Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yeah, but Dissidia wants me to take it seriously.

Shit like this makes that hard.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

I don't know what that means either :no:

Dacon said:
Yeah, but Dissidia wants me to take it seriously.

Yeah I'm not quite sure why SE would think this is a good idea. Do they really think it'll sell better? Do they really think fans want that? idgi


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
She may learn to 'puff-puff' the monsters (basically squeezing her breasts) to paralyze them, or dance to cause them to be paralyzed in affection for her.

Yeah I'm not quite sure why SE would think this is a good idea. Do they really think it'll sell better? Do they really think fans want that? idgi
Maybe the lulz :monster:

Also I don't think it's fair to say the entire Society of Japan is like this. I'm sure there's tons of people in Japan who hate it as much as you guys do :P
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wangxian married
I don't think you want to open the can of worms that is Japan's sexual culture, man.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wasn't the one who brought it up dude :monster:

But meh, whatever. I don't want to get into any fights here so we'll just leave it at that.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I wasn't referring to Japanese fans. I said "fans", as in fans in general. tbh, I'm not exactly sure how you concluded I meant only Japanese people.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I was referring to this:

Man fuck being politically correct; I'm just going to say this up front. Japanese culture needs to get over themselves with the 'over the top yet extremely passive aggressive' sexualized cartoony shit in their media, for real.

Cause I know it'd upset a friend of mine, and I guess I don't think it's fair to say Japanese culture when I hardly think it's all of Japanese Culture. Just SE being stupid. :sigh:

Can we forget I brought it up?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Cause I know it'd upset a friend of mine, and I guess I don't think it's fair to say Japanese culture when I hardly think it's all of Japanese Culture. Just SE being stupid. :sigh:

But SE isn't the only Japanese company to portray women with impossibly large, bouncy boobs. But I can't claim to know much of Japanese media/culture.

Can we forget I brought it up?



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But SE isn't the only Japanese company to portray women with impossibly large, bouncy boobs. But I can't claim to know much of Japanese media/culture.
Well true but America does this sometimes too :monster:
And from what Dacon is saying, SE Doesn't even do it that often.

Well I'm not gonna post about it anymore so there :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well true but America does this sometimes too :monster:

True, but perhaps not quite as egregiously.

And from what Dacon is saying, SE Doesn't even do it that often.

I dunno. Alls I know is this bit with Tifa is ridiculous :monster:

and offensive to my intelligence and maturity

and sexuality


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I just find the whole thing hilarious. Who knows? Maybe Square will tone it down a bit before it comes out. If the fans are vocal enough anyway.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I just find the whole thing hilarious. Who knows? Maybe Square will tone it down a bit before it comes out. If the fans are vocal enough anyway.

Maybe it's a joke. SE has a sense of humor, right?


I don't mind bouncing boobs as long as it's realistic and not DOA-like. :monster:

Also, I knew puff-puff. I've read Dragon Ball, after all. :wacky:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Hey guys, I'm back to argue some more about boobs, because it's so fun.

Ugh. This. I mean, her boobs are moving independently of each other. Creepy. And they don't jiggle just by bending over! How do her boobs bounce up when she is leaning over? They're ignoring physics here, lol.
Interesting point. They are sure ignoring physics, but last time I checked, people were ok with this.


I don't think it's physically possible for a girl built like Tifa to throw a guy so far away just by punching him.

I'm not sure it's also possible to ...


...jump from wall to wall just by stepping on them.
But it does look cool, right ?
Not sure about running on walls vertically either...


There's also no way a dude could keep going back and forth in mid air to strike another dude, without wings or some kind of flying device.


It's just not physically possible, but it does look good so people are ok with it. Afterall, this is a fictious work of art, in a fictious world, with fictious characters.
But for some reason, the minute a pair of boobs starts moving a bit unrealistically, it's a scandal.
Why, I wonder. Probably because anything related to sex automatically gets blown out of proportion in this country of yours. Can't just accept it's just for fun, as much as running on walls is ?

I don't think cheap boob jiggles will help this game sell any better. People will buy the game for gameplay, and title.
Especially for title, I might say. I'm not sure people looking for a solid fighter are buying this game. Hell, when it comes to play a game for the fighting mechanics, I'd rather play DOA even if it has exagerated boobs physics, cause it still gets the job done pretty well as a fighter. Same could be said about SCIV. But Dissidia ? C'mon. The whole point of the game is the fact famous characters from the FF universe are gathered in a physics defying brawl fest, nothing more.
Yet, as a fan of Tifa as I am, I certainly ain't buying a PSP for this.
A game labelled as a fighter's gotta have a bit more than this.


Double Growth
You really have to stop being so defensive about DOA. No one except you has made any comparison between how "solid a fighter" Dissidia is vs. DOA. The only comparison being drawn is boob physics.

Rei.K said:
I'm not sure people looking for a solid fighter are buying this game.

Okay...so no one else can enjoy the gameplay? And have you even played Dissidia?

But anyway, a bunch of Level 99 heroes performing extraordinary feats of strength is a bit different from boobs bouncing all over because she leans forward.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Isn't that such a trendy word lately. How about you actually give arguments to justify your opinion, instead of blind flaming. You aren't helping things at all with this kind of message.

You really have to stop being so defensive about DOA. No one except you has made any comparison between how "solid a fighter" Dissidia is vs. DOA.
I did so merely because DOA was quoted a few times already in this thread, and no so long ago too. Also, please note I compared it to SCIV, too. My point was to compare Dissidia as a fighter to other fighting games, that's all.

But anyway, a bunch of Level 99 heroes performing extraordinary feats of strength is a bit different from boobs bouncing all over because she leans forward.
How ? In both cases, it's physically unrealistic. The only difference is people are overreacting much more about boob jiggling.


Double Growth
My point was to compare Dissidia as a fighter to other fighting games, that's all.

Even though Dissidia has never even pretended to be trying to be like DOA, SC, Tekken, etc. Yes yes I know it gets called a fighter. But does every fighter have to be identical? It tries something *gasp* different. And again I ask, have you even played Dissidia?

How ? In both cases, it's physically unrealistic. The only difference is people are overreacting much more about boob jiggling.

People are overreacting. But there's still an artistic difference. It would be like putting googly-eyes on Cloud and saying its okay because its fantasy. There's a difference between established superheroes doing something fantastic and mere objects behaving in such a way that reminds you its fake.


Double Growth
Interesting...she looks a bit depressed, but I haven't seen too many painted ones.

Amazing how they painted the command window so clearly :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Hey guys, I'm back to argue some more about boobs, because it's so fun.

Interesting point. They are sure ignoring physics, but last time I checked, people were ok with this.


I don't think it's physically possible for a girl built like Tifa to throw a guy so far away just by punching him.

I'm not sure it's also possible to ...


...jump from wall to wall just by stepping on them.
But it does look cool, right ?
Not sure about running on walls vertically either...


There's also no way a dude could keep going back and forth in mid air to strike another dude, without wings or some kind of flying device.


It's just not physically possible, but it does look good so people are ok with it. Afterall, this is a fictious work of art, in a fictious world, with fictious characters.
But for some reason, the minute a pair of boobs starts moving a bit unrealistically, it's a scandal.
Why, I wonder. Probably because anything related to sex automatically gets blown out of proportion in this country of yours. Can't just accept it's just for fun, as much as running on walls is ?

Especially for title, I might say. I'm not sure people looking for a solid fighter are buying this game. Hell, when it comes to play a game for the fighting mechanics, I'd rather play DOA even if it has exagerated boobs physics, cause it still gets the job done pretty well as a fighter. Same could be said about SCIV. But Dissidia ? C'mon. The whole point of the game is the fact famous characters from the FF universe are gathered in a physics defying brawl fest, nothing more.
Yet, as a fan of Tifa as I am, I certainly ain't buying a PSP for this.
A game labelled as a fighter's gotta have a bit more than this.

That's an idiotic justification for the intentional and unnecessary objectification of a fan favorite character. HERP DERP EXAGGERATED PHYSICS IN MOVIES AND GAMES, BREASTS TURNING INTO GOO IS AWWWRITE. The whole point of them performing ridiculous feats in a world where everyone else is still limited by gravity and physics is meant to pronounce just how powerful these people are. Everyone else is still restricted by the laws of physics. FF7's world has a very clear sense of gravity similar to the real world, the only real difference is people can become strong enough to defy it.

Comparing that to breast jiggling around is stupid and disingenuous.

Also, saying you don't like something about a character's representation in a video game and discussing it is over reacting? Fuck you, what an arrogant statement to make. Are you over reacting every time you see something you don't like and want to talk about it? Hell, I had said how I felt and was gonna leave it at that, but when some dink comes and tries to say how I feel, then I get irritated.

I think that's all I have left to say about this
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