Memories of playing FFVII


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
....That thing is very disturbing looking. Oh god, what has science WROUGHT?!


Yes, that's how I always saw it. :duhard:


I remember the Chocobo WEAPON. :monster:

Now someone go find the pic of the Cheese WEAPON that awaits you on the moon plz.


[quote author=Tetsujin link=topic=174.msg13514#msg13514 date=1233560540]
I remember the Chocobo WEAPON. :monster:

Now someone go find the pic of the Cheese WEAPON that awaits you on the moon plz.

You mean this one?



Fiat Lux
Meanwhile, back on Earth...

I remember the Great Glacier felt like the middle of nowhere, trudging through the snowstorm hoping to find somewhere!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I remember being fooled into thinking you could fight that weapon that attacked Junon.

I remember spending ours trying to find it. What did those tards call it? Onyx Weapon? bleh.


I remember spending hours upon hours just raising chocobos and making them moar awesome at the Gold Saucer. Oh, those fun times. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My chocobo could stop a tank and shit on WEAPON heads.


Double Growth
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=174.msg13688#msg13688 date=1233602586]
Oh awesome, where can I find those WEAPONs and why are they spelled in CAPS?

I was never quite sure about that either, but its always been WEAPON. Same deal as AVALANCHE and SOLDIER. (My guess is that they were written in katakana and they needed to distinguish them from weapons and soldiers in the english version)

But CAPS in english tends to imply an acronym.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Well, get to making up the acronyms, then. I always assumed they were supposed to be acronyms but that they just never actually thought up what the acronyms stood for. Could never be bothered to make them up myself, though.

My favorite memory of playing FF7 the first time is all the time my friend and I spent trying to figure out how the hell you kill Guard Scorpion. The English version says "Cloud: Barret! Attack while it's tail is up! It's gonna counterattack with its laser." so naturally we followed Cloud's instructions and attacked while its tail was up.

Cloud, you dirty, dirty liar...


~The Other Side of Fear~
Did I mention this already...? Cloud crossdressing. I'm sorry, that's the most hilarious, and disturbing, thing ever.


Cloud's crossdressing was better the second time around for me, because then I understood the more disturbing innuendos.

I still remember the dawning realization when Cloud has the option to say " hurts" while in the tub with Mukki O_O


[quote author=looneymoon link=topic=174.msg16912#msg16912 date=1234322945]
Cloud's crossdressing was better the second time around for me, because then I understood the more disturbing innuendos.

I still remember the dawning realization when Cloud has the option to say " hurts" while in the tub with Mukki O_O


Evil...pure evil...damn you Squaresoft...*shakes fist*


~The Other Side of Fear~
Also, I remember getting stuck in the concrete jungle in one of the slums. To this day it pisses me off that it is simply one pipe I needed to tranverse that held me back for days. ><


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The joy of pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera angles. :monster:

Don't worry, I got stuck in that same, fucking, spot. I hate that.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
A glitch in the system or program I know, but sometimes I get tangled on the ends of the rope bridges to Wutai. :P

[quote author=M.I.L.F. link=topic=174.msg17103#msg17103 date=1234377667]
Also, I remember getting stuck in the concrete jungle in one of the slums. To this day it pisses me off that it is simply one pipe I needed to tranverse that held me back for days. ><

Sector six? Or when climbing up the pipe to get to Shinra Headquarters (to rescue Aerith)?


Double Growth
I was stuck in the Train Graveyard for awhile. I had no idea you could walk across the collapsed rafter thing that you have to to get out


Higher Further Faster
[quote author=Ravynne link=topic=174.msg16595#msg16595 date=1234289322]My favorite memory of playing FF7 the first time is all the time my friend and I spent trying to figure out how the hell you kill Guard Scorpion. The English version says "Cloud: Barret! Attack while it's tail is up! It's gonna counterattack with its laser." so naturally we followed Cloud's instructions and attacked while its tail was up.

Cloud, you dirty, dirty liar...

Am I the only one who actually got that Cloud was telling me NOT to attack? Because I never got confused when he said this to Barret. I understood that I had to use my magic instead of attacking physically. :/


I got it because the German translation said "Don't attack". :duhard:
One of the veeeeeeery few things they actually got right. Seriously. They made a bad translation from another bad translation and fucked the game royally up. :monster:
I had no problem with the Guard Scorpion part because I had already read the manual. So I knew what to do in the first portion of the game.

Just remembered something I haven't thought in almost a decade... When my friend first showed me the game, he gave me the chance to play a New Game file. Because I barely understood the RPG system, my party died at the Guard Scorpion boss. Good times.
I thought for a moment that I hated the game, but quickly changed my mind for some reason. Maybe it was the voices in my head :monster:

The first time I got to the part when the Rocket in Rocket Town is about to launch I had no idea what code to put in. I tried and tried different combinations and even tried listening to Cid, until I realised "YOU'RE BEING CONTRADICTING DUDE #%)(=!)"!!!"
The time ran out and I had to try again. Don't know how many times I tried it out, but it took a while before I FINALLY guessed the correct password.
The satisfaction of putting in the correct code on the first try in the subsequent save files has stayed ever since =D


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
From playing FF4 and 6 beforehand, I knew when talking happened, or when boss changed modes, you stopped combat, but since Cloud had already had an input to attack when the mode change text came up, I still got my ass handed back to me.

Still do in ever few playthroughs, just because the damn thing changes between input and attack.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'll always fixate FFVII to being crippled, and my bro in law. He brought it over one day when I was 10 or so and had dislocated my knee, so I watched him play. He was mid-Midgar, rescuing Aerith, getting Red XIII, and I was just mesmerized at this. I didn't actually play until sometime after when he leant it to me and I played his save file from Cosmo Canyon first disk, and continued from there. Didn't know what the fook was going on, or who was what or why, but it was fun.

When I started over, I got frustrated as hell with Midgar, taking an average of 8 hours to get out. And I was one of those people who had multiple save files for multiple FMV's. >.> Back then, those graphics were teh shit. They still are I think. Despite how depressing it is, I like watching the Aerith death scene and Cloud's anger at Seph while he holds her. Not to mention Jenova's one line. :monster:

A favourite bit of mine was the Wutai side quest, right near the end where Corneo has Elena and Yuffie on Dao Cho's face.

Yuffie: "GROSS-NESS!"
"Don't mess with me old man! You don't even have any Materia!"

Aww I love that spunky teenager. :3 Not to mention the heart to heart with Godo... followed by his persistence to steal the group's materia. >.>


Rookie Adventurer
When I first started playing FFVII, I was amazed. I mean afterall it was my first Final Fantasy to get me into this evolutionary series, as well as the first game I ever played that had 3D graphics. So, I have to thank it for that. The fighting overwhelmed me, it was so detailed and the graphics were quite clearly better in the battles. I was amazed by every single thing and was anxious to find out what happens next. When I got to the Shinra HQ building, that's when the fun really began. I even had a couple of my friends come over and watch me play at that point. It was all so exciting to found out what was behind the evil corporation and about Sephiroth and Jenova.

One of my most memorable scenes is the Aeris/Aerith death scene like mostly everyone else because it displayed a great in-depth detail of the feelings Cloud had for her and the true wickedness and insanity of Sephiroth. But not only that but how all the characters eventually ended up showing determination to save the world from a major threat. They vowed to stand by eachother in the face of death and terror and valiantly conquer it with righteousness in their hearts and minds to restore peace and harmony to the world. It was just so intriguing and inspiring. They are true heroes.

I still play FFVII to this day, it amazes me even now, with the graphics/story/characters/music/areas. It is just one of those games that sticks with you.


Waiting for something
Ahh so many memories

Previously coming across it when I was 8 in my Uncle's house and not really interested in it, then watching my brother playing it when I was 9, taking said game and obsessively playing it.

Having the lowest levels during my first playthrough because I didn't realise how important levelling up was and would run away a lot leading me to be stuck on Lost number (at 700-800 hp here), not realising he wasn't a compulsary boss for about a year before giving up then starting a new and much better game.

The endless rumours of hidden chocobos, Aeris revival methods, hidden WEAPONS, hidden characters, areas, hidden items and so on. All very entertaining oh and just if anyone's interested this website has probably most of the FFVII rumours. The site is no longer active but it is very entertaining to read just how many rumours there supposedly are :

I had a guide that only mentioned Emerald weapon and all it said was there was a large weapon that would swim about and to avoid it as it could cut you to pieces therefore I became very afraid of Emerald weapon. Also as a result of the guide only mentioning Emerald, I didn't know what Ruby was when I first saw it sticking out of the sand...this prompted me to ram into it with the highwind...enough said

My first gold chocobo which took a very, very tedious and long time to breed.

FFVII is one of two games to make me cry, Crisis Core is the second.

Not getting all the adult themes like cross dressing and such were until I was about 15.

Not understanding what #!?&*& and other symbol terms where supposed to be there for during some of Cid and Barrett's speeches.

Being afraid of Midgar Zolom.

Completely skipping Gongaga the first playthrough I ever did.

Beating Ruby weapon...Emerald has of yet still to be conquered.

Constantly playing the submarine minigame at Gold Saucer as it was the easiest way to score 20GP and build it up so that I'd have enough to participate in the battle arena in order to get Omnislash.

Wondering why there were such pointless items in the inventory like 1/35th Soldiers and tissues.

The beautiful music and FMV sequences.

Not realising due to the way the speech was panned out that attacking the Scorpion while its tail was up was a bad the time it got to the counterattck with laser bit I'd already walloped it.

Wondering why the characters were so blocky and only had eyes and hair on their head.


Beacause I am a puppet
When I first got my Playstation for xmas, I had received it with FFVII. Oh boy, was I happy as a clam since I was dying for a new FF after playing FFIII(6) to death on my SNES. What I did not realize at the time, however, was that I needed a little thing called a 'memory card' in order to save.

So, before I got around to actually buying a card, I would spend close to an entire day playing, since I couldn't turn it off until I got just a little farther in the story. Eventually I would shut it off, but then the cycle would repeat next time I had a free day. I think the farthest I got in a day was up until you leave Midgar. Sigh. That was a certainly pathetic period in my life...
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