if you have a camera, you can film yourself, and compare that to people in movies, in our case a CGI film Advent Children, you may see where I'm getting. :monster:


Eyeballing will give you a general idea. For example, by looking at him, we can tell Cloud's not 2 feet tall. Do we know Zack's height or Aeris' height since they stand back/to back? Easier to compare.

but his height? Come on he was in the military!
That always bugged me as well. Why teh fuck wouldn't basic things like height be listed as unknown? Even blood should be listed, but seeing as how he's an alien/human hybrid I suppose he can get away with that. Weight/Height, birth date etc. should prolly be there.


Tifa Pwnage 101
Eyeballing will give you a general idea. For example, by looking at him, we can tell Cloud's not 2 feet tall. Do we know Zack's height or Aeris' height since they stand back/to back? Easier to compare.

The problem with that is their recorded heights may be inaccurate as well. Eyeballing can give you more than the general idea of being able to tell a 2 feet tall guy (?) from 6 foot one, per say. Some people look at the picture and see subtle details and nuances whilst other's just see a "bunch of colors thrown together", it's the same case.

EDIT: Yet, Zack is at 185cm in the Ultimania, which seems pretty damn plausible for once.

EDIT2: Now, we have a scale - IN YO FAIC MAKO EYES! :monster:


Considering that Cloud isn't even standing in his full height due to the amount of injury he has taken, there's really not a big difference between them, 6-7cm, look it up if you have a ruler somewhere. Ok, make it 11cm even (which is absurd), I'll be THAT genorous. Cloud is still at what? 186-10=176cm 5'9 and that's with 11 god damn cm, which is clearly not the case here.

Case Solved. You can all go home now.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's funny, considering they made a scale CG image of Cloud, Zack and Angeal and it showed just how short Cloud was compared to them for the CC Ultimania cover.


So they must've forgot. That's a glaring misrepresentation of scale.

...Or maybe Zack decided to be Cloud's size in death, to speak to him on his level? :monster:


Tifa Pwnage 101
that's crysis core related, so I'll go with it. But as far as AC goes (and that's what I'm stressing), they made Cloud go through bone extension surgery for all I know, :awesomonster:


...well that's just fucked.
Why does Cloud continue to grow well into his twenties? That's just unfair :(

But yeah, seems they don't really care for height accuracy here. Other than back-to-back, I think Zack's been taller than Cloud everywhere else. No?


Tifa Pwnage 101
Zack's taller, that's for sure, always was, always... *cought* *cought* you never now lol

I had a theory that Cloud's suddent growth spurt could've been caused by some gradual biological processes occuring in his body due to the Mako infusion and Jenova cells he receive years ago. yet, that would probably just be me covering up for SE who clearly just want him to look good for Advent Children, which is a pretty commericial product.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Actually, Cloud's top of head discounting chocofluff appears to be roughly level with Zack's eyes in both shots. Yes, he's a bit lower and looking down in the CC cover, but he also HAS NO NECK. The line between pauldron and shoulder seems to have the same proportionate y value too. Again, Mk. 1 Eyeball, take with salt.

Also, Buster would appear to be closer to four feet long rather than 5, as you can see when Cloud holds the sword tip down momentarily before replanting it. Discounting the handle, of course.

But who knows, holdy, if you can find a reliable metric, you might just pull an Executor Dreadnought style sizing sweep throughout FF7. Five Miles my ass...

Just try and find a reliable scale, and demonstrate. Find something we can agree or assume is the same size as in the real world, such as a phone, and begin scaling FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
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The shy n' quiet one :P
Looking at the characters, I always found their heights hard to believe, too. I mean, Tifa sure looks taller than I am, and I'm 5'7. (going off of feet, inches, etc. I'm not that great with the metric scale :P)
And in AC, Cloud looks at LEAST 6 something to me. I pegged Zack at around 6'5-6'6, which I think is only a few inches off of what he actually is...can't quite remember.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
As far as Cloud being 5'7 in FF7 and 5'8 in AC, well, people DO grow over time.



You guys, uh, know this right?

I think he was supposed to be short in FFVII, if I remember well, it was one of the reasons why he didn't make it into SOLDIER...

As an aside, his height had nothing to do with him not making in SOLDIER, physically he could have made it in, but his mental idiosyncrasies held him back.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
As far as Cloud being 5'7 in FF7 and 5'8 in AC, well, people DO grow over time.

My brother is 23 and he grew another inch since he was 22. So it is very possible that Cloud could have grown since FF7 even-though he is in his twenties...

It also could just be a bunch of mistakes ... which ever.
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Tifa Pwnage 101
Just try and find a reliable scale, and demonstrate. Find something we can agree or assume is the same size as in the real world, such as a phone, and begin scaling FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

a phone would be a problem, I think, but that pic of Cloud with Zack's Buster Sword I posted could be a good place to start. Is the length of that sword accurately documented anywhere? I know it's close to 5 feet, but this won't be good enough to do accurate scaling.

If I knew the exact measurements I could try and estimate how far it went into the ground and how it measures up against Cloud, then come to my deductions... tho I have to be pretty darn bored to actually sit my ass through this.


Higher Further Faster
I don't know how you guys can tell how people are by looking at those screen shots. :/

I mean, I'm somewhere between 5'7" and 5'8" or so and sometimes I feel like I'm too tall. :/

@ comment on people growing over time: it is said that men don't stop growing until they are in their early 20's. Usually when they're 21. Maybe Cloud had a final growth spurt right after the end of the game's story? XD

@ Angeal, Zack, and Cloud pic and Cloud being Aerith's height in it: Cloud doesn't look to be Aerith's height in that pic. Her head looked to come to about Zack's shoulder, and clearly Cloud is taller than that.
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Another possible explanation to the height increase is that being in a mako tube for 4 years postponed Cloud's last growth spurt.

Could be compared with Shelke's situation, although we are yet to see her grow.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Shelke had been exposed to mako much longer than Cloud. Not only that, but her suit gives her mako too.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
@ comment on people growing over time: it is said that men don't stop growing until they are in their early 20's. Usually when they're 21. Maybe Cloud had a final growth spurt right after the end of the game's story? XD

Men generally don't stop growing until their mid twenties.


Pro Adventurer
i guess square enix doesn't care too much about those things.. I always read that Cloud is 173cm. Anyway in crisis core he was younger but to me.. He looked taller than ac !


It's all the same...
I had a theory that Cloud's suddent growth spurt could've been caused by some gradual biological processes occuring in his body due to the Mako infusion and Jenova cells he receive years ago.
lol that's actually what I always thought of his sudden tallness in AC/C.

And I don't think the CC Ultimania is a good pic to go by, like was pointed out Cloud isn't standing straight so his height will obviously be different.

I do think that he maybe had a mighty growth spurt in the 2 years between FFVII and AC others have said, just a mistake on SE's part.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Cloud is wearing platforms when he stands back to back with Zack. Case solved. (It's all the rage in Bone Village, if-you-know-what-I-Mean.)

Or, how about this? If the camera POV on that CC image is positioned higher than Zack's eye level, then perspective would bring the tops of Cloud's and Angeal's heads down lower on the image.

Think about this: If they were all the same height, and the camera was level with their heads, then their heads would be positioned in the image like this:


If the camera was directly overhead, they would look like this:


...regardless of height. Because Angeal and Cloud are standing closer to the camera than Zack is.


SacredViolator, Supersix4
Okay, bringin' up an older topic.

I'm terrible at judging heights from pics, movies, etc. I mean look at this pic of Robert Downey Jr.


I never would have thought he was 5'8". I thought he was like 5'10".

I think Cloud has a pretty similar bone structure to Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise. I also looked at pics of celebrities with the height of 5'10" and they look quite a bit taller than Cloud. Their arms and legs look longer. They looked more lanky.

Now like I said, I'm bad at judging heights. But I wasn't surprised when I found out Cloud's official height was 5'8".

BTW, I'm referring to AC Cloud.

Oh, and I know toys aren't legit, but this was probably the best pic of Zack and Cloud I could find.


That's just mah two cents. :awesomonster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Aww Cloud looks so cute in his soldier uniform... I just wanna rape molest tie up hug him.
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