Is Cloud really 5’8 in AC?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
lol this is a forum of dwarves


lol this is a forum of dwarves

^, :monster:. Not that I should be speaking, seeing that I'm part of the tallest people in the world, to have impressed even Danté.

His face appeared to me as long and large
As is at Rome the pine-cone of Saint Peter's,
And in proportion were the other bones;

So that the margin, which an apron was
Down from the middle, showed so much of him
Above it, that to reach up to his hair

Three Frieslanders in vain had vaunted them;
For I beheld thirty great palms of him
Down from the place where man his mantle buckles.

(the Dutch translation was somewhat less poetic, mind)


reality is a prison
Whatever they say, i believe Cloud is always gonna be 5'7. Men stop growing when they are 21 and Cloud was *21*. But then again, it is fantasy and he has some wacked out hair...9.9


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
Whatever they say, i believe Cloud is always gonna be 5'7. Men stop growing when they are 21 and Cloud was *21*. But then again, it is fantasy and he has some wacked out hair...9.9

That's it. Problem solved.
Cloud's 5'7", maybe 5'8" by AC/C - it's just that his hair gives him an extra three inches. :monster:

However, I'd have to disagree on the "men stop growing at 21" thing - some people don't. Delayed growth spurts an' all that jazz. The only reason why I maintain the fact that Cloud is eternally 5'7" is because that if he WAS any taller, then he had NO FREAKING RIGHT to say he couldn't reach that damn item on the top shelf of the cabinet in Kalm town.
Lazy ass. XD


Higher Further Faster
lawl There we go, problem solved. We know how tall Cloud is because of the cabinet. XD


000 - 000 - 009
Sienna, Jenovas-Fifth, Idris
We also know how indolent he is - he could've jumped for it or something, geez. That cabinet is, in itself, a milestone of character development, because we get so see just how much Cloud cba. :awesome:
So if SE ever comes up to me and says, "Really girlie, he's 5'8" now," my response will be:
"Really now? Bring me back that whateveritis in the cabinet from Kalm, and then I'll believe you."
(Though of course, an inch either way doesn't really do much. XD)


Higher Further Faster
I see your point. Well, maybe Cloud just cba about a lot of things. Would explain a lot. XD
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