Cloud appears in Final Fantasy Tactics, runs off and his whole deal is that he's got that thing with the flower girl. After his encounter with the flower girl, he tells the party:
"I lost... a very important thing. Ever since then I've been lost. What should I do? What about this pain?"
It doesn't take a scholar to find the meaning behind that. That's pretty blatant Cleris angst right thar. If we're counting KH as a contributing factor, we should count FFT as well.
Actually, it doesn't. Because of a few things- 1. Losing Aerith being painful doesn't mean he wanted to 'be with' her any more than it means the rest of the party did with their pain.
2. It's actually also referencing his identity issues and conflict with Sephiroth, something that doesn't come out quite properly in the translation.
3. He's still searching for what he lost after that scene if you talk with him in the menu.
Of course, then Ramza says "There's someone in your world waiting for you. We might be able to send you back" etc. Ramza's authority on a complete stranger's life isn't exactly great, but as a vessel for the ideas of the authors he makes the case for CloTi. And the ambiguity continues. I'm positive that the original intention was to make it ambiguous, as the game never had a definitive answer, and all cameos (KH, FFT, Ehrgeiz) did not decide one way or the other. That is the old-canon.
Assuming that FFT has bearing FF7, really, how does this make it so there's no answer, and why the fuck are we looking to Cameos for the answer.
Again, ambiguous doesn't mean answerless.
Look, the LTD is solved on disc 1. Like it or not, narrative parsimony says when you take love triangle and kill one of the points, the other is the winner. That's even the cliche in Japanese literature. Setting that aside, and to forestall the 'Well, he's only with Tifa cuz Aerith's dead' nonsense that almost inevitably follows, I shall say a few things- post mortem romance NEEDS to be overt, because it's so unusual and asinine. That there's none suggests that there is in fact none. More importantly, you don't reinforce that the guy has had feelings for, has wanted to impress the other girl in the triangle, or have the guy tell the girl he'd be 'so pleased' to learn she was looking for word of him, or have him tell the living girl nothing has changed from when he obviously had a crush. You don't do any of that stuff if you want to emphasize a post mortem love because it MAKES NO SENSE. Hell, the least you need to do is have a scene like on Aerith's date where she talks about 'seeing you in him' or at the end of FFVIII with Laguna at Raine's grave.
But since new-canon is the only canon, we have our answer. Cloti wins.
While I appreciate your admitting the canon answer, I find somewhat absurd, and like Null notes, very playbook like, your casting of things as 'new canon' and 'old canon'
The canon as for the LTD remains unchanged. The answer has not changed. All that changed is the clarity of the answer, our window to the world.
For someone new to the LTD, this guy sure is going through the entire playbook in a hurry.
With almost practiced speed...
Curious...Nomura interview with some sort of gaming channel on Japanese television. He mentions where the next Compilation entry might take the LTD, among other things. The subtitler used "Aeris" for some reason...
You can watch the interview
here, the question above is about 1:15 in.
You clicked that link, you know you did.
No I didn't. Because I can see your text against the background there.