LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Mr. Thou
Wolfie is no match for my Bullshido


AI Researcher
She seems to have 'taken a few liberties' with most of that. Where does the idea that Cloud was only thinking of Aerith when she appeared at the end of FFVII come from? I'm assuming the same place as 'Cloud was going to meet Aerith during the AC credit scene' and the like. There's too much editorialising in that to take it seriously.

Can't say it to her face...
Can anyone say it to her face when the only place she'll post it is a forum where it's against the rules to disagree with their ideals?

You'd probably get one post in (if you can ever reply to this without being in a specially selected member group) before being banned, while having all your arguments refutes when you can no longer reply.

This, on the other hand, is a public forum anyone can sign up to and post on if they want to :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
All I'd like to ask is, if you're so confident, how come you're attacking the person, not the argument?

What argument?
You mean her series of ridiculous misunderstandings on nearly every moment of the story in order to 'prove' that the C/T victory is somehow hollow?

And I will say it to her face. If the so called 'best pwner in debates' could ever grow the backbone to ever face anyone outside the safety of a forum she has absolute control in.
Hell, FFG, EOFF- Gamefaqs. Both neutral forums neither of us has ANY power in. You. Me. There. No pussyfooting around. No bullshit. No crying about name calling. You present your C/A case, I present the C/T case.
And no. I won't do it at TNC, because that's currently controlled by someone in your back pocket.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
It's interesting how both sides seems to think the opposite's idea of Cloud is the abusive one. Ask any Cloti, Clerith!Cloud is an abusive douche who uses Tifa for her food, ignores the children, and runs off to have spiritsex in the flower fields with Aerith. Ask a Clerith, and Cloti!Cloud is an abusive douche who uses Tifa for her food, ignores her, and wants to die for most of AC because...well, I'm just not sure what says he wants to die, but whatever. :awesome: It's interesting to think about.

EDIT: Though I do love that in either view of the 'arguments', Tifa's still a bitch. I guess it's just part of her personality.
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Pro Adventurer
One would think she would try to reevaluate her facts when half the things she says the writers themselves disagree with.


Rookie Adventurer
She seems to have 'taken a few liberties' with most of that. Where does the idea that Cloud was only thinking of Aerith when she appeared at the end of FFVII come from? I'm assuming the same place as 'Cloud was going to meet Aerith during the AC credit scene' and the like. There's too much editorialising in that to take it seriously.

Not near as much liberties as this thread has taken from a few throw-away lines that were just translated.

What argument?
You mean her series of ridiculous misunderstandings on nearly every moment of the story in order to 'prove' that the C/T victory is somehow hollow?

That blog isn't about attacking the arguments, it's about taking things out of context and making people look foolish.

C/T Victory? Maybe you'd all like to get back to posting pictures of girls you'll never get in real life?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
C/T Victory? Maybe you'd all like to get back to posting pictures of girls you'll never get in real life?
I personally feel this thread is a victory for Fang/Vanille. :awesome:


AI Researcher
C/T Victory? Maybe you'd all like to get back to posting pictures of girls you'll never get in real life?
Who's attack the people and not the argument now? :awesome:

And maybe some don't want to get girls in real life :awesome: Also, the straight ladies who post here.

Not near as much liberties as this thread has taken from a few throw-away lines that were just translated.
'Throw-away lines' is a nice way to belittle what people you don't agree with said :awesome:

Celes Chere

Not near as much liberties as this thread has taken from a few throw-away lines that were just translated.

That blog isn't about attacking the arguments, it's about taking things out of context and making people look foolish.

C/T Victory? Maybe you'd all like to get back to posting pictures of girls you'll never get in real life?


Vanille is so cute. It's not my fault I'm attracted to her. :c


unsavory tart
Can't say it to her face, so you have to resort to this in pack behavior?

I'm impressed...

I may not know her too well, but I don't think Fairheartstrife would shy away from telling anybody what she thinks. But good try.

FFG, however, is welcome to come here and debate. You can't really blame us by claiming we won't say directly to her, when she writes on a site that bans people for being pro Cloud/Tifa. Not saying there's anything wrong with that but the person who is putting up that wall is not TLS.

Jus' saying.


Rookie Adventurer
Who's attack the people and not the argument now? :awesome:

If you want to debate, debate. If you want to post fanfictionalized ideals, at least be honest about it.

'Throw-away lines' is a nice way to belittle what people you don't agree with said :awesome:

Some of us depend on the actual game to make our decisions, thanks.

FFG, however, is welcome to come here and debate.
I don't see why she'd want to, when she's being stalked across the internet.


EDIT: And I'm also curious about the justifications/reasons for putting a veteran poster on mod preview, especially when it sounds like you guys weren't on mod preview until recently.
The Northern Crater is where all reasoning goes to die. You state your opinion, you get a warning for speaking out.

Also, I find it extremely hypocritical that Shrouded originally stated that Cloti mods were to deal with Clotis, and Clerith mods were to deal with Cleriths. As of now, he's only been giving out the warnings to Clotis, because they're very cruel and nasty people.

And I can't believe TENNY is on Mod Preview. She's the nicest member there hands down!
Lol, seriously.

Can't say it to her face, so you have to resort to this in pack behavior?
No, but because every time someone tries, they get banned instead.

C/T Victory? Maybe you'd all like to get back to posting pictures of girls you'll never get in real life?

Seriously, all of you need to get lives. All you do is stalk Fang and Vanille, they must be just scared looking at this thread.

I don't see why she'd want to, when she's being stalked across the internet.
Welcome to the Internet.


Meh, Vanille is too...vanilla. I have as much interest in playing that game as I have in watching the paint in my room dry, but Fang seems far more awesome :)

That blog isn't about attacking the arguments, it's about taking things out of context and making people look foolish.
It always struck me as revealing the foolish for the fools they are :awesome:


AI Researcher
If you want to debate, debate. If you want to post fanfictionalized ideals, at least be honest about it.
I want to see people post pretty pictures, poems, and occasionally talk about languages.

LTD, frankly, can gtfo.

Honestly :monster:

Some of us depend on the actual game to make our decisions, thanks.
Is this going to turn into one of those "Ultimanias don't count" things?

Where did the game say Cloud was only thinking of Aerith at the end of FFVII? Where did AC say that Cloud was going to meet Aerith during the credits scene?

Meh, Vanille is too...vanilla.
Oh no you didn't.



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
FFS you idiots, lonewolf is a troll. Can you really not see that?

You're a lot better when you're not posting lonewolf, btw, just sayin.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
No one has addressed the fact that no matter what you ship, the other side's Cloud always uses Tifa for her food! I'M LEAVING FOREVER.


Rookie Adventurer
Is this going to turn into one of those "Ultimanias don't count" things?
Which is more canon: The Star Wars Films, or a comic book adaptation? Both are official sources, but I shouldn't have to seek out one to understand the other.

Where did the game say Cloud was only thinking of Aerith at the end of FFVII? Where did AC say that Cloud was going to meet Aerith during the credits scene?

How come at the end of the game, he had the so-called girl of his dreams in his arms, and he spoke of Aerith? He could have said anything, but he spoke of Aerith, and being with her.

It always struck me as revealing the foolish for the fools they are
Defensive much? If you guys are convinced completely, you wouldn't care what others think.


unsavory tart
I don't see why she'd want to, when she's being stalked across the internet.
I know very little of the current LTD petty BigNameFan squabbles but I've learned from other experiences that citing victim complexes is not a valid way to make a rebuttal. The argument she made trying to reduce the validity of the new information we have received is flawed. Either come and debate it or do not.

Some of us depend on the actual game to make our decisions, thanks.
The entire information we are basing it off of IS part of the actual game. A very big part of the game. However, people argued otherwise, and now its true meaning has been confirmed.

Unless we were playing a radically different game in which there was no highwind scene- the majority of us did use the actual game to make our decision.

Although I will admit that until this was released, I believed there was no canon and the highwind scene was interpretative. But canon is canon, it's now been explained at least the basics of what happened.
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