SPOILERS Is this Compilation character being hinted at by *SPOILERS* throughout the game?


Pro Adventurer
If SE uses elements from the compilation, I can see him being in the next part. More as a flashback with Sephiroth. There's a line from Loveless that made me think he could be used. It could actually tie in with the Guardians of Fate.

Act IV
My friend, the "fates" are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains.

Idk, I could be reaching with that haha

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Well, since the Whispers seem to be partially destroyed or at least incapacitated due to Sephiroth's manipulations and actions, the Planet could wake up Genesis and use him as her protector before deploying the various WEAPONs.

I don't want that to happen, of course, but it could be a possibility.

If anything, it could be fun watching Genesis trying something just for Sephiroth cut his wing off and then proceed to shove some despair down his throat via a well sharpened Masamune :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Well, since the Whispers seem to be partially destroyed or at least incapacitated due to Sephiroth's manipulations and actions, the Planet could wake up Genesis and use him as her protector before deploying the various WEAPONs.

I don't want that to happen, of course, but it could be a possibility.

If anything, it could be fun watching Genesis trying something just for Sephiroth cut his wing off and then proceed to shove some despair down his throat via a well sharpened Masamune :monster:
I wouldn't even mind seeing that happen to him if it did. I actually like the idea of Genesis (and Angeal) being apart of the new story. They have a part in Sephiroth's story as his friends. SE could even change a few things around with them to make them more appealing to fans, without changing the core story


Kaiju Member
Is he in hibernation though? I read SE said the compilation timeline has nothing to do with the remake. They could use things as they please. Since most fans dislike him, I'd rather he not be added in as a current character, but he could be used in flashbacks of Sephiroth's past.
Kitase explicitly stated that the Compilation is the base of canon for the Remake, and will be going forward to back in March https://www.vg247.com/2020/03/02/final-fantasy-7-remake-interview/


Pro Adventurer


Kaiju Member
That was the most recent article I read alluding to the compilation too! Haha.
But, with the inclusion of
Deep ground and those monsters down there
we've already seen that they aren't going to follow everything 1:1 that the compilation did.
How does the DeepGround monsters in chapter 13 indicate that they aren’t following the Compilation? Those are just escaped monsters, it doesn’t mean Genesis isn’t in hibernation or the Tsviets are going to show up.


Pro Adventurer
How does the DeepGround monsters in chapter 13 indicate that they aren’t following the Compilation? Those are just escaped monsters, it doesn’t mean Genesis isn’t in hibernation or the Tsviets are going to show up.
I'm not saying they aren't following the compilation. I'm just saying they aren't following it exactly 1:1. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather him be in hibernation and just be used as a flashbacks for Sephiroth. But, SE could end up changing that


Kaiju Member
I'm not saying they aren't following the compilation. I'm just saying they aren't following it exactly 1:1. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather him be in hibernation and just be used as a flashbacks for Sephiroth. But, SE could end up changing that
Sure, they never said they were going to be exactly 1:1, the Compilation itself isn’t 1:1 to itself either. But the original point I was responding to was the claim that SE said the Compilation wasn’t canon to the Remake, when the most recent interviews with Kitase of all people explicitly said otherwise.


Pro Adventurer
Sure, they never said they were going to be exactly 1:1, the Compilation itself isn’t 1:1 to itself either. But the original point I was responding to was the claim that SE said the Compilation wasn’t canon to the Remake, when the most recent interviews with Kitase of all people explicitly said otherwise.
That was my mistake on the wording I used originally


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Well as of Tuesday the brand new DoC trademarks are published for opposition, looks like it could include everything from Dirge of Cerberus, so things could be just fine between our hard working multifaceted Gackt and SE, this means this would be the time we find out if there is something he is opposed to! I'm a fan of what his talent in everything could bring to this REMAKE project.
Also AC got similar updated trademarks this year.
CC got new trademarks but for mostly merchandise, and most logically online downloading.

http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4808:j3w8oq.2.1 DoC Trademark info
http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4807:tpuo2n.2.1 AC Trademark info
http://tmsearch.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4802:k072u7.2.1 CC Trademark info



Lv. 25 Adventurer
I agree, with as good as the writing has been for REMAKE I feel he can make a smooth redemption arch within the story. With the word redemption I'm unsure if I mean with fans, or as an anti-hero of sorts within the story.


Ninja Potato
Ignoring my personal distaste for the character, I don't think Genesis really has a place in the story of the original. Lore wise, he should be sleeping under Midgar at the moment. Shademp had the idea that he wakes up at the end of Dirge because Sephiroth used the destruction of Omega in order to go back in time, and now Genesis needs to go back in time too to stop him, since he's the Planet's final defense more or less. If that's what they go with, sure that works I guess, but it'd all be pretty out of place in the confines of the original narrative. Certainly a bigger divergence than the Ultimania interviews implied. At the moment, there's nothing making me think they'd go that far, but who knows.


Pro Adventurer
I didn't get to play CC, so when did Genesis become the planet's last resort? Did CC ever say what he was supposed to do if called upon?

PS: Genesis for part 2 or 3 of the remake please haha


Pro Adventurer
ex-soldier boy
I think that, if he would show up, it would have to be in such a drastically altered manner that would be like "why?". I'm talking everything-wise. Not just the characterization, but the lore as well.


Ninja Potato
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I feel like one of the ultimanias said something about how he was awakened due to the destruction of Omega, because now that all the weapons are gone he was effectively the Planet's only remaining line of defense. Also he needed Weiss for something. I don't really think Square has much of a plan with that secret ending if I'm being honest.
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Ninja Potato
Outlandish and bold prediction: If Genesis were to return, he wouldn't talk about Loveless. At the end of Crisis Core he finds his Godess and recieves her gift, and thanks to Zack has recreated the story. I think he got what he wanted out of his poetry.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
We should remember that when we fought him at the end of Crisis Core he was degraded out the wazoo and a weak shell of the man he was before Hollander made a billion copies of him, while not fixing him at all. Minerva healed him and he is the Genesis we saw spar with Sephiroth 1 on 1 again. We never fought him like that, I want to fight him at full strength, or get another fight scene with him at full strength.

Genesis also has the power of Jenova, "The ability to change ones looks, voice, and words is the power of Jenova."OG Sephiroth said this, we have no idea, Gensesis could be illusion Sephiroth trying to make Cloud feel as human as possible to not do the silly Cloud clone things he did in the OG game. Genesis could also be moggie. We need to keep our minds open for the possibilities is what I vote for.


Do we have a source about the contract between Gackt and Square Enix? I've seen that claim before when people online would discuss a re-release of Crisis Core. I've tried looking, but I haven't found anything yet. I also don't know how Japanese law handles things regarding copyright.
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