Mass Effect Series


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Did anyone encounter the glitch on the A Dying Planet side mission
on Havarl
? Was a bitch to contend with, but I'm so glad I have lots of saves where I could go back and do the mission properly.


3x3 Eyes
I've been quite disappointed, not only with the romance options, but the heavy-handedness of everything - conversations, choices, romance and outcomes. Though I welcome the new option to now romance Jaal, the game itself really falls short of its predecessors. I'm still enjoying it though, so that's something at least.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Yeah, I'm kind of the same. While I do agree it's a bit crappier than the other games, I'm really enjoying it. I've sank in so many hours into it and I've only just reached
Voeld. I've finished everything I can so far on Eos and Havarl.

I'm currently trying to romance Peebee as Sara, but not sure who to romance on my Scott playthrough. Suggestions, anyone? :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Vetra was a very close second for Sara and after being rejected by Lexi (you just have to try, eh?), I tried Cora. So then I decided between Peebs and Vetra, so Peebs got the slot. So I figured I might go for Cora as Scott.

Decisions, decisions... :awesome:
ah yes. I remember Mass Effect, those days in high school.

I played 1 like 4 times.. on Xbox 360, i cant speak how much i loved playing it in these days. But Mass Effect 2 and 3 i only played 2 times... they werent as impressive as the first one, the 1st one had a much more fun gameplay in my view. But i overall enjoyed the series when it existed.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
For me these games are iconic because there are a lot of good time spended here behind this title. I really like this game series


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I intended to romance Vetra but it turns out they consider the shit you do with Reyes as a full-on 'romance' as well, so it locked me out from everyone else

I mean, there's a substantial amount of content there but I honestly didn't think it was any more substantial than, say, a casual fling with Zevran or whatever


I also got seduced by Reyes but turned him down in the end.

I'm probably going to do another playthrough of Andromeda when a fair amount of time has passed. With the changes, fixes and Jaal romance, I imagine I'll have an even better experience. I'm really sad at how kind of... lackluster it's all been. Any other Mass Effect game and we'd all still be in here discussing it, doing different playthroughs etc.

I had some big issues with this game (quest design being probably the biggest gameplay wise) but I still loved it. I loved the character interactions, and that's what Bioware's all about. The combat was excellent too. I'd like to play the multi but it just seems that nobody's really into it, and compared to their other games re: DLC and content updates EA seem to have dropped Andromeda like a hot potato. Really shocked there was no mention of DLC or anything at this year's E3. It's either under wraps or canned due to the lukewarm reception.


Pro Adventurer
^Yeah see, the game reminds me a lot of the first Mass Effect, in a good way, and I have enjoyed what I played so far, buuuut... it's hard to explain but, this game does not give me the same uhh... feeling as the first game? Even with that terrible Citadel prologue of the first game, it had this charm to it that I loved. And the story was pretty good too.

I don't know how to explain it? I liked the first ME. It definitely had issues and wasn't a 10/10 game, but I somehow loved it for the most part. XD
I really enjoy Andromeda too, but I don't know if this is gonna become on the level of the first ME game. I haven't finished Andromeda yet, so that's why I've been silent on it. :monster: I dropped the game over a month ago, shortly before I started XIV. In fact I dropped it during my Tactics playthrough. :closedmonster:
I mean it was partly because of all the games I had going too, I had to drop some, and starting XIV just... yeah. :lol:

But I really do like Andromeda. I don't think it's a bad game at all. Just not quite up to the trilogy. I think it suffered because of the hype attached and then the obvious initial issues it had made a lot of people deflate. It's like, a lot of fans probably got so hyped for it, that when it was released and they saw all the issues, they just instantly had their opinions of it go downhill. Bad first impression. And sometimes it's hard to get over that first impression of a game.

I will continue playing through my save though, eventually. My romance options got thrown all over the place as I started progressing, because temptations, but I think it's gonna be Jaal. :monster:


We have come to terms
I'm at about 46% through the game according to the in-game stats, and so far really enjoying my experience with the game. I've just finished with Liam's loyalty mission last night. Now, that was a fun, humourous, and chaotic romp. I think it's one of my favourite missions so far.

I generally agree with Flare's observations. ME:A feels very much like the spiritual successor to the first ME game. Exploration is similar to ME1 with the game's large world maps, but with a lot more things to do. (Sometimes, I have to admit, it feels like there's TOO MUCH to do and clear out in each world, but I guess depends on how closely I want to keep to the main plot.)

I was not one who enjoyed driving the Mako in ME1 and I thought I'd dislike using the vehicle in ME:A, too. I'm surprised to find myself feeling kinda okay about the Nomad here. Certainly feeling a lot less negative about it compared to the Mako. I still drive the same way though: plow through every obstacle in a straight line to my destination.

I'm playing as Sara Ryder, and her base personality feels different from my Jane Shepard. Ryder as a personality gives the impression of being a lot younger, more impulsive, less experienced, and less serious compared to Shepard. Some of her default dialogue lines definitely tell us that she's never really been in situations of this magnitude and severity. She is in many ways in over her head in Andromeda so she's less prepared for most of the heavy shit that goes down. Generally, Sara Ryder is the adventurer who flies by the seat of her pants and (so far) gets through it with a lot of improvisation and luck.

The interactions of the Tempest crew both with Ryder and with each other are also done well, IMO. The crew's mostly non-military nature really shows. They're more relaxed about the internal structure. I've found myself chuckling at scenes where Ryder tries to (almost ineffectually) pull rank over them and their reaction is simply to humour her.

I really enjoy playing as Ryder. (Side note: I should try and see if Ryder dances like Shepard.)

I am wondering when Scott will actually come into play in my game. Hope I get to see my virtual little brother get to kick ass like his big sis.

I also got seduced by Reyes but turned him down in the end.

I'm probably going to do another playthrough of Andromeda when a fair amount of time has passed. With the changes, fixes and Jaal romance, I imagine I'll have an even better experience. I'm really sad at how kind of... lackluster it's all been. Any other Mass Effect game and we'd all still be in here discussing it, doing different playthroughs etc.

I had some big issues with this game (quest design being probably the biggest gameplay wise) but I still loved it. I loved the character interactions, and that's what Bioware's all about. The combat was excellent too. I'd like to play the multi but it just seems that nobody's really into it, and compared to their other games re: DLC and content updates EA seem to have dropped Andromeda like a hot potato. Really shocked there was no mention of DLC or anything at this year's E3. It's either under wraps or canned due to the lukewarm reception.
My second playthrough starts the moment I finish Mankind Divided. Which will start once I "finish" Stormblood :oscar:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
It's a really hard storyline to follow suite in with a sequel you know? it's like, lol.

What could they possibly do to follow it with?


Pro Adventurer
Been on a Mass Effect music spree last night and today. Specifically the first game's music. I frickin love it so muuuuuch. It's so atmospheric, nostalgic, it fits everything so perfectly.

It's hard to explain but, ME1's music makes me feel so nostalgic. I only played it maybe a year ago for the first time. But I feel like I've known this music before I was born. It just gives me a strange feeling.
That's gotta be a big reason why I love it so much. <3



Save your valediction (she/her)
Totally. We played it around the same time, Flare ^_^ but it felt like coming home. It actually felt like playing a Final Fantasy, moreso than I've felt in a long time playing actual FFs, if that makes any sense.


I had the exact same feeling Ite, like playing FF somehow. Even though they're totally different, something about the trilogy made me feel the same way PS1 era FF did. I just wanted to be in that world.




We have come to terms

think I might pick mass effect back up now that I own the first one on pc; I'd have to download an existing save file so that I can unlock insanity for my first playthrough, but that shouldn't be too hard to do, right? I assume you can find those laying about online :huh:

although if I do, I'd have to make a twitch or youtube thing out of it, which could get tedious :/
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