Let's Play Final Fantasy VII: At the same time!

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I still intend to do it! I'm just crazy busy right now, but I should be able to finish it by next weekend. Sorry for taking so long :(

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I know you guys might be losing patience in this, but I'm coming home the day after tomorrow. Ship internet is horribly slow, and of course I work like, 16 hours a day, so bear with me until I pull back into port!

pretty please


Waiting for something
Aww no dude I'm not loosing patience I was just worrying people weren't interested in this anymore but its good to see people still wanna keep going :)

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
SIXTH CHAPTER: Chocobos, Snakes, and Condors, oh my! (also ninjas)


Sorry for the long ass update. I was out to sea for a month, and well, that fucked things up. We should be finished with this before I have to go out again, so let's get started again! Remember, you don't have to be exactly at this part of the game, you can be before, after, or whatever! Just comment!

Also, considering things, it would be FANTASTIC if you can let all of your friends know that we're doing this! Show some love and keep the spark alive by spreading the word.

Anyway, off with the adventure. So we go from Kalm, after that long ass flashback sequence, to greener pastures. This is when the world really starts opening up in earnest and people start playing around with their party, Materia combinations, and extra stuff. The first big challenge is how to cross the swamps; I myself have never once beat the Midgar Golem at this part of the game. Okay, maybe I did once, but not in recent memory. Has anyone here ever did at normal levels? Even if you do, make sure to stop by the Chocobo ranch anyway, the Summon Materia you get here is invauable as Stop seems to work on everything.

Also, past the Mythril Mines (which is a great way to build up Limit kills with Matra Magic, there's Fort Condor. I LOVE Fort Condor, even though it's expensive as hell. I got lazy though, when I was a kid, I used to take great care into setting up my troops and having epic, hair raising, wallet smashing battles. Nowadays though I just set up like three dudes with little cash and have them bum rush the line so I can win instantaneously, which is probably the intended way to win and actually the proper way to win wars honestly. BUT IT'S LESS FUN.

Also go to the forest and pick up Yuffie right now.


-Your party preference. Did you pick up Yuffie?
-Any 2nd level Limits yet?
-Materia preferences. Work on that Enemy Skill materia!
-How do you deal with the Midgar swamps? Chocobos?
-General thoughts?


Double Growth
Hurrah! Yes, I got Yuffie, probably not gonna use her yet though. Trying to keep everyone even and they stick her at Cloud's level.

My first time through the game I could not for the life of me figure out how to catch a chocobo. I didn't figure out that he Chocobo was just finishing the greens so fast. And so I just walked out into the furthest peninsula, waiting for the snake to be back in the northeast corner and ran for it. And even after I learned how to catch a chocobo, my method is just so much cheaper. So I just run for it. I did make an attempt to fight it and get Beta. And I got it, and then it killed me. I'll come back when I get the Tiny Bronco.

And I have never gone to Fort Condor before the Huge Materia quest. I think my first game I decided I couldn't afford it and left. And I've never played that game for real, even during the Huge Materia quest I just let the enemy march up and fight that exceedingly easy boss fight. So...I just skipped it as usual.

Also, remember to get the Long Range materia in the Mythril Mines, it's freakin useful. Especially for the upcoming boss in Junon.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
And I have never gone to Fort Condor before the Huge Materia quest. I think my first game I decided I couldn't afford it and left. And I've never played that game for real, even during the Huge Materia quest I just let the enemy march up and fight that exceedingly easy boss fight. So...I just skipped it as usual.

You can get a lot of good shit by playing it. I suggest you give it a whirl.


Waiting for something
OK I may sound like a total arse here but seriously I don't give a fuck, because seeing this "new chapter" posted after so long and feeling excited about it only to find out its not a new chapter...well I'm pissed off. The fifth chapter already covered all of the journey to Junon and people have had tons of time to complete that, it’s been over a month and most people at the time completed that. I don't care if people are ahead or not I thought the whole point of doing this was to be around the same areas at the same time to share the experience.

The sixth chapter should be JUNON until you reach Costa Del Sol and we kind of already started that or at least it should have been made more official because I’ve already posted a thing for it in the thread a couple of pages back, the whole thread even already had been renamed the sixth chapter when I suggested we went on because Mog obviously being at sea and all wasn’t able to keep continuing…so really that’s where most people are at and that was two weeks ago so technically we should be on the seventh chapter and the journey to Corel....however....

Mog I did send you a PM about it asking your permission to continue it while you were gone and I never got a reply, not even when you came back to the forum and in the I'm Bored thread when you stated where we should go with compilation stuff and continue the playthrough I already mentioned all of this, asked whether you wanted to make the Junon chapter more official or if you wanted to move on to the seventh chapter and you didn't even respond.

So actually what I’m really trying to say that it’s nice that my input and want of continuation into this as member of the forum has gone completely ignored, and as a result we’ve backtracked a full chapter now…so on that note I’ve now lost interest and am backing out of this thing all together, so yeah the rest of you have fun but if my input means fuck all then I’m not gonna bother posting anymore….cheers for that...

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Wow yeah, that's my bad. I forgot the last chapter was up until Junon but I still wantd to cover Fort Condor and the stuff in between.

Sprites, it's nothing to get extremely upset about. At worst I can consider this an 'extra' in between chapter or whatever. It is very easy to recover lost ground, and I have also considered your input and I was going to get to it in later chapters. The reason why you didn't get a reply to your PM to continue it was because I was, you know...

...out at sea. However I have a (bad) habit of not replying to messages I've already agreed to and confirmed to in my head so that's my fault.

I don't know the community has been kinda dead lately so maybe I should just throw in the towel? Nobody really feels like doing much anymore.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Is this really dead now? :'( Dagnabbit! Just when I decide to come back :/


Double Growth
OK I may sound like a total arse here but seriously I don't give a fuck, because seeing this "new chapter" posted after so long and feeling excited about it only to find out its not a new chapter...well I'm pissed off. The fifth chapter already covered all of the journey to Junon and people have had tons of time to complete that, it’s been over a month and most people at the time completed that. I don't care if people are ahead or not I thought the whole point of doing this was to be around the same areas at the same time to share the experience.

The sixth chapter should be JUNON until you reach Costa Del Sol and we kind of already started that or at least it should have been made more official because I’ve already posted a thing for it in the thread a couple of pages back, the whole thread even already had been renamed the sixth chapter when I suggested we went on because Mog obviously being at sea and all wasn’t able to keep continuing…so really that’s where most people are at and that was two weeks ago so technically we should be on the seventh chapter and the journey to Corel....however....

Mog I did send you a PM about it asking your permission to continue it while you were gone and I never got a reply, not even when you came back to the forum and in the I'm Bored thread when you stated where we should go with compilation stuff and continue the playthrough I already mentioned all of this, asked whether you wanted to make the Junon chapter more official or if you wanted to move on to the seventh chapter and you didn't even respond.

So actually what I’m really trying to say that it’s nice that my input and want of continuation into this as member of the forum has gone completely ignored, and as a result we’ve backtracked a full chapter now…so on that note I’ve now lost interest and am backing out of this thing all together, so yeah the rest of you have fun but if my input means fuck all then I’m not gonna bother posting anymore….cheers for that...


He just missed it, Sprites. It's not like he deleted your posts or something, we'll catch back up. I posted in response to your update and I responded to his, you weren't ignored.


It's gonna be hard keeping up interest though.

Especially next month, with all sorts of stuff coming out...


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
The forum isn't dead. I honestly don't know what you're talking about. The only reason this died is because it went unloved for a long bit of time. I think that's why this sort of lost interest. If you have to go away for a long time, maybe ask someone else to take over in the meantime? idk

Alex Strife

I don't think it's really dead as long as there's somebody willing to continue. If nobody else wants to do it, I call you Sprites to continue it just you and me. Bear with my slow speed because life's pretty much getting in the way, but I want to continue.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I dunno man. I REALLY want to finish this, but man it just kinda feels like nobody feels up to doing anything anymore. If I told you guys the number of staff projects that were going on (but never happened) heads would roll. The site isn't DEAD, I mean, people are on, but activity doesn't really seem like it was, or should be, for a site of this quality. Maybe the interest isn't there?

I'm not having a midlife crisis or anything, it just seems like I'm performing for an empty theater. Sprites post sort of smooshed my spirit about it, I hate it say.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I think everyone was into this. A lot of people were playing along! I think it just might take a day or two to realize that you've started it up again. Give it a little while. Take the "no it's dead" out of the title. Don't let one person get you down. I think she's just been waiting for an update for a while. I think a bunch of other people are still into it. And maybe people who aren't members are playing along too! You never know. And if you're having fun with it, it shouldn't matter if 2 or 20 people are playing with you. :3


I don't know if I feel like catching up to stuff as I stopped playing weeks ago at the ShinRa HQ.

Good thing though I have multiple saves for all the awesome events in FFVII so I could just jump back in later on. :awesome:

The community playthrough *is* a pretty neat idea and it'd suck if it died.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
If I wasn't currently locked out of my psn account that has ff7 I would have updated this weekend. So yes, people are still interested and want to do this, no premature death toll pl0x.


Great Old One
Hmmz, load second game and play until Junon? I could do that. How long do I have until next chapter?

Alex Strife

Let's set up a deadline for starting it again? I have an online competition on sunday, so I've got to train a bit. However, I am positive next monday I can join at 100%. I'm at Junon anyway, so the only thing I need to do is fight some monsters and possibly try to get the Zolom's enemy skill, so I'm pretty much there anyway, and I can post what I did on mog's last update, since that's what I did before getting to Junon anyway :D


Great Old One
I remembered something funny - first time I started playing VII, it was on my PSP, but I quit shortly after reaching Costa Del Sol. I have tons of school this week and work this weekend anyway, so maybe I can join up again after the ship ride overseas? I still remember sort of how I sat up the game, and I've played it quite differently the second time around, so it might be fun to see how "n00b me" have done it the first time around.
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