Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Ghost X

@Mwynn: Perhaps fan service isn't the correct term, as I'm not talking about sexiness or anything. I just think there's a difference between paying tribute to the franchise by developing old ideas, and just down-right copying them. There's no artistic merit whatsoever in the latter. I think people should really boycott this game, and maybe FFXV too :awesome:. SE will listen better when money isn't thrown at them. Instead of trying to make games that appeal to pop culture, maybe then they'll return to making games that create pop culture.


Great Old One

Yet another trailer, do you guys think she really won't be able to save Snow?


I really like this trailer. Lighting and Caius aaaaaa

* I don't mean in this thread, but liek, the battle system and the fighting and stuff makes me waaayyyy more excited than the outfit news (seeing Lightning in Yuna's outfit almost made me throw up)

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
Not sure if you guys know about this or not.. Different outfit has different abilities.. In the beginning you have this 9 job classes (outfit), you can choose from such as dragoon, knight, red mage, black mage etc etc..

source famitsu reports of TGS 2013=

(And I'm not sure whether it is true or if I have read it wrongly since my nihongo is a bit rusty :awesomonster: )
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Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
I'm not surprised if Lightning has Aerith outfit but not Tifa since Aerith and Lightning shared the same VA...


They just showed the first few hours of the game on stream (check for more info, beware of small spoilers though)

The opening was cool etc. Snow had pole dancers.


unsavory tart
@Mwynn: Perhaps fan service isn't the correct term, as I'm not talking about sexiness or anything. I just think there's a difference between paying tribute to the franchise by developing old ideas, and just down-right copying them. There's no artistic merit whatsoever in the latter. I think people should really boycott this game, and maybe FFXV too :awesome:. SE will listen better when money isn't thrown at them. Instead of trying to make games that appeal to pop culture, maybe then they'll return to making games that create pop culture.
Wait, when talking about ripping off ideas, you aren't talking about using cross promotional costumes are you? Because... what?

Or are you talking about when they said they were drawing ideas from Skyrim and Dark Souls?


Great Old One
^ Wow. This image is like... crazy good.


Also I would definitely like to party at Snow's club \o/


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I enjoyed the badass Slight(Snow+Lightning) fight but sadly didn't catch the rest.

No Vanille :(

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
Noctis is not official yet.. I mean ffxv haven't out yet.. That's why there's no Noctis or Stella outfitt iirc..


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
you are part of the problem


unsavory tart
They began with that? The XIII franchise really likes throwing you into a chaotic opening that makes no sense, and then makes you try to piece it together as you play.


^That's more of a general FF thing really. Let's not forget that the opening to VIII makes little sense until you're about to finish disc 3. Then there's IX... same thing actually.

Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
More info from famitsu..

Battle enemy encounter: so if you attack the enemy first, HP enemy will reduced. (it will not be reduced in easy mode)

SATB (style active time battle: SATB is the system to fight the enemy. Ability can be set up to four - basic attacks such as FIGHT , GUARD and MAGIC and AVOID. You can change SATB combination that has been set in advance by using costume, weapon, shield, accessories and ability.

Guard: it is possible to reduce the damage taken by guarding. Depending on what types of enemies, sometimes just by guarding it will not be knocked out in one shot if you just guard. There are a lot types of guarding you can choose from, not only just one type.

HP recovery is limited: Unlike the traditional games and FF XIII series, HP cannot recover when battle is over. Recovery magic items are classified into GP ability. There is nothing that you can recover HP to normal even if you're using CURE. You can recover HP loss by using recovery items, staying at inn or dining at restaurant. At the start of game, you can only bring 6 items with you but as the story progress, the number of items you can bring is increased slightly.

バトルに勝利したときに溜まる“GP(グローリーポイント)”を消費して実行するアビリティ。GPポイントを一定まで溜めると、バトル画面左下に表示される使用可能回数が増える(ゲームスタート時の最大使用可能回数は5)。E3 2013用の試遊版では、バトル中の時の流れを遅くし、一方的に攻撃できる“オーバークロック”が使用可能だった。“ケアル”や戦闘から逃げる“エスケープ”も、GPアビリティに分類される。

巨大なモンスターは、特定部位に攻撃を集中すると、そこを破壊できる場合がある。E3 2013用試遊版でのザルティスは、魔法攻撃に弱く、ノックアウトと同時に頭部の角が破壊できた。部位破壊を行うと、その部位を使う攻撃を封じられるほか、報酬が変化することもある。

ノックアウト (Knock-out)
敵が苦手とする属性の攻撃を継続的に当て続けることで、相手の体勢を崩せるシステム。どの属性の攻撃が有効かは、攻撃を当てたときに、敵のHPゲージの背後に表示される“ノックアウトウェーブ”で判断できる。弱点の攻撃をヒットさせると波形が発生し、赤くなるにつれてノックアウト発生が近づく。 - can someone translate this please.. I'm not so sure how to rephrase this to English. lol

Difficulty available

Easy mode: Friendly battle difficulty, battle escape without penalty and gradually recover HP
Normal mode: Battle difficulty standard, battle escape penalty and no HP recovery.
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