Let's Play Final Fantasy VII: At the same time!


Pro Adventurer
I killed the Midgar Zolom for the 1st time this early in a playthrough. Just used Barret's mindblow so it couldnt use beta and moved everyone to the back row so its bite takes out 200 HP instead of 400. Even when he reduced my party to one by knocking 2 characters out he wasn't that tough.

I know VII gets alot of bad rap for being on the easier side, and this is the first time (trying to kill the Zolom this early) I really noticed how much fun a really tough challenge could be. Usually the only tough challenge in VII is the WEAPONS. Going to do the Yuffie side story early may be difficult as well, I never tried it on the first disc.

Oh well, Super Mario Brothers 3 is one of the best games of all time yet its also one of the easiest as well. Remember the Koopa castle bosses midway through a world? Just jump on top of them as soon as they recover from the last hit? People over look faults like that and how easy it was because the gameplay was satisfying. Theres alot of great things in VII that make me able to overlook how relatively easy it is.

Everyone here probably already knows this but you can run past the marshes without the need for a chocobo with good enough timing.

Alex Strife

Everyone here probably already knows this but you can run past the marshes without the need for a chocobo with good enough timing.

Sometimes I even did it. Still caught a Chocobo for the sake of it; then ran past the marshes, heh.

Alex Strife

Right on!! After playing the other day I was on the mood to continue, so Fifth Chapter came on the perfect time for me. As always now, I'll write my sensations and ramblings as I go on...

I'm starting right outside of Kalm, and I forgot to mention the last time that I already learnt Matra Magic from the Custom Sweepers, and I start trying to find them to steal a new (melee) weapon for Barret. Once I got it, we move into... Kalm! Definitely, one of my favourite places in FFVII. The music is so... well, so calm. It feels like a mixture of old FF architecture like coming from FFVI with the gritty machine touch. Lovely!

SPANISH MISTRANSLATION MOMENT!: The woman at the entrance says the party's waiting upstairs... well, in Spanish they wrote "Fiesta" which is obviously... Party, as in "yay, party!" not "group". Therefore, us Spaniards did not have a group upstairs, but a fun party, waiting for us. A party with scary stories, I guess. Whatever, let's go upstairs and everybody's waiting.

Oh, I got the megalixir from the unreachable place. If you keep opening it, Cloud will get fed up, kick the wardrobe and... you get it. For some reason, the translation in Spanish says "megalixir lost", but you obviously still get it. Is this wrong on the English one as well? Whatever; I edited the FFwikia, since it didn't have the Kalm megalixir listed...

I love that moment where Cloud starts explaing the story, and there's not background music. It gives a special feeling, really. And it's so funny you can see Zack's behaviour already on the truck!! Cloud's moving around, absolutely unable to stay quiet and still, just as Zack would do. And also "I wanted to become a hero like you". And that fight... it's just amazing. It even amazes me now. Even if I know in the end you have 9999HP and can deal those 9999HP damage to the enemy. Seeing Cloud with 140 while Sephiroth has 3264 shows you the amount of power difference there once was... I got to attack!! I dealt 14dmg to the Dragon! Yay. This time I won't get killed, then, but I love how Sephiroth uses Life2 on Cloud. It shows Sephiroth used to care for his comrades.

Oh, and Tifa's "...."s are so suspicious nowadays! :D I like visiting every house in Nibelheim 5 years ago, so I get to see interesting and original points, like Cloud not remembering if he was in that house next to the Inn, or the classic visiting Tifa's house moment. I did some piano playing, so that I may get an Elemental materia later on.

And it's interesting as well, seeing Cloud's interaction with his mother. Basically because all of it seems inconsistent. Cloud's a 1st Class SOLDIER, but there's something off... he seems way too... soft. He just looks like a mixture (obviously!) of his 16 year old MP self + Zack's "cockiness", so sometimes you see young Cloud and he's just not cut out to be a SOLDIER. Much less a 1st class. However, seeing her mother saying "so this is SOLDIER's uniform?" and Cloud saying his mom invited him and Zack to have lunch... maybe they ended up going there? Crisis Core makes you think they didn't. But who knows.

Nice touch, having a different Cloud picture on the menu, by the way. This kind of flashbacks would usually disable the menu, but Square chose to "update" it to a five-year-ago version. I like that. By the way, do you think there is a chance we'll get to see one of the other 127 students of Zangan, in a FFVII-related game?

Again, analysing what we see, it's obvious something's off. While Cloud's reactions to seeing Tifa are genuine (that's probably what he thought), Tifa's reaction seem cold, to someome who she made that promise with. That's because she never had those reactions and they're entirely fabricated by Cloud's messed up mind.

Oh! Slum music on Nibelheim. It always seemed an odd choice, in my mind. Anyway bridge's down! Sephiroth's a beast, definitely. Level 50's a high level for Nibelheim anyway. And we get to THE scene. Sephiroth found out about himself (Really, how? Heh). And we now get to the first part I remember of FFVII!! I went to a friend's house and a friend of his brother had lent them a PS1 and some games, so my friend was playing FFVII at that time, and he was on the second part of the story. I remember clearly as if it was yesterday what happened on this part of the game... we got stuck on the Chocobo part, though (I wasn't into Playstation games at all, yet, as I didn't have one myself, so I didn't really think of how to move on), so I wouldn't play the game anymore until the day where I would buy it myself...

Now for another classic scene; the fire of Nibelheim and Sephiroth disappearing through the fire. Reactor again and... what an abrupt ending to the story!! I should have guessed there was something strange.

And now for some Kalm-ing!! And wow, for the first time I peeked through the window next to the peacemaker! I never knew you could do that. Isn't that where Marlene's supposed to be at the end of the game? Some business now... Earth material, Heal materia, and moving on to the next place. Chocobo Ranch, here I go!!

On my way there Tifa learnt her 1st Lvl2 Limit Break, which is great. Aeris still has only her first limit break, though. Anyway!! Here it goes, Chocobo Dance, and first summon! Yay. And I love the sense of nostalgia that invades me when I hear the Chocobo Ranch music...

I'm fighting to learn some enemy skills (Lvl4 Suicide and Chocobuckle) when Aeris gains her second 1st level Limit Break. Yay. And I love the sense of nostalgia that invades me when I hear the Chocobo Ranch music...
I'm fighting to learn some enemy skills (Lvl4 Suicide and Chocobuckle) when Aeris gains her second 1st level Limit Break. Yay. After all this is done, I finally catch a Chocobo (without the aid of any kind of greens) and I’m off to the cave. The impaled Zolom was quite a sight, by the way!

Short cave that makes my materia list that tiny little bit too big, and I now have materia I’m not using. I stole a Great Glove for Tifa, though, which is mightly useful on various fronts! And fighting in the cave finally made my first materia level up. It’s (obviously) an all materia, which is now level 2, while I have another one about to level up as well.

And outside again; time to get Yuffie! Piece of cake, and going towards Condor Reactor... I finally bought the second Recover materia, too, which shall remain unused now, but will be used later on. Damn I didn’t remember the mini-game taking so much money! Ah well, I decided to do it, so... deal with it!

Some fighting on my way to Junon, and a new limit break for Cloud, completing lvl 2! That is all for today. I'm wrapping this up, and I'll eagerly wait for the next chapter. I'm guessing it'll take us all the way up to Corel-Gold Saucer? :P

Cloud - Level 19
Hardedge: (Lightning)=(Elemental) (Sense) (Enemy Skill)
Carbon Bangle: (Ice)=(Bio) (Cover)

Tifa - Level 18
Great Glove: (Lightning)=(All) (Choco-Mog) (Long Range)
Carbon Bangle: (Fire)=(Ice) (Steal)

Aeris - Level 17
Striking Staff: (Restore)=(All) (Earth) (Heal)
Carbon Bangle: (Fire)=(All) (Sense)
Barret - Level 17
Atomic Scissors: EMPTY
Carbon Bangle: EMPTY

Red XIII - Level 17
Magic Comb: EMPTY
Mythril Bangle: EMPTY

Yuffie - Level 17
Boomerang: EMPTY
Carbon Bangle: EMPTY
SPANISH MISTRANSLATION MOMENT!: The woman at the entrance says the party's waiting upstairs... well, in Spanish they wrote "Fiesta" which is obviously... Party, as in "yay, party!" not "group". Therefore, us Spaniards did not have a group upstairs, but a fun party, waiting for us. A party with scary stories, I guess. Whatever, let's go upstairs and everybody's waiting.

Oh, I got the megalixir from the unreachable place. If you keep opening it, Cloud will get fed up, kick the wardrobe and... you get it. For some reason, the translation in Spanish says "megalixir lost", but you obviously still get it. Is this wrong on the English one as well? Whatever; I edited the FFwikia, since it didn't have the Kalm megalixir listed...
I really think you should create an extensive list of the most amusing/horrible translation errors in the Spanish version.

I hear that all non-English European localizations are absolute trainwrecks in their translation and it would be neat to know the prime examples of this.

And it's interesting as well, seeing Cloud's interaction with his mother. Basically because all of it seems inconsistent. Cloud's a 1st Class SOLDIER, but there's something off... he seems way too... soft. He just looks like a mixture (obviously!) of his 16 year old MP self + Zack's "cockiness", so sometimes you see young Cloud and he's just not cut out to be a SOLDIER. Much less a 1st class. However, seeing her mother saying "so this is SOLDIER's uniform?" and Cloud saying his mom invited him and Zack to have lunch... maybe they ended up going there? Crisis Core makes you think they didn't. But who knows.

If you've acquired Cloud as an e-mail friend, Cloud will send a mail to Zack during the Nibelheim events and reveal that he has decided to show his face to his mother.
He invites Zack for dinner, but we don't know if Zack ever took the invite.
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Alex Strife

I may very well do that, then, Shademp. Since the most hideous ones so far are in my texts on this thread, I'll review them, list them, and once we're finished with this playthrough, I'll... do something with the list.
I may very well do that, then, Shademp. Since the most hideous ones so far are in my texts on this thread, I'll review them, list them, and once we're finished with this playthrough, I'll... do something with the list.

Sorry if my request came off as an order. :P
My attention was elsewhere so I did not correct my message to sound more kind. Just know that if you indeed do make such a list I would be very interested in it. =)

Since I am planning on expanding my "FFVII Versions FAQ", a list of the most horrible translation errors would be of interest to this work.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
And now for some Kalm-ing!! And wow, for the first time I peeked through the window next to the peacemaker! I never knew you could do that. Isn't that where Marlene's supposed to be at the end of the game?

Can you actually look through that window? As in, does the scene change or anything? I never tried it!
Can you actually look through that window? As in, does the scene change or anything? I never tried it!

All you see is Cloud's head peaking out the window. You can change the direction of his head (it looks kinda funny) but other than that there is nothing to see. The scene doesn't change.

EDIT: Low-res screenshot I just made.



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
All you see is Cloud's head peaking out the window. You can change the direction of his head (it looks kinda funny) but other than that there is nothing to see. The scene doesn't change.

EDIT: Low-res screenshot I just made.


OH. MY. GOD. I have owned this game since it came out and I never knew you could do that. I think I need a lie down now......


Since I am planning on expanding my "FFVII Versions FAQ", a list of the most horrible translation errors would be of interest to this work.

How about the German version using the English word order instead of the German one everytime someone speaks in ellipses? :P
(Normally it's subject-verb-object in both languages but here it's different because of tenses or whatever)

(Example: "We came...to tell you...our memories.")

Which probably stems from the fact that everytime someone speaks in ellipses they don't try to translate the line as a whole but instead for some reason translate it bit by bit.

The result is something that sounds like the characters are just stammering incoherently instead of just having stupid "dramatic pauses" in their speech.


All you see is Cloud's head peaking out the window. You can change the direction of his head (it looks kinda funny) but other than that there is nothing to see. The scene doesn't change.

EDIT: Low-res screenshot I just made.




I've known about the "peek through window" in Kalm since my first playthrough. :monster:

I wonder how many other details have gone past even the hardcore FFVII fans.

Alex Strife

^ It was also the first time for me, to be honest. Never knew about it.

EDIT: I've got now a list with all that stuff and some particularities of the Spanish translation, such as name changes and all that. I'll keep it updated.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
After Midgar I stuck with Barret and Tifa and decided to level grind a little more. I tried to get everyone to at least lvl 20 before going to Kalm. I took a detour to the chocobo ranch to pick up the Choco/Mog materia. Also made a point of learning Matra Magic and L4 suicide enemy skills - Matra in particular is pretty useful at this stage of the game.

Kalm – went straight upstairs for the Nibelheim flashback. I am struck by how normal Sephiroth seems.
I made a point of trolling Tifa with her orthopedic underwear, had a good root around in her room. For most girls, this would be the nail in the coffin of a potential relationship. Not our Tifa though :monster:

In the reactor I loled at how Cloud and Seph are too short to see into the pods. I actually feel a bit sorry for Sephiroth here - for about 3 minutes – he genuinely seems upset. Does anyone else find it odd that we never fight any of the ‘pod monsters’ ? I always thought sooner or later we would :/

After Seph goes mad, I always laugh at the guy lying on the ground (the one who wanted a photo) ‘Um....am I going to die?’ total understatement!

So again I get to thinking, knowing what I now know – up until that point Sephiroth believed Jenova to be an ancient and also his mother. If Cloud hadn’t knocked him into the lifestream, would he have then been Jenovas pawn? :huh:

Also I am thinking that Sephiroth isn’t as good with that sword as we think. He sliced Tifa, yet she still wears crop tops so the scar couldn’t have been that bad!

The problem I have is that Sephiroth must have found Gast’s note’s tl:dr or he’d convieniently forgetting that he himself has human parents. And what is he on about ‘I have orders to take back the planet for the Cetra’ he’s making shit up here, nobody ordered him to do anything :lol:

Oh and the most hilarious/dramatic line ever “Out of my way. I’m going to see my mother” XD

Anyway, I stocked up on materia and weapons and swiped what was available in the other houses in Kalm. I do like Kalm, but I am also dissapointed in how low-tech it is compared with Midgar. It definitely wouldn’t be out of place in one of the more medeval styled FF’s.

Chocobo ranch. Just going to say that I think Choco Billy and his family are a bunch of rip off merchants, almost as bad as that bastard Tom Nook! I do not believe for a minute that those Chocobos outside belong to someone else. It just that he can make 2000gil flogging Chocobo Lure and hiring a Chocobo would only cost 500gil(probably). The swines!

Whatever, once I got me a Chocobo I nipped over the marsh. I’m not even going to attempt Zolom even though I’m over levelled- I’ll be back later to learn Beta though.

Mythril Mines music, has always been one of my favourites, its so mysterious. Also the Mythril Mines are probably the prettiest cave ‘level’ as caves in games go. Personally when playing an RPG I always groan when I have to go through a cave....they’re always so boring, and they usually contain frigging annoying bats! Not so here.

Meeting up with the Turks. A few things stood out here. When Rude asks Cloud if he knows what the Turks do and he says ‘Kidnapping right?’ Rude replies ‘ That’s not all there is to it, not anymore.’ Weird, I don’t know why they were trying to make out thats all the Turks used to do. For one thing – SOLDIER wasn’t exactly short of volunteers was it? They didn’t have to kidnap anyone for that. Also, prior to this meeting we’ve already seen the Turks acting in other capacities – blowing up the pillar, and aprehending Cloud and co in Shinra HQ. Just think its a bit odd.

Lol Elena running her mouth and Tseng telling her off........I wonder if she’ll get a spanking later? :awesome:

Aeris was in my party at this point. So Tseng had to make some small talk. Its funny in retrospect, he tells her to ‘take care’ and she says ‘strange...hearing that from you’ Of course in Crisis Core Tseng is made out to be less of a bastard, but its quite clear in the OG that Aeris is surprised to hear him say anything nice to her :lol:

On to Fort Condor, I love how the ‘chief’ here spends most of his time with his head in his hands on the table, I think he’s got a drink problem or something. So I did the first battle, and sort of cheated a leeeetle bit. It turns out that if you place one troop as low as you can, and then start the game, the threshold line will be lower and if you place more troops in the same fashion, you can gain more ground and kill the enemy troops as soon as they get on screen. This speeds the battle up somewhat.

I always get Yuffie in the forest outside Junon, this time it seemed to take longer than usual and I think I hate Cappawires more than anything now.



I found that, besides the flashback scene, Kalm was pretty much empty and really doesn't add much to the story besides the obligatory bullshit NPC chatter and stores.

Nothing else to add yet :monster:.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I'm stalled before you enter Gongaga right now and am having fun in Gold Saucer earning enough BP for 3 Champion Belts. So I'll start playing when you guys get there. Okay, chapter summaries.

Chapter 1

The bombing mission. You know somethings up when you've been hired by the terrorists and not the authorities. It also seemed way too easy to get into the reactor. The placement of the Restore materia was ironic though.

Cloud was not what I was expceting. He's supposed to be the hero and yet he acts like a jerk. That said, Barret's "environmental" ravings were annoying and I was glad Cloud shut him up. The whole part with Cloud's subconscious trying to clue him in that something wasn't going right was weird and made me wonder if the guy had a few screws loose.

Okay, the train. What is up with Midgar's public transportation system? It goes from the slums to the plate? Really? I thought the whole point was to keep the people in the slums from going onto the plate. Sector 7 really lucked out with the train station. And don't tell me the Plate is only 165 ft off the ground. It looks way taller then that in renders.

Sector 7 Slums. This surprised me. I was expecting something more along the lines of North Corel or Bone Village. Instead, we have a relatively normal looking town center complete with bar, weapon shop, potion shop and a couple house from which to steal supplies from. The only difference is that they're made out of raw construction material. This actually reminds a lot of Edge's look.

Tifa's flashback humanizes her and Cloud and Marlene really humanizes Barret. Of course, Cloud acts like a complete jerk.

I'll put up more chapters later.


The Doomsayer
Kalm flashback. Intense stuff right here. Here, I guess one would initially have the impression of Sephiroth being a normal guy, until he raised the questions about himself and all the good stuff happens. AND HE'S A SHOWOFF. :awesomonster:

I lol'd at the part with Tifa's underwear. Be more serious, Cloud! Anyways, I also tried playing on the piano, tried to play the main theme or whatever.

Ethers are crack to the guys that live in Kalm. I swear I found AT LEAST ONE ETHER in every single house. lol

After Kalm though, I wanted to kill myself for a good portion. MY GOD. I shat myself trying to get Mu to appear near the chocobo ranch. Then I bled my ass while shitting in exclamation, waiting for it to cast Lv4 Suicide. Same thing waiting for a Lv16 chocobo to appear. :(

I also wanna stab the chocobo kid, ya know, the one who wants you to pay for the lure materia. I gotta friggin pay 2000 gil for your pile of crap? At that point I was JUST SHORT of 2000, and can't sell anything because the buy/sell shit appears AFTER you buy this. Why can't I just stab you and take the materia and the greens? :bmonster:

I went like
when I beat up the Midgar Zolom to get Beta, but INSTANTLY went into battle with another and died. I opened my menu immediately after killing it, got my normal settings back up, and BAM. Whatever, acquiring Beta is definitely worth it, and will break the game completely.

Places in RPGs like this cave always make me think, who would actually be bothered enough to run through all the random encounters, a possibly long way from town, to a random dead end of a cave, to stash a potion? Worst case scenario is like in FF12, where you could go to the middle of a desert for a chest with ONE GIL.

Also, Elena is pretty dumb and incompetent. lol

I also don't like the extremely slow speed of the Fort Condor battle. Whatever though, the Magic Comb is worth it, I guess.

YUFFIE!!1 *_* ...not interested. Let's get moving :monster:


Cloud: Level 17
Hardedge (Earth)=(All) (Steal) (Sense)
Carbon Bangle (Restore)=(All) (Poison)

Yuffie: Level 16
Boomerang (Fire)=(All) (Enemy Skill) (Throw)
Carbon Bangle (Chocobo Lure) (Cover) (Lightning)

Tifa: Level 15
Grand Glove (Choco/Mog)=(Elemental) (Sense) (Long Range)
Carbon Bangle (Fire) (Ice) (Heal)

All my materia are in a slot. I don't know if AP is split among materia, but whatever. The All materia on Cloud is level 2, so he can cast a multitarget Cure twice for the party.

Cloud has his level 2 Limit Break, but I haven't gotten Climhazzard. Yuffie still only has her first Limit Break. Everyone else has all level 1 Limit Breaks learned. All party members are in Fury status and in the front row, so that I can learn Limit Breaks faster.

Pretty much my priority for selecting party members is like, lowest Limit Break status (level or if second has been learned yet) > lowest level character


Pro Adventurer
The price for a night at a nice looking inn at Kalm is only 20 gil? Even the pile of rubble at Corel is 50 gil a night. The word must have gotten out about their bed bugs. Or maybe the owner is a pimp who brings in prostitutes every night. Better bring a black light. Even the chocobo grandfather wants 100 gil to let strangers sleep in his bed.

The Midgar zolom cheats bad. I have Barret's level 2 limit break so i can no longer use mindblow to stop him from using Beta. Even though I'm hitting him for almost 400 damage a pop with ice 2 bolt 2 fire 2 the works it panics and either casts beta for 1000+ damage or knocks all my characters off the screen.

I wonder what makes this battle system so addictive.

Tifa is the first character to do 1000 damage....sort of. Got all yeahs and both limit attacks took out a little over 500 HP, equaling over 1000 damage.

I gave Barret the cover materia to hurry up and get him to his level 2 limit break. I'm going to work on his and Cloud's limit leveling, don't care much about Tifa as shes gone as soon as Cid arrives.

The mythril mines are the best area to level up on the eastern continent. You can learn the enemy skill flamethrower from the flying dragons in there.

Is there anyway to trigger "fat chocobo" with the chocomog summon or is it completely random?
Is there anyway to trigger "fat chocobo" with the chocomog summon or is it completely random?

241/256 chance of getting 'DeathBlow!!'
15/256 chance of getting 'Fat-Chocobo'
^from Absolute Steve's FFVII guide. So yes, it is random.

The guide just taught me something new about the Choco/Mog Materia...

"Speak with the Chocobo's near the fence at the Chocobo Ranch. You can do this the first time on Disc 1. Should you have missed it, you can also do it on Disc 2/3 by catching Chocobo's yourself and talking to those."
I never knew this WARKED! I thought you missed the summon materia forever if you didn't get it early on.


Source: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/faqs/45703

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^I love Absolute Steve's Guides. Has FFVII and FFVIII guides downloaded onto my computer.

Chapter 2

Shopping in Sector 7 and Sector 5 always causes me to go "Huh?". From a game play perspective, it makes perfect sense it makes perfect sense for there to be Item, Materia and Armor/Weapon shops there, but from a world-building perspective, it doesn't. I mean, Shin-Ra is supposed to not care about the people in the slums, but they apparently don't have problems with selling all the supplies people need to survive there or they turn a blind eye to all the small business that have cropped up over the years. Also, every house has electricity and a TV and we see such luxuries as toilet paper and mini-fridges on occasion. Where did they get these? I got the feeling that the Slums are more like a city unto themselves and not as under Shin-Ra rule as it appears at first.

I really didn't grind that much around here. Somehow along the line I managed to pick up a bunch of Ethers and those sell for 750 gil each so money wasn't a problem. And the rewards of grinding didn't seem to match up with the time spent on it. Later though...

Aerith's meeting. By this time I had watched CC so this meeting was highly ironic. Compared to the rest of the slum-dwellers, Aerith seems really naive and random. That is until Reno shows up. And what is up with the rocket. It provides a good hole in the plate for Cloud to fall through and it makes the church reflect Aerith's personality more (gritty past hidden under a soft exterior). The funny part to me here is that she refuses to jump over the gap the first time and yet the second time she jumps over the gap no problem. Aerith's joke about the Turks wanting her for SOLDIER makes her seem a bit of an airhead. And no, I failed the barrel part on purpose. What is up with Aerith's house? That thing does not belong in the slums by any stretch of the imagination.

The conversation with Aerith on the playground is cute. It makes you wonder how big SOLDIER is if Cloud didn't know who Aerith's friend was.

More to come.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Shopping in Sector 7 and Sector 5 always causes me to go "Huh?". From a game play perspective, it makes perfect sense it makes perfect sense for there to be Item, Materia and Armor/Weapon shops there, but from a world-building perspective, it doesn't. I mean, Shin-Ra is supposed to not care about the people in the slums, but they apparently don't have problems with selling all the supplies people need to survive there or they turn a blind eye to all the small business that have cropped up over the years. Also, every house has electricity and a TV and we see such luxuries as toilet paper and mini-fridges on occasion. Where did they get these? I got the feeling that the Slums are more like a city unto themselves and not as under Shin-Ra rule as it appears at first.

I figure Shinra don't care about the slums except for the fact that they can make money from them. So some products get sold there legit, other products are probably black market stuff, and maybe Shinra don't care as long as trouble isnt caused on the plate itself. If Shinra had a major crackdown on the stuff going on in the slums, it would cause them problems in the long run because people would start coming to the plate and stealing stuff.

Also, that toilet roll is the really low grade stuff. Like that stuff you get in schools that feels like tracing paper :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I've gotten obsessed with killing the Midgar Zolom without the need of Barret's mindblow to stop it's beta attack. So I leveled up like mad. Barret is 1200 HP, Cloud 1120 and Tifa 970. Going off of previous Beta attacks I thought it would only do a little over 1000 HP worth of damage so someone should survive. Well it turns out the beta attack is a cheat attack and it always does just enough damage to kill you. My next plan was to not attack the Midgar Zolom until all 3 party members had their limit breaks full. Then I unleashed waterkicks and Meteorains and Grenade bombs on it with a 1-2-3 punch. It stood up after taking what looked like over 2500 points of damage but it was too late. I cant remember if it knocked one of the characters off the screen but I killed it before it had the chance to use Beta. Mission accomplished.

Running around the world map I got to thinking, what could they have done to make VII harder? In a possible remake even just a HD remake what changes could they have done. Well for starters I think items need to be more expensive. A tent should be 1,000 gil. The cheapest inn in the game should be 500 gil to replenish your health.

Jack the prices of potions and all other items up 100% or higher. 600 gil for a phoenix down, etc etc. Status effects should stay after battle like other Final Fantasy games. Thats just starters on making it more difficult theres much more they could do. I at least hope increased difficulty finds its way into the next Final Fantasy game, but seeing how mainstream XIII was with its regenerating health after each battle and level caps I highly doubt it.

I gotta bring up how much fun I'm having on the world map...even though in reality I dont have any true freedom of choice a world map gives a nice sense of freedom and a wonderful feel of adventure. One of my biggest gripes with FFX and later Final Fantasy games is the lack of a true world map. I remember playing through X and waiting for the moment when the game let us go to the world map which of course never came. Sorry, but just clicking on a static map and warping to an area instantly isn't the same. No sense of adventure or freedom at all.

Oh yeah picked up Yuffie. For years I thought the name was pronounced Yuhfee not Yoofee.

Fort Condor was hilarious. Barret gets so ticked off when you choose chat options to not help fight the shinra. He even said Cloud wasn't human for choosing not to help, lol. I toyed with people there so much I can't find the option anymore to change my mind and actually help them. Oh well, thats more gil in my pocket.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Chapter 3

Wall Market. Let's just put it this way: I tried to get through it as fast as possible. So no going back to the Honeybee Inn.

I didn't get all the items. I only got the silk dress, sexy cologne and the blonde wig. Bottom line, the Don chose Aerith. It's actually better if you don't get chosen because you get more ExP/AP that way.

YEY! Steal Materia! This is one of my favorite materia. I pretty much give it to Cloud and then never take it off him.


Waiting for something
Maaaaaaaaan I really need to keep going, haven't had a chance to start the next chapter, I'm so busy at the moment, I'll try and have everything I've done up towards the end of the week :monster:
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