Least favourite character in ACC?

I liked Rude in ACC. He was pretty good.

Rufus didn't jump off the building. He fell. His people put the 'he jumped' story around afterwards to make him look more like a fearless leader.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Anyway. Least favourite in AC/C is still the SHM. Kadaj at least does something in the movie, but Loz and Yazoo were the very pinnacle of unnecessary villian. Kadaj could eaisly have filled the villian role without them. Hell, maybe if he'd been a solo villian he could have had more actual developement and been a decent bad guy. But alas, it is not so.

But but but, if there wasn't three of them how could they gang rape Reno? :monster:


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
But but but, if there wasn't three of them how could they gang rape Reno? :monster:

This is invalid because Kadaj loves Rufus. Only Yazoo would want to boink Reno, because they've both lived a hard life of child prostitution even though Yazoo was only alive for a few weeks. :monster:

...I should really stop browsing FF.net.


Double Growth
Yeah, because Summons totally need supervision. :monster:

Seriously, what is the deal with summons? Do you just summon them and they smite thine enemies how they see fit, or do you actually have a degree of control of their actions?

Or is this never really explained?

It's never explained, but I imagine you can do either. But in the movie it definitely looks like Kadaj is controlling Bahamut because it goes back to him the materia's glowing when he says "This is too fun."

Then I imagine Bahamut takes control of himself wants Kadaj looks away and the materia stops glowing. I doubt he's ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL, as it were, but at least sending what he wants the creature to do. Directing him to 'Go over there', 'blow up the statue', 'torch everyone', et cetera.

I highly doubt you just summon it and the monster does whatever the hell it wants.

Masamune said:
What was Rufus's plan, anyway? Did he even HAVE one?

Why didn't he destroy the Jenova cells as soon as he got 'em?

Didn't Kadaj think to search Rufus when he took him hostage?

Why'd the orphans gather around the stupid monument instead of heading for Rufus?

Why do I care?

Well you don't care, so I dunno why even ask that last bit.

1) Are we told that Rufus has a plan? What makes you think he has one. Seems to me he reveals Jenova when it becomes clear that Kadaj is going to summon something else.

2) Probably because it's Rufus. And Jenova could make a damn good bargaining chip. In fact...it did. If not "bargaining," per se, it got him (and the city) out of immediate threat.

3) A better question. Although a better one still is whether Kadaj knew what mother looked like. He seems fairly convinced Aerith is mother by the end, so if he thought she was a full humanoid figure it would be odd to think that Rufus was hiding a woman under those sheets (although I guess we can't put that past Rufus).

Still though, I'm not gonna give everything a pass. I don't know why Jenova couldn't directly tell Kadaj where she was. And it probably still would have been prudent to search Rufus for a gun which, he also had. But Kadaj is pretty childish and stupid so...

4) More of the SHM being dumb? Why would the children go after Rufus? I thought the SHM were controlling the kids. Yes you could raise the question again of why Jenova couldn't call out to them, but if she could do that they wouldn't have needed the kids.
The game never really made it sound like you knew where the Reunion was, you just kinda had a vague feeling. There's a lot of black-caped men in FF7 just kinda wandering around in places nowhere near the Reunion happens, though a lot of them do seem to find their way there eventually.


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
I think this is an innately difficult question as saying you dislike a character could be easily mistaken as an opinion on them, and not necessarily just their representation. I could say I hate Cait Sith in ACC as he didn't harbour any purpose but I'm actually a big fan of his. I could say I, gasp dislike Cid even though he's a favourite and didn't even disappoint when around, but rather needed more screen time and to do more things reminiscent of his character.

It's a tough question when the whole film was about averting a leather BDSM apocalypse, domestic child neglect and arm cancer. Not much characterization left over for contemplation.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
averting a leather BDSM apocalypse, domestic child neglect and arm cancer.

guessing you meant 'averted' there :)

This totally needs to be incorporated into a spoof AC trailer. With someone doing that weird ' trailer voiceover' thing :lol:


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Indeed I did, sorry! Yeah, yes. But that's exactly what the film was.


I liked Rude in ACC. He was pretty good.

Rufus didn't jump off the building. He fell. His people put the 'he jumped' story around afterwards to make him look more like a fearless leader.

If by "His people" you mean, the people that made the movie in supplementary material, then yes.

Anyway Rufus' plan mostly seemed to be "jerk Kadaj around until he convinces Cloud to kick his ass, then wash my hands off the matter". I assume that's why he told Kadaj Cloud had mommy.

And Cait Sith was the most annoying character. Just like in FFVII and DoC. That's one thing SE never seems to get wrong.


Pro Adventurer
Loz. It's just so odd to have a man that looks 30 act like a 3 yr old baby. Nothing about his personality is appealing. Kids are annoying, and a grown man who acts like one is just ... bad.


Fiat Lux
Totally forgot about this thread...

Well you don't care, so I dunno why even ask that last bit.

Yet here we are. :monster:

1) Are we told that Rufus has a plan? What makes you think he has one. Seems to me he reveals Jenova when it becomes clear that Kadaj is going to summon something else.

Rufus is a man with a plan awrite, a machiavellian. Or at least he's supposed to be. What? Did he think that keeping Jenova under his cloak was a foolproof plan? He should have had her remains sealed away somewhere - although I wouldn't have left Reno & Rude with that task. What happened if Kadaj wasn't a complete dolt and searched him? Insta-Sephiroth! Smart move thar.

2) Probably because it's Rufus. And Jenova could make a damn good bargaining chip. In fact...it did. If not "bargaining," per se, it got him (and the city) out of immediate threat.

It also resurrected Sephiroth and almost caused the second apocalypse. Nice job, Rufus! *pumps fist*

3) A better question. Although a better one still is whether Kadaj knew what mother looked like. He seems fairly convinced Aerith is mother by the end, so if he thought she was a full humanoid figure it would be odd to think that Rufus was hiding a woman under those sheets (although I guess we can't put that past Rufus).

Yet Kadaj cries 'Mother!' as soon as he sees the box.

3Still though, I'm not gonna give everything a pass. I don't know why Jenova couldn't directly tell Kadaj where she was. And it probably still would have been prudent to search Rufus for a gun which, he also had. But Kadaj is pretty childish and stupid so...

I thought it was established that because Kadaj & co didn't have Jenova cells, there was no conduit for her to communicate with them? Hence using the kids.

And it probably still would have been prudent to search Rufus for a gun which, he also had. But Kadaj is pretty childish and stupid so...

So, in other words, the writers wrote a retard for a villain? Check.

4) More of the SHM being dumb? Why would the children go after Rufus? I thought the SHM were controlling the kids. Yes you could raise the question again of why Jenova couldn't call out to them, but if she could do that they wouldn't have needed the kids.
The game never really made it sound like you knew where the Reunion was, you just kinda had a vague feeling. There's a lot of black-caped men in FF7 just kinda wandering around in places nowhere near the Reunion happens, though a lot of them do seem to find their way there eventually.

Again, the whole point of the lake scene was for Kadaj to turn the Geostigma orphans into tracker dogs to find Jenova. They led the SHM as far as Edge, but for some reason stopped at the monument instead of sniffing out Rufus. Why? For the sake of the plot, I guess. :sigh:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
She wanted him to prove he was a good son by finding her himself.

Seriously, I think Rufus's plan was to use the Jenova cells to make some kind of cure for his geostigma.

Yeah, then he could have sold it at an inflated price :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
I disliked the silver haired trio, it felt like they were contrived eye candy. There was a part of my that had sympathy for Kadaj, but mostly I just couldn't get into their characters. They were neither interesting nor intimidating. Although it is hard to create a great villain in a span of a movie with so many different characters try to grab the spotlight.

Yeah it also means they can pluck any bad guy out their arse any time they need to make a film. Did they even explain where they came from?


Pro Adventurer
I actually was fine with most of the characters in the movie. The only ones that I didn't much like were Loz and Yazoo if only because... I felt like they didn't have a point in being included. Sephiroth didn't need all three to come back clearly given how that plays out and they really didn't do much outside of a couple of fights that I felt could have gone on just fine without them, so I wasn't sure why they were in the movie.

Just my opinion though.

Kain Strife

Some Kind of Animator
Sephiroth died in Nibelheim at the beginning. Wasnt it Jenova they were fighting the whole way through FF7 and ACC?

No.....no..... Kinda... but mostly no... Sephiroth was unconscious and sleeping in the Northern Crater, where he drifted while in the lifestream. Being unconscious all those years, he lived through Jenova. ALthough he really didn't do that until CLoud arrived at the Shinra HQ. Thats why Sephiroth appears and leaves a piece of Jenova behind. SO yeah, you are kind of right, it is Jenova, but Sephiroth is alive and sends his will through that piece of her. Technically, it is him, still alive and well. Just unconscious.
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