Don't you just love predictability?
I want to at least get a few opinions before making any conclusions.
The trouble is that as soon as the translations reach a conclusion, then that translator is no longer 'neutral'. If you don't like it, you can just dismiss it! The translator is probably biasedan HONEST TO GOD neutral translator
I think they're missed the boat on that one. 20th anniversary is over, I guess we'll have to wait until the next big anniversary for that miracleSquare Enix decides to put it all in English
This, I don't understand?fandom gone wrong.
1) Prove it's biasedBut biased translations aren't going to make Cloti canon. It's just going to hinder realization.
fandom gone wrong.
I think that she/they are just going to bail without posting anything. xD It wouldn't surprise me.
I'd be celebrating this revelation (if I hadn't revealed it myself ages ago),
I probably shouldn't have called her a troll XD I think that one was my bad.