Ahh so many memories
Previously coming across it when I was 8 in my Uncle's house and not really interested in it, then watching my brother playing it when I was 9, taking said game and obsessively playing it.
Having the lowest levels during my first playthrough because I didn't realise how important levelling up was and would run away a lot leading me to be stuck on Lost number (at 700-800 hp here), not realising he wasn't a compulsary boss for about a year before giving up then starting a new and much better game.
The endless rumours of hidden chocobos, Aeris revival methods, hidden WEAPONS, hidden characters, areas, hidden items and so on. All very entertaining oh and just if anyone's interested this website has probably most of the FFVII rumours. The site is no longer active but it is very entertaining to read just how many rumours there supposedly are :
I had a guide that only mentioned Emerald weapon and all it said was there was a large weapon that would swim about and to avoid it as it could cut you to pieces therefore I became very afraid of Emerald weapon. Also as a result of the guide only mentioning Emerald, I didn't know what Ruby was when I first saw it sticking out of the sand...this prompted me to ram into it with the highwind...enough said
My first gold chocobo which took a very, very tedious and long time to breed.
FFVII is one of two games to make me cry, Crisis Core is the second.
Not getting all the adult themes like cross dressing and such were until I was about 15.
Not understanding what #!?&*& and other symbol terms where supposed to be there for during some of Cid and Barrett's speeches.
Being afraid of Midgar Zolom.
Completely skipping Gongaga the first playthrough I ever did.
Beating Ruby weapon...Emerald has of yet still to be conquered.
Constantly playing the submarine minigame at Gold Saucer as it was the easiest way to score 20GP and build it up so that I'd have enough to participate in the battle arena in order to get Omnislash.
Wondering why there were such pointless items in the inventory like 1/35th Soldiers and tissues.
The beautiful music and FMV sequences.
Not realising due to the way the speech was panned out that attacking the Scorpion while its tail was up was a bad thing..by the time it got to the counterattck with laser bit I'd already walloped it.
Wondering why the characters were so blocky and only had eyes and hair on their head.