Most popular FFVII pairings?

"Sinclair" is from some old fanfic; I can't remember which one.
Maybe Sinclair was his surname at one point; maybe he was christened Reginald Robert Sinclair. But everyone knows that joining the Turks is like joining a religious order - you surrender your name, your family, everything that ties you to the old life, and you are born again as a psycopathic bomb wielding assassin whose day is not complete if you haven't killed a child and then angsted about it over a double whisky.

Interesting results on the statistics. I am not at all surprised to see that there is a much high level of smut in yaoi. Most fanfic is wish-fulfillment, and yaoi seems to be mostly written to indulge one's natural inclination for seeing as many sexy men in bed together as possible. It makes sense that the het fics would be more romantic, since that is its fantasy-fulfilment purpose.

And yes, Zack and Aerith is all about the romance. Makes sense. Though I think I'd enjoy reading a fic where it was all about the sex, which they both mistook for love, and then Aerith later realising after meeting Cloud (or Tifa?) what true love was.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
And yes, Zack and Aerith is all about the romance. Makes sense. Though I think I'd enjoy reading a fic where it was all about the sex, which they both mistook for love, and then Aerith later realising after meeting Cloud (or Tifa?) what true love was.

you should write this fgj


Pro Adventurer
I used "Sack" because I don't want to offend people who think that Zack should be the uke.
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Pro Adventurer
Interesting results on the statistics. I am not at all surprised to see that there is a much high level of smut in yaoi. Most fanfic is wish-fulfillment, and yaoi seems to be mostly written to indulge one's natural inclination for seeing as many sexy men in bed together as possible. It makes sense that the het fics would be more romantic, since that is its fantasy-fulfilment purpose.

Yeah, it's kinda expected that Yaoi is high. But until now, the yaoi fandom baffles me. It's so huge and the amount of quality fanwork the fangirls create rivals or surpasses het pairings (though it also has a share of bad fan works.)

And yes, Zack and Aerith is all about the romance. Makes sense. Though I think I'd enjoy reading a fic where it was all about the sex, which they both mistook for love, and then Aerith later realising after meeting Cloud (or Tifa?) what true love was.
Zerith smut is non-existent in ffnet, I tried to scan all their M-rated fanfics but most of them are really light and non-explicit. I dunno, I must have missed some, but my general opinion is that Zerith is very clean. Even in pixiv, Zerith has no R-18 fanarts.

This really interesting since Clack has the highest number of smut. Given Zack's attitude, het smut wouldn't be difficult too, but somehow, fans don't want to see it with Aerith, his girlfriend in canon.

When I asked my friend about it, who's just a little familiar with FFVII, she says that because Zack and Aerith are so extroverted that all their energies are expressed in their lovey-dovey moments, that's why M-rated fics are difficult to make without being OOC. She said that Cloti has a higher smut because Cloud and Tifa has so much hidden feelings(sexual frustration?) that it's easy to make a situation where they would let it all out.

The small number of Clerith surprises me too when their fandom is very vocal and serious about canon analysis. Next time I'll make statistics for wangst and tragedy and Clerith might rank high there.

All in all, the real surprise for me was Yuffentine :O It's much larger than what I believed.

Celes Chere

I used "Sack" because I don't want to offend people who think that Zack should be the uke.

Lol. I just go by what sounds better, really. Like "Fack" is supposed to be Tifa and Zack, right? Not sure why shippers didn't want it to be "Tifack". But most people would assume that Zack would be on top even though the shipping name says otherwise?

BESIDES I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME ONE CHARACTER MUST BE THE SEME FOREVER AND EVER AND THAT THEY NEVER EVER TRADE. It pisses me off about most Yaoi fics/art/interpretations of pairings. You most commonly see it there. Sooo annoying.

And Besides Tifa would totally fight Zack for dominance and win we all know that!


~The Other Side of Fear~
Yes and that gives me the most disturbing images evar. XD

I like Zack and Aerith pairing best. No they are not extremely exciting but they are just so adorable.


Pro Adventurer
BESIDES I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME ONE CHARACTER MUST BE THE SEME FOREVER AND EVER AND THAT THEY NEVER EVER TRADE. It pisses me off about most Yaoi fics/art/interpretations of pairings. You most commonly see it there. Sooo annoying.

LOL I'm not really into Yaoi but it's amusing to see NaruSasu vs SasuNaru wars. One time I saw the poll for the most popular Gundam Seed pairings and both AthrunxKira and KiraxAthrun is included at the top ten. Like I said, the yaoi fandom baffles me. As for Fack, I DIDN'T KNOW that it was ZackxTifa, Zifa is more familiar to me.

To be honest I just invented Zephiroth and Sack, I really don't know the nickname of their pairings. :P

C'mon give me more pairing names! :D What about VincentxTifa? How about RenoxRude? VincentxLucrecia? *insert pairing here*

I just noticed that other names combined with Zack are funny:

LazardxZack = Lack
KunselxZack = Kack/Kuck
GenesisxZack = Gackt Gack
RenoxZack = Rack


Yeah, it's kinda expected that Yaoi is high. But until now, the yaoi fandom baffles me. It's so huge and the amount of quality fanwork the fangirls create rivals or surpasses het pairings (though it also has a share of bad fan works.)

Same here :monster: :awesomonster:

This really interesting since Clack has the highest number of smut. Given Zack's attitude, het smut wouldn't be difficult too, but somehow, fans don't want to see it with Aerith, his girlfriend in canon.
Guess Clack is a lot more interesting to write/read, plus I don't really see how a Zerith smut could work. Vanilla seems to fit them better though, but that's just my opinion :whistle:

Also, if you guys are interested, I surfed AO3 after reading this thread and found this wonderful Cloti smut by sekiharatae which tells what happened under the highwind :wacky: It's pretty long and was posted way back then but if you haven't read it, it's definitely worth your time. Very lovely

BTW nice work on the statistics, Danseru-kun :)


Pro Adventurer
Same here :monster: :awesomonster:

Guess Clack is a lot more interesting to write/read, plus I don't really see how a Zerith smut could work. Vanilla seems to fit them better though, but that's just my opinion :whistle:

This. In context Zerith smut won't really work, you have to make an AU/AT where they are older or married. However, for slash couples, writers always find a way to make things work. :whistle:

Thanks for the Cloti fic, I've been looking for a nice HW fanfic and I'll check that out :awesome:


Great Old One
This. In context Zerith smut won't really work, you have to make an AU/AT where they are older or married. However, for slash couples, writers always find a way to make things work. :whistle:
miko (who, by the way, has some really, really filthy smut :lol:) has a story, "Peace of the Garden", that works fairly well. It's still "virginal Zerith" with some hesitations thrown in, but it's still fairly smutty-smut.

Her Clack is also worth checking out, btw.

Speaking of slash/ non-canon pairs, has ZackxCissnei been mentioned? sekiharatae has some nice stuff with them, see for example "Worth the Waiting".

Edit: AO3 stats
"3 Works found in Cissnei/Zack Fair" - and they're all smut :lol:
Edit again: Except one that is just a really short drabble.
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Thanks for the Cloti fic, I've been looking for a nice HW fanfic and I'll check that out :awesome:

It's probably one of the best smut fics I ever read. :P She has a wide collection of Cloti smut and the characters (esp Cloud) stay in character, that's why her fics are great :awesome:


Great Old One
While we're on the smut subject: I can't let that subject pass without mentioning the author I think (so far, anyway) does the best VII smut, and that is sister_coyote. She has some yaoi/ orgy stuff that is super fun to read (sometimes more fun than hot), but her het smut (TsengxElena) is so realistic and amazingly simple. The Turks are in general a good source of non-relationship smut, but she takes it to the next level.

Also, if I see that a Cloti story has anything to do with "under the Highwind", I flee :lol:


Great Old One
Because IMO there isn't really much to say about it... they're having a pre-battle moment, comforting each other with some physical action. That's basically it. We already know the conversation that presumably took place right before, so there's not much to say there. I don't know, yeah, there wouldn't be much to say except "he touched her there, clothes were removed in such and such way" - it goes into detail too easily, and there's a fine balance when writing good smut of keeping things explicit while still leaving some stuff up to the imagination of the reader.

Edit: idk, part of good smut to me is setting the scene and (briefly) explaining the motivation of the characters. We already know all of that in the Highwind scene, and that takes away some of the motivation of writing it at all imo. (I'll have a look at the one you linked though.)


I don't know, yeah, there wouldn't be much to say except "he touched her there, clothes were removed in such and such way" -

Yeah that's pretty much it to be exact :) I get your point, though coming up with a good fic involving a scene wherein there's nothing really new to ponder upon takes some good writing skills and might be worth reading :)

I checked out sister_coyote in AO3 and her works mostly involve the Turks and casual sex.... Interesting :wacky:
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