Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart


Rookie Adventurer
I actually didn't notice the little wiggle at first.. typical girl, I was looking at her hair and earring. xD LOL

You're right, ite (couldn't refuse a rhyme there ^^). Silly programmers throw in some cheap thrill, but hey, what can ya do.. I don't let it detract from her awesome chara/persona.


unsavory tart
I didn't notice it either until someone pointed it out. Now I can't unsee. Fuck if she turns into one of the DOA-ish characters.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Mestiz, those pictures you posted just show up as little Xs, but I ripped the URLs and managed to see 'em in new tabs. I like the middle one, I hadn't seen it before. Her boots aren't my thing, but I like the Highwind and the composition. I'll try and post it here:


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Thanks mestiz!

Honestly, though, Tifa's, erm, greeting really bothers me. I would rather have the boobs not move at all rather than in a goofy, cartoony way. Like they're giant water balloons. Looks childish and dumb.

Fanservice is a minefield indeed. You have to do it without letting people know you're doing it. Wagging Tifa's tits in front of me only makes the programmers look like twelve year olds.

Can't comment on the actual game because Dissidia has always looked like a frenzied strobe light to me.
which begs the question of why tifa and not any of the other well endowed characters. Hell Ultimecia has no support at all, while Tifa looks as though she's wearing some sort of sports bra which should restrict breast movement a good bit.

I mean sure, boobs jiggle during excessive movement without proper support, but they only move just a bit when they do. Look at a hot girl on a treadmill in a gym for example.

This just looks weird.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
lol at all the boobs giggling haters.
It's nothing new ... actually, it's such a big part of current Japanese media I'm surprised people are still surprised seeing it. I mean, just look at most animes these days... it's everywhere, along with pantsu. You may say it almost goes with the territory for Japanese audience.
It's no surprise SE would include it in their game, especially since Tifa IS boob related, whether you like or not.

Splintered said:
I didn't notice it either until someone pointed it out. Now I can't unsee. Fuck if she turns into one of the DOA-ish characters
Yeah. Like DOA invented boob giggling in the first place...
It was around way before they did it (hey there, Mai Shiranui), and most 3D fighters are doing it nowadays too (SCIV anyone?). Even "serious" Japanese games do it (MGS3 and MGS4), so please.
Also, DOA is actually a decent fighter, leagues ahead of a game such as Dissidia (which relies mostly on the fame of the characters more than gameplay itself, which IS a kind of fan service to me), people just like to hate on it because Itagaki had a thing for attractive female chars. So what. I'd rather have sexy girls in my game instead of uglies. Same goes for male chars too.
If you're gonna hate on DOA just cause it has sexy female characters and a bit a service eventhough it keeps a good gameplay, why don't you hate on shallow games that have nothing else going on for them instead, like Rumble Roses or Oneechan Bara.
THAT would be justified.

Getting back on Dissidia Tifa,
I'm more concerned about her voice actor sounding different. Is that still Ayumi Ito voicing her ? Somehow the way she talks seems a bit different than it did in AC/CC. Maybe that's just me though.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Someone else want to tackle the fail in that post?

I think I've done enough for today :monster:


Double Growth
Strike a chord?

I think the point is that girls boobs acting like they're made out of Jello isn't attractive. DOA didn't invent it, but its known for it. Deal.

And secondly, I fail to see where Splintered said anything about the quality of the gameplay in DOA.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Strike a chord?

I think the point is that girls boobs acting like they're made out of Jello isn't attractive. DOA didn't invent it, but its known for it. Deal.

And secondly, I fail to see where Splintered said anything about the quality of the gameplay in DOA.

The boobs in DOA are more akin to balls placed in socks and taped to a person's chest than jello tho


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Someone else want to tackle the fail in that post?
Save yourself the trouble. At least I'm assuming my opinions and I provide arguments.

Strike a chord?
I think the point is that girls boobs acting like they're made out of Jello isn't attractive.
Agreed. But Japanese audience (you know, the people these games are primarily aimed at) think otherwise. That was my point on why it's no surprise to see it once again....
And yes, that did strike a chord cause I happen to enjoy the DOA games regardless of the boob jiggling. Or else I'd be playing fail fighters wannabe such as Rumble Roses.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Save yourself the trouble. At least I'm assuming my opinions and I provide arguments.


Also, not every japanese anime/manga/game has bouncing breasts, so it's not like we should accept it everywhere we see it Mr. Japanman.


unsavory tart
If you're gonna hate on DOA just cause it has sexy female characters and a bit a service eventhough it keeps a good gameplay,
Yeah, I know other games have had gracious fanservice long before DOA, but DOA is practically infamous in gaming culture for the way they have represented female characters and their over the top fanservice. The gameplay is much better I agree, but the way they treat their characters is not. Just look at some of the DOA spin off games. I love Kasumi in DOA, but shit, what the fuck did they do with her ending? Made her a topless mermaid, lol?

I don't have a problem with jiggle physics in games, but it comes at the price of fandom reaction. They are obviously expecting some kind of reaction from it, it's only fair that people on the opposite side of the fence.

I guess my real problem is that being in FF fandom, anytime Tifa is congratulated on something, or wins a fan poll, or when she gets a cameo in a game, people immediately say it's because she's the fanservice character. As soon as she was introduced, there was a "it's because they need a big boobed chick in it" even though Tifa's been in other mediums (AC, KH, Ergeiz) and had a prominent fighting role. And then this comes around and it makes that much less respectable.

I'm more concerned about her voice actor sounding different. Is that still Ayumi Ito voicing her ?
I think she is, but I thought her voice was different as well. Maybe more experience?


Double Growth
Yeah, Tifa's seemed more Jello-y though.

Oh, and I HATED the jiggle in Soul Calibur 4. They all had it, but it was a whole new level in that game. It just looks so absurd. Xianghua has (compared to everyone else in the game) pretty small ones and while she bounced up and down they were all over the place. Taki's outfit has gotten progressively more embarrassing with each installment. But the worst, for me, is Ivy. Because she is my favorite character gameplay wise but she just looks so stupid in that ridiculous outfit and her boobs looking like they're in a game of dodgeball. /rant

I actually didn't notice Tifa's in that video myself until it was pointed out, I wasn't really looking at them.

Rei.K said:
And yes, that did strike a chord cause I happen to enjoy the DOA games regardless of the boob jiggling.

But where the hell did anyone say anything about enjoying or not enjoying DOA?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Because she is my favorite character gameplay wise but she just looks so stupid in that ridiculous outfit and her boobs looking like they're in a game of dodgeball. /rant

Don't forget that hideous transexual hooker face.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Thanks for the constructive answer, Splintered. I wish someone else would learn from that.

Yeah, I know other games have had gracious fanservice long before DOA, but DOA is practically infamous in gaming culture for the way they have represented female characters and their over the top fanservice.
Which is the shame, because it has a lot more going on. But I guess we could probably agree games and movies aren't always remembered for the good reasons by people, so what most people think about a game might not always be representative of its actual merits, don't you think ?

The gameplay is much better I agree, but the way they treat their characters is not. Just look at some of the DOA spin off games. I love Kasumi in DOA, but shit, what the fuck did they do with her ending? Made her a topless mermaid, lol?
As much of a DOA fan as I am, I totally agree with you there. I usually just skip that scene, actually. I wish they would make more endings like hers from DOA3. That one was so beautiful and in character.

I don't have a problem with jiggle physics in games, but it comes at the price of fandom reaction. They are obviously expecting some kind of reaction from it, it's only fair that people on the opposite side of the fence.
Not sure about this ... it has almost become a standard feature nowadays in Japanese entertainment, especially 3D fighters.
Just, as somebody pointed out before, it's not always present in animes for instance, but the amount of non R-18 animes featuring it almost sky rocketted these years. That's gotta mean there's an audience for it. That's probably why SE felt natural to do it too.
Western audience might react differently because they aren't so used to it yet, probably.

I guess my real problem is that being in FF fandom, anytime Tifa is congratulated on something, or wins a fan poll, or when she gets a cameo in a game, people immediately say it's because she's the fanservice character. As soon as she was introduced, there was a "it's because they need a big boobed chick in it" even though Tifa's been in other mediums (AC, KH, Ergeiz) and had a prominent fighting role. And then this comes around and it makes that much less respectable.
So right. I guess no matter what SE may do with Tifa, ever since FF7 came out her fandom developped in such a way it might be too late to get rid of the big boobed image now. Still they reduced her boobs a little, but it seems more like a desperate attempt to me.
Well, at least, true Tifa fans know there's more to her than this, right :) ?

I think she is, but I thought her voice was different as well. Maybe more experience?
Yeah, that's also what I was thinking. Ayumi is probably getting used to the character and may be trying to "define" her a little more based on what she thinks the character really is.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Thanks for the constructive answer, Splintered. I wish someone else would learn from that.

Oh hush, you're gonna make me cry.

My point stands tho:

Also, not every japanese anime/manga/game has bouncing breasts, so it's not like we should accept it everywhere we see it Mr. Japanman.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Man fuck being politically correct; I'm just going to say this up front. Japanese culture needs to get over themselves with the 'over the top yet extremely passive aggressive' sexualized cartoony shit in their media, for real.

I mean I'm really starting to think there's a correlation between the no sex/underpopulation crisis in Japan and the shit they eat up in their media. It's one thing for a character to be attractive and even sexy, but how is it in any way classy or reasonably serious to have jello titties swingin' back and forth. When is the last time these designers have even seen breasts?

Like for real I'm a grown ass man I shouldn't have to get 'used to it'. Granted, its a medium I don't have to partake in if I don't want to, I have that choice, but Jesus, have some dignity in your creative control when you're designing a character.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
But where the hell did anyone say anything about enjoying or not enjoying DOA?
Hm, maybe I got the wrong idea because of the use of words such as fuck and DOA-ish. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit aggressive, but that's usually what happens when someone bad mouths a game you like, right ? I do agree I overreacted a little.
... I met too much blind DOA haters. Or Tifa haters that based their opinions only on the size of her boobs.

My point stands tho:
Also, not every japanese anime/manga/game has bouncing breasts, so it's not like we should accept it everywhere we see it Mr. Japanman.
I don't remember saying you were wrong about this.
I said:
Just, as somebody pointed out before, it's not always present in animes for instance, but the amount of non R-18 animes featuring it almost sky rocketted these years. That's gotta mean there's an audience for it. That's probably why SE felt natural to do it too.
So yeah, not every anime does it, but a lot of them do, lately. And you'll probably notice those are usually the most popular too.
Starting to see a pattern here ?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I can see where you're coming from in your previous post, though.
I would find arguments to defend it, but as I was alread labelled Japanman although I have no intention of standing as such, maybe I should just refrain from doing it.
No culture is perfect, Japan's sure isn't ... still we could put it on cultural difference, how about that ? There's also lots of stuff people from different countries think is just wrong in American media - stuff like getting worked up over nipple slips or the value of weapons, but American people would certainly think otherwise... that's the point of cultural difference.

These animes and games are primarily aimed at a Japanese audience, even if it's nowadays being exported much easier than it would have been years ago.... so I'm not sure we can blame it for cattering to a certain audience based on their cultural values in the first place.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So yeah, not every anime does it, but a lot of them do, lately. And you'll probably notice those are usually the most popular too.
Starting to see a pattern here ?

Depends on the kind of anime. If it's some kind of moe fanservice shit then yeah, but most of the more serious, adult styled storied animes try to avoid it, and some of them do pretty well popularity wise.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I can see where you're coming from in your previous post, though.
I would find arguments to defend it, but as I was alread labelled Japanman although I have no intention of standing as such, maybe I should just refrain from doing it.
No culture is perfect, Japan's sure isn't ... still we could put it on cultural difference, how about that ? There's also lots of stuff people from different countries think is just wrong in American media - stuff like getting worked up over nipple slips or the value of weapons, but American people would certainly think otherwise... that's the point of cultural difference.

These animes and games are primarily aimed at a Japanese audience, even if it's nowadays being exported much easier than it would have been years ago.... so I'm not sure we can blame it for cattering to a certain audience based on their cultural values in the first place.

I dunno man, like, I'm not saying that Japanese culture should change just because I said so, but, I think a lot of it could become so much more than the sum of its parts. Outside of people who are either already fans of it or understand it, a lot of Japanese anime culture isn't taken seriously at all by people outside of Japan, who dismiss it as happy bouncy dancing nonsense with giant inflated titties and garden hose ejaculations and shit.

Japan may be totally fine with catering to its comfortable fanbase when it comes to anime and games, but if it wants to become a liked, and respected cultural force around the world (and make some cash money) like it was before, believe it or not, they need to grow out of jiggly titties and ":3 :3 :3 SO KAWAII MOE MOE" and step up their game.

There will always be an audience for those type of things. But don't let it define you.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Yes, it would be stupid to generalize... I was merely pointing the fact that the animes that do are very popular, still. Although I could probably find sexually based fan service even in animes that are considered "serious"... like Ghost in the Shell for instance. Of course it's a bit more subtle, but it's there.

To make it more straight forward : Japanese folks like that shit, so you should expect Japanese developpers to make use of it in their games. I'm sure they could care less if western audiences feel somewhat shocked.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I'm sure they could care less if western audiences feel somewhat shocked.

'oh man why aren't western audiences who control 70% of the worldwide market buying any of our games wow we're shocked help we need money what could be causing this??????'

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yes, it would be stupid to generalize... I was merely pointing the fact that the animes that do are very popular, still. Although I could probably find sexually based fan service even in animes that are considered "serious"... like Ghost in the Shell for instance. Of course it's a bit more subtle, but it's there.

To make it more straight forward : Japanese folks like that shit, so you should expect Japanese developpers to make use of it in their games. I'm sure they could care less if western audiences feel somewhat shocked.

Finding a bit of fanservice isn't surprising who fostered that property.

Dude has drawn full on sex scenes and porn.

The problem comes in that, a large number of japanese games don't have that shit and we didn't need it here. Perhaps it is no surprise, but we don't need to like it.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
lol who said they were good at actually making the right choices in the first place ? FFXIV is a good example.
Maybe they just gave up on trying to make stuff for westerners, too. Remember FFTSW ?

(also, my above post was actually a reply to I'm Batman's, right above yours, but I couldn't edit my message and add a quote afterwards...)
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