Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Yeah, Seifer was all like "Frostwave is my ho now. Piss off, chickenwuss."

But I think that her and Seifer had just decided to be friends by that point. Or something. She just had Seifer hook her up with Cid, I guess. Right?

Celes Chere

He deserves ME.

No, ME! I really like him with Fujin and Quisty, though. :)

Yeah, friends. Until Selphie asked Rinoa if she liked him when he
supposedly died, and she said "I don't know" or something like that. Wishy washy tramp.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
No, ME! I really like him with Fujin and Quisty, though. :)

:shifty: I like Seifer with Ellone, too. Hu hu hu.

Also... *shakes fists at Tiff and Meimei* That's my bishie, dammit. Mei, you can have Zack and Tiff has Nero. Back off, bitches. :reptar:

Yeah, friends. Until Selphie asked Rinoa if she liked him when he
supposedly died, and she said "I don't know" or something like that. Wishy washy tramp.

Rinoa: I...really liked him. He was always full of confidence, smart...
Just by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world.

Selphie: Your boyfriend?

Rinoa: I don't really know. I... I think I was in love. I wonder how he

Selphie: Do you still like him?

Rinoa: If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it. It was last summer...
I was 16. Lots of fond memories...

I kinda thought the 'I don't know' was her saying she didn't know if she could have called him her boyfriend back when they spent time together. They probably never actually said to each other "Ok, we're a couple".

She did say she still likes him, though. But, y'know, sue her. At this point, she's made no commitment to Squall; they've only just met. And Seifer's a babe. :monster:

Celes Chere

But why? :rage:

@ the spoiler:

AHA! I knew it was something bad. Once Seifer was dead, like I said, Squall was the next victim.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
it was squall's turn i guess. Rinoa was probably waiting for squall to talk about it. to make it more official?


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
I actually agree that Rinoa is a pretty fickle character, but I don't think she means to do any of it in a spiteful way. She danced with Squall because he was a cute guy, and she was alone at a party. The reason she left him, as was stated before, is because Seifer was supposed to introduce her to Cid. I guess those of us who like her consider her whimsical. A free spirit, so to speak. I can understand how her quick change from liking Squall to Seifer bothers some people (I even admit it was pretty sudden), but I certainly wouldn't call her a tramp. You have to remember she's a teenager. Selphie wasn't exactly the pinnacle of maturity herself, and I think Rinoa grows to be more mature by the end of the game.

Plus. She kicked Irvine down the stairs. Seeing as though everything he said was so slimey it made me want to take a shower, this endeared her to me forever.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Plus. She kicked Irvine down the stairs. Seeing as though everything he said was so slimey it made me want to take a shower, this endeared her to me forever.

I guess we all took that differently. :monster: I hated it when she did that. I was all "You didn't have to do that!". I kinda liked Irvine :awesome: More than Rinoa anyway.

I also know that she's not accountable for all the situations that you had to save her from (well, except for that one with Edea... that was dumb), but I couldn't help but get so annoyed that you had to save her all the time. She wasn't cool at all. Unlike Tifa, who's still pretty cool even after the saving :awesome:

And I didn't like how she appears in almost every freaking FMV. Quistis and everyone else gets, what, one for each of them? And Rinoa has all the focus on her. I mean...ugh. I know it's shallow, but it's how I feel. :awesome:

...she is pretty though, I give her that. I mean, with the resemblance to Tifa, I'll be put in jail if I say she's ugly. :hohum:

I say she should be like Monty Oum's version. Ultra cool, and does not have her personality. :monster: She's also brandishing Squall's gunblade. Uber-awesome.

Rinoa-lovers, don't kill me :whistle:

Speaking of which... I had a fight with my Rinoa-lover friend on the phone just this afternoon. He was telling me I'm just jealous that Rinoa's prettier than me. I LOLd. For a long time :awesome::awesome::awesome: And he hung up on me. We're so childish.

I should really stop playing games and forming opinions to stop getting in arguments with my friends.

Edit: Long post is long :awesomonster:


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
I guess we all took that differently. :monster: I hated it when she did that. I was all "You didn't have to do that!". I kinda liked Irvine :awesome: More than Rinoa anyway.

I really just think that was meant to be slapstick humor. Ala Rurouni Kenshin, if you've ever seen that series.

I would be dumb to try and deny that Rinoa has to be saved all the time, but I don't mind damsels in distress that much unless their personalities really get on my nerves. Rinoa was childish at times I'll admit, but I found her endearing also. I was also happy to have someone call Squall out on his jackassery from time to time.

I think she was gorgeous in the FMVs, but you're right. The other characters besides her and Squall got completely screwed when it came to FMV time. I didn't really like many of them besides Rinoa and Squall, but still. We could've had a few more of the other characters.

I say she should be like Monty Oum's version. Ultra cool, and does not have her personality. :monster: She's also brandishing Squall's gunblade. Uber-awesome.

Those movies were hot stuff. I was thrilled to see Rinoa especially kicking some ass.

And seriously. If your friend hung up on you and said shit like that because you don't like a video game character, that's stupid. My friends and I constantly disagree about characters and games and movies, but it never goes that far.


The shy n' quiet one :P
I can't stand Damsels in Distress >.< Especially Rinoa, she bothers me more than most. Heck, I don't even like ANY of the FFVIII characters. Rinoa was too...bubbly is a way to say it, and Squall was just over-emo, so much that it got annoying.
Yuna in X also bothers me. I mean, I can stand soft speaking people, but come on! She takes it a bit too far...


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
I guess I'm kind of alone in the liking Rinoa front. I thought she was a lot of fun as a character, so the damsel stuff didn't bother me so much.

As for Yuna? That kind of surprises me. I always thought of Yuna as one of the strongest characters in Final Fantasy, period. Even including the guys. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the happiness of her people, and when she found out that things weren't what they appeared to be, she was strong enough to stand against what everyone else accepted for so long and find another way to acheive an everlasting peace. Yeah, she was quiet and seemed a bit meek sometimes, but I always though her character had a quiet strength that rivaled some of the more outspoken characters in Final Fantasy.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Rinoa being a damsel never bugged me, either. There's her lively, spirited personality, and the damsel thing fit in with the whole "sorceress and knight" thing, too. I found that to be pretty cute, myself.

Rinoa was a charming/endearing character. Being unable to like her must take a lot out of VIII.

I dunno, I liked the VIII cast all around(even though there should have been more development, I was more than happy with what I saw of the characters' personalities), and a lot of the most memorable dialogue(to me)were things Rinoa said.

She just...touched my heart!

I always thought of Yuna as one of the strongest characters in Final Fantasy, period. Even including the guys. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the happiness of her people, and when she found out that things weren't what they appeared to be, she was strong enough to stand against what everyone else accepted for so long and find another way to acheive an everlasting peace. Yeah, she was quiet and seemed a bit meek sometimes, but I always though her character had a quiet strength that rivaled some of the more outspoken characters in Final Fantasy.

Felt the same way. I was very, very impressed with Yuna.
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We have come to terms
Yeah, seems like we're in the minority, at least as far as liking Rinoa is concerned =/

Ed: totally agree with that ^ post

I didn't mind Yuna so much in FFX; I think "she was okay, just sorta there, rly" sums it up best. But I despised her in X-2, because she stopped being "okay-ish" and was just annoying. The girl power thing was played out before it had even begun, really. There was no point to it, and there just wasn't anything likable about Yuna anymore.

This is why Paine grew on me; both Yuna and Rikku changed (Rikku a bit less than Yuna, lulz). But Paine was more like FFX Yuna, overall.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I liked Rinoa, at least a whole lot more than Squall. Squall was a little antisocial kid, and that just annoyed me. Whereas Rinoa was fun and perky and interesting. I have no idea what she saw in Squall, though.

I also liked Yuna, she was very cute. While my friend would whine about her clinging to Tidus, (he preferred Rikku), I thought she was cute. Also, she has an iron-clad will, which I loved.


The Wanderer of Time
Ya know, I've realized something. I love Ashe from FF12, one of my favs in the game. But when I played FF12, I got confused in the Sandsea heading across the desert, gave up and came back a few months later.

So I guess I forgot that geez, Ashe is a real bitch when you first meet her. I mean she lightens up during the game and I still like her, but wow for the first bit.


From FF7 I think Vincent is far too overrated. Also Yuffie annoyed me.

I hated that optional characters in the FF7 game got more screen time in AC than the main characters such as barret, cid ect. I mean nanaki only gets basically one line. That got on my nerves.

Oh just about every character from FFXII apart from Balthier who was bumped from tactics anyways.

And yeh Rinoa annoyed me.

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