Lord Noctis
Harbinger of Darkness
- Caius Ballad
For all of us who enjoy writing fanfiction, and those who would like to start, I have decided it would be fun to test our writing skills against each other once a month. Heres how it will go. At the start of a month a concept for a fanfiction will be put forward. Anyone who wants to participate will declare their interest, at which point they will write a fic. They can do whatever they like with the fic so longas it remains inside the guidelines for the months competition. After the twenty-fifthsubmissions will cease, and two judges will read through the entries and determine how good the varying fics are.
Entries must be posted inside this thread. Grammer, spelling and punctuation allcount here, but are secondary. The main goal is to tell an interesting story without letting anyone go OOC.
So if anyone is interested please state your interest. Also, if anyone would care to act as judges for the entries please voulenteer.
Length:At least 1500 words. Aside from that make it as long or as short as you like.
Premise:Your goals this month is to write a short story about Zack Fair as a young man living in Gongaga, and what makes him decide to join SOLDIER.
Writing may commence on the first of the month.
Entries must be posted inside this thread. Grammer, spelling and punctuation allcount here, but are secondary. The main goal is to tell an interesting story without letting anyone go OOC.
So if anyone is interested please state your interest. Also, if anyone would care to act as judges for the entries please voulenteer.
Length:At least 1500 words. Aside from that make it as long or as short as you like.
Premise:Your goals this month is to write a short story about Zack Fair as a young man living in Gongaga, and what makes him decide to join SOLDIER.
Writing may commence on the first of the month.