LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Higher Further Faster
You guys, you guys, you guys.

Kotaku just announced that in a yet-to-be-released Famitsu interview, Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima confirm that Clerith is canon. :O


wangxian married
I wonder why "clingy" is treated like such a four letter word among the fans. I love Tifa to bits, but yes, she is dependent in the game and has clingy tenancies. It's a natural human response to basically being abandoned by everyone you cared about (by choice or by death). However it also shows how much she grows as a character--while she looks to Cloud for reassurance in FF7, by Advent Children she is taking none of his bullshit and is keeping everyone together while he is falling apart.

It's an interesting role reversal from the game to movie in that he is the one who becomes dependent on her.

However, that said, I do have my issues with Tifa in KH because they can't find anything better for a strong woman to do than follow around a complete jackass on a goose chase. For fuck's sake.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
You guys, you guys, you guys.

Kotaku just announced that in a yet-to-be-released Famitsu interview, Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima confirm that Clerith is canon. :O
And I was just starting to think Cloti was canon too.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
However, that said, I do have my issues with Tifa in KH because they can't find anything better for a strong woman to do than follow around a complete jackass on a goose chase. For fuck's sake.

AC couldn't find anything better for a strong woman to do than play housewife and get completely humbled in a fight with an impotent retard.

Oh and bitch at Cloud for being an impotent retard.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I wonder why "clingy" is treated like such a four letter word among the fans. I love Tifa to bits, but yes, she is dependent in the game and has clingy tenancies. It's a natural human response to basically being abandoned by everyone you cared about (by choice or by death). However it also shows how much she grows as a character--while she looks to Cloud for reassurance in FF7, by Advent Children she is taking none of his bullshit and is keeping everyone together while he is falling apart.

It's an interesting role reversal from the game to movie in that he is the one who becomes dependent on her.

That's.. not clinginess. And if we're talking dependence in FF7, Cloud and Tifa are dependent on each other, and not in a co-dependent way.

However, that said, I do have my issues with Tifa in KH because they can't find anything better for a strong woman to do than follow around a complete jackass on a goose chase. For fuck's sake.

Eh, the deliverer of the sword/armor is an old role, and it's only because we don't thing of light in such a way is seems like such a weak thing to do.


Your Mom
Tifa falling apart when Cloud disappears; Tifa giving up the mission to stay by his side when he's a veggie.

"Clingy" to some, "in love" to others. Call it what you want.

Oh hey there, pedobear.


Your Mom
Also, from the pink perspective, Tifa inviting herself along to the Promised Land, and Tifa forcing herself into the Cloud/Aerith/Denzel family.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
She didn't force herself into the family... Marlene invited Cloud into her family of Tifa and herself O_o


wangxian married
That's.. not clinginess. And if we're talking dependence in FF7, Cloud and Tifa are dependent on each other, and not in a co-dependent way.
Uhm, yeah. To be clingy is to be overly dependent on another person, usually for emotional support. This is not necessarily a synonym for obsession and I don't know why people keep treating it like that.

In any case, she clearly looks to Cloud for emotional support and reassurance during the game.

Also, from the pink perspective, Tifa inviting herself along to the Promised Land, and Tifa forcing herself into the Cloud/Aerith/Denzel family.
Off topic but maybe it's just me, I have such a pet peeve about pink being a Cleris mascot color just because the forums are pink. There were Cleris sites before that one! Who took the vote that we're represented by pink, wtf?

Also it's my favorite color and I associate it with Victoria's Secret not Cleris, stop tainting it plz. :c

There has to be a better snarky fandom name, c'mon, you guys can do it.

Now then, neither woman is 'clingy', but I will have to agree, it does fit Aerith's actions more than it does Tifa's.

Do cats chase dogs where you come from?

jfc this is like the "who is more tragic" pissing contest all over again. MY HEROINE CAN'T BE CLINGY BECAUSE YOURS IS, FOR SOME REASON.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I loled

I don't see neither of them as clingy really, I don't get where anyone can say with ANY DECENT reason that either one clings.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Am I the only one who thinks Cloud, himself, is clingy?

The guy can't stop clinging on his past, his woes, and Zack.


5 Signs That You're Clingy said:
You always call him or her first -- and you call all the time.
Sometimes before you've even gotten out of bed in the morning. And then loads of other times during the day. The love of your life can't call you first, because you always beat them to it. Not to mention, you call them so frequently that they could guess it was you calling and be right 98% of the time. Yo -- you're obsessed. Put the phone down for 5 minutes!

You have no life of your own.
Do you spend every bit of your free time with your man? Do you spend most of your day thinking about your next date with your woman? Do you put your friends and hobbies on hold unless your man announces that he's going out with the boys? Unless you've just met this person and are riding that "new love" high, you're being clingy. And obsessed.

You're constantly worried about getting dumped.
Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess, so if you're experiencing this one, you need to think about why. It's this fear that makes you want to constantly be around the other person, so you can reassure yourself that they are still there and haven't dumped you.

You're willing to be bored out of your mind just to spend time with them.
If he tells you that he'll be spending the weekend reading Dr. Zhivago and won't be able to talk much, do you then ask if you can drop by to watch him read it? Or maybe you're more clever than that; maybe you just offer to clean his watch so you can watch him without seeming as obsessed as you apparently are.

You're not happy on the inside.
Clinginess is a big mix of insecurity, obsession and other self-esteem issues. Men and women who are clingy are rarely happy for more than the initial few moments when they see the person they're obsessing over, because they immediately start to worry about how they're going to feel when the date is over.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Uhm, yeah. To be clingy is to be overly dependent on another person, usually for emotional support. This is not necessarily a synonym for obsession and I don't know why people keep treating it like that.

No, to be clingy is not allowing people their space or demanding their time overmuch, not letting them go, going out of your way to be near them. Being dependent on another person is 'dependence.'

In any case, she clearly looks to Cloud for emotional support and reassurance during the game.

And Cloud her. Your point?

Off topic but maybe it's just me, I have such a pet peeve about pink being a Cleris mascot color just because the forums are pink. There were Cleris sites before that one! Who took the vote that we're represented by pink, wtf?

Also it's my favorite color and I associate it with Victoria's Secret not Cleris, stop tainting it plz. :c

There has to be a better snarky fandom name, c'mon, you guys can do it.

Blame the leaders. They decided Pink.

Do cats chase dogs where you come from?

At times, but you also seem to be operating under a completely different understanding of what the fuck clinginess entails.
You use 'dependence' as the defining characteristic, in which case Cloud is fairly clingy to Tifa too, whereas I use 'enforced proximity' or perhaps 'possessiveness' as defining.

jfc this is like the "who is more tragic" pissing contest all over again. MY HEROINE CAN'T BE CLINGY BECAUSE YOURS IS, FOR SOME REASON.

Holy fucking shit, Zee, lay off the fuckdamn strawmen. I don't think EITHER fucking woman is clingy, just that Aerith's waiting up at night so Cloud couldn't leave and then running past him to keep him from running off came off as 'more' Clingy than anything Tifa did.

@Thepedobear/Catholic church approved one- Cloud's obsessed, but he doesn't act on it. Not Clingy. Just a bit sad.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
@ IANM, which pretty much proves my point that neither is clingy :monster:
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
There's a HUGE distinction between 'clingy' and devoted/dependent/dedicated (and all sorts of other alliteration words...). Tifa is not clingy. She's admittedly worried about him. We know this--the game tells us this. She is concerned about his action when and after she finds him at the train station, and yes, she wants to keep an eye on him. But she is not clingy about it. Hell, up until the start of the game Cloud had been doing missions with Barret without Tifa involved at all. (That clingy bitch) When they are together does she give him space? Yup. Does she still like to keep an eye on him--maybe wait for him while he cuts up Rufus? Sure. Concerned? Yes. Clingy? Nope.

I have yet to see one actual example of 'clingy'.

No one wants to get me started on self-insert-fickle-bitch... who I also don't think is clingy so much as desperate... so I'll leave it alone. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Off topic but maybe it's just me, I have such a pet peeve about pink being a Cleris mascot color just because the forums are pink. There were Cleris sites before that one! Who took the vote that we're represented by pink, wtf?

Also it's my favorite color and I associate it with Victoria's Secret not Cleris, stop tainting it plz. :c
Personally, I've always liked green or green-blue for Cleris, mostly on the basis of of their eye colors. Likewise, Cloti is purple (eye colors) and Clack is blue. Everyone is a winnor :reptar:

Celes Chere

Clerith makes me think of any pastel color. :) Cloti makes me definitely think of purply-indigo. Zerith is all pink, bby. :D

Clephiroth is puke olivegreen mixed with brown.


The Wanderer of Time
Anyone who thinks Tifa is clingy needs to go take a closer look at Rinoa and come on back and claim Tifa is that bad while keeping a straight face.
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