Memories of playing FFVII


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I've done the Wutai detour as Tifa and Cid before. I can't remember what the difference was exactly, though. Sucks.

I'm pretty sure they ask you about where Cloud is, or how the search for him is going or something. :/

I learned some of the game mechanics on my own, and I'd purposely set my party up in ways to try to trigger different reactions from different characters. That is, in a conversation it's normally Cloud and the 2nd person in the party talking, with the 3rd person only saying little to nothing. I used to not do things early on in the game and then try them later as Tifa and Cid (favorite being the potion in Kalm).

Me too. I remember reloading the game over and over again when I was getting Vincent, to see what how all the party members would react when he says he's punishing himself by staying in that coffin. Yuffie and Barret's were really funny, iirc.

I also had playthoughs where I'd wait until Tifa or Cid were the party leaders to get Yuffie and Vincent. It's funny when Yuffie calls Tifa "Boobs".

There's this cute little extra you can do in Mideel as either Cid or Tifa(actually, I'm pretty sure you can't do it as Cloud). You pick up this key to this "door" in the weapon shop, and Cid or Tifa break it and you have the option of trying to cover it up when the shopkeeper asks them what they just did.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Ooops. I meant the Turks. I'm pretty sure they say something about Cloud if he isn't the leader.


Green Mage
There's this cute little extra you can do in Mideel as either Cid or Tifa(actually, I'm pretty sure you can't do it as Cloud). You pick up this key to this "door" in the weapon shop, and Cid or Tifa break it and you have the option of trying to cover it up when the shopkeeper asks them what they just did.
That is an awesome little 'extra'. Now I want to see if someone's got a video of that around.

Geez, now I want to go play FF7....


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Me too, but my copy's lent out, an even though I downloaded it, I don't have a memory card that's suitable, so I can't play it on my PSP. :(


slow down, you crazy child
kimmyowns, Oxydox
...I would refuse to go under water because I was afraid of Diamond Weapon. Every time, hed pop out of NOWHERE and I'd freak out.

In fact... the last time I played FF7 I did the same thing. Some things just never change. I never had the same fear of Ruby or Ultimate.

Also, being a little 9 (or 10?) year old playing FF7, I cried like a little bitch when Aeris died. I freely admit that much... but, what's really embarassing is that I also cried when Cait Sith "died" as well. I was a sensitive child :monster:

Dude... I know! Except it's rather new memories for me considering I beat the game like a month ago. I mean, it's weird. When I played way back I never had a problem with Diamond Weapon. He'd always just been in the middle and only went after you if you chased him a little.

When I played it again, I would go in a place, come out and he would be RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It was kind of scary, actually.

I still think when Cait Sith "died" was pretty sad, even if I wasn't crazy about his character. But it's really not sad anymore.


Travelin' Wonder
I first played Final Fantasy VII back in 1997. I got it at my local Game Shop in the Midwest called "Video Games ETC". My first WTF moment was Cloud cross dressing Mind you, I got up at 5 AM to play that game and ot giggle at that part.

I also remembering liking Cid and Nanaki alot as well.


reality is a prison
Hmm, lets see the biggest bitch in FFVII...golden chocobo. I bred sooo many chocobos in such incest ways, sold tons of materia to get greens, and my god spent sooo many hours of my life. But is was worth it. My first ones name was Larry. :)

Alex Strife

I especially remember two things. First one, I didn't know how to go on at Icicle. You know, where you have to kill the "Icicles" to make them fall. Everytime the combat showed up, I freaked out, because I was "trying to find out what to do". I was stuck there for ages (didn't have Internet at that time) so I gave up on FF7, by that time. I was terribly upset, until one day I suddenly killed one of those things!

Another thing I remember is finding Tifa's level 4 limit break on my own, without any clue, magazine, or internet, anything. I just felt like playing the song on the piano! So far, I still rate it as my biggest accomplishment in FF.

It was also funny, that I missed the "challenge" In Shinra Manor, so I never got Vincent on my first playthrough. Needless to say I got him on my second...

I also remember, when I was midway the second reactor, I started to think I was supposed to blow them up, so I wondered what'd happen with Midgar, once all of the reactors weren't there. As for Aeris' death... I was more shocked than sad. (I really liked her, though. Mental note: Tifa's better!) I wasn't able to understand why a heroine would be killed, in such a game.

Ah, the Chocobos! What a pain! Last time I did that part (about 2 months ago) I decided to do it as fast as possible, and one day was enough. I got really lucky with the seeds, and such. Of course, I cheated, because I saved before breeding them, hehe... and my first Gold Chocobo was named "Alex", just as my Cloud, which is my name. However, it is funny that after years pass, I don't feel like changing Cloud's name anymore. He's just "Cloud" so it feels wrong if I change it...


slow down, you crazy child
kimmyowns, Oxydox
Hmm, lets see the biggest bitch in FFVII...golden chocobo. I bred sooo many chocobos in such incest ways, sold tons of materia to get greens, and my god spent sooo many hours of my life. But is was worth it. My first ones name was Larry. :)

That shit took me forever. It's actually pretty lucky I was pulling an all-nighter because otherwise I would've gaven up wayyy sooner. I didn't have too big a problem with money though, because I sold like six of mastered All materia. :awesome:


Green Mage
The worst part about the Gaia Cliffs area (including the snowfields and such) was just navigating that thing. I'm glad we had the Ultima Guide at the time, it had an excellent map of the place.

And then for your troubles you had to fight that boss, the two-headed dragon (Schizo?). Man, what a pain in the ass that was!


•|Welcome to the Real World|•
When I was four years old I was watching my parents play it. I witnessed Sephiroth kill Aerith.
I ran screaming to my room and cried for two days straight.

And from that moment on I've been completely fascinated with Sephiroth. He scarred me as a child. :] Love you, Sephiroth. <3 XD *is disturbed*


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
When I was four years old I was watching my parents play it. I witnessed Sephiroth kill Aerith.
I ran screaming to my room and cried for two days straight.

And from that moment on I've been completely fascinated with Sephiroth. He scarred me as a child. :] Love you, Sephiroth. <3 XD *is disturbed*

Your parents played FFVII...?

Wow, what interesting parents :monster:

Funny how he scared you as a kid and now he's your fav. XD

Celes Chere

My parents hated FFVII, particularly my Dad.

"How can you sit there and wait to be attacked? It's SO stupid..."


Pro Adventurer
Sheens, Mooglet
First memory of playing FFVII: defeating the Guard Scorpion and not having a memory card yet, aged 8. ;_;


Your parents played FFVII...?

Wow, what interesting parents :monster:

Oy, mine played Wolfenstein, can I get attention for that too? :awesome:

Mine of the time are that of trying out numerous emulators for the best result, having trouble with getting the sound to sound properly, etc :monster:. Or that was more with IX, the music didn't work properly, but it did with a new audio plugin.


•|Welcome to the Real World|•
Your parents played FFVII...?

Wow, what interesting parents :monster:

Funny how he scared you as a kid and now he's your fav. XD

Hellz yeah they did. They are who got me into video games in the first place. They still play the new Final Fantasy games now. ^^
But if it weren't for them, I would have never played VII. .__.

And yeah... xD I love him.


I remember moving into my uncles house, I was 11, he couldn't get past the first reactor. I played it and beat it, I loved the game and it grew to love me. I play it every winter, 1 files and beat it fully. UP to 12 now....and on PS3...crazy.
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