Blergh yeah I know
I've been doing a stop motion animation that was fooking time consuming
Then the focus was out on some of the shots because I had to rush shooting >.<
And a few strings bounced the puppets out of place in a few frames without me noticing. So it came out a bit choppy, and now I'm on the island I don't have access to a studio

so I've been doing it again in flash.
I want to get after effects though and give it a go one that, or motion It's so good for perspective

I have been working on PS though doing set and puppet designs for the animation but todays the first time I've sat down to make a tag.
I dont know I find tags a waste most times as they have no real purpose,
but I felt like entering the SOTW this week
Your visiting soon arn't you? Bring your laptop and we can do some shiz together.