New FFVII Game? (NOT Remake?)


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm just wondering if there's any news on a new FFVII game. Any time I try and google it, I get ZOMG FF7 REMAKEZ PLZ? And it's becoming very annoying -__- They obviously can't leave it hanging, yet at the same time they're pretty damn busy with the Nova Crystallis or whatever the hell it's called. (XIII, Versus XIII, Agito, etc.) Honestly, I say finish those games the fuck up, and start working on what we WANT to see. If I have to see one more picture of Noel...D:<

Celes Chere

If I have to see one more picture of Noel...D:<



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
As much as most people don't want another FFVII Game, I do think most people would like them to finish the Compilation. I mean they really need to finish what they started... but finish it and be done with it.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
Well, this being a FFVII fansite and all, I think that if there was any news about a NEW GAME it would be all over the place... But as you can see, nope, there's nothing new to report.

Now personally, a new FFVII game would be interesting, but dunno, with all the years I feel that my hype for the Compilation is dying. You know the game I really want right now? Fortress! :monster:



Pro Adventurer
Yeah I want one.

/ avoids all the computers, axes and junk thrown at me

There's still some things that they need to wrap up, like how is Genesis still alive at the end of DOC, and what is he going to do now ? Is he just going to go around flying his wings in the FF VII world forever ? :/

As longs as they make it a JRPG and not a DOC 2 though. DOC was alright, but it wasn't as good as the usual FF JRPG. <:

Also I want to Cid and Shera have a son and name him Kain =3 Because you know, Kain ''Highwind'' loool, loool, looool. xD

Oh ! And will Vincent and Yuffie get together ? Ooooooh the excitement ! >w<


Turk 0

Just a Fool
iNSOMNiAC013 [Somni], Vin/Vince/Vincent, Reno.
While I agree they need to finish what they started--with GacktimeanGenesis and everything--I think the other FF fanbases are mad enough already. Any time I mention my desire for a remake of VII, I can yelled at because VII has "so many other games" and blah blah blah.

As far as I can remember, us VII fans didn't ask for a million spin-offs and prequels and sequels and whathaveyou. Adding another pile to the bunch will just increase people's disdain for us.

Personally, though...I've given up on a remake. I'm tired of getting my hopes up, only to have them brutally shot down each and every time.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm still of the opinion that they should properly finish off the Compilation at some point. I think that Crisis Core being the last released piece of the Compilation brought more people into wanting to play the original again (and thus demand a remake), moreso than finish off the loose threads from DoC with Genesis (and thus demand a final Compilation piece). As is, I'd say that the Compilation still feels incomplete, which is bothersome, but not the worst thing in the world. I'd rather wait for a good conclusion than demand that they make one now, and have it turn out to be terribly mediocre. Still, until then I'm more than happy to keep speculating on possibilities of its outcome.

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

I agree that they should just close the Compilation. They bothered to get Genesis in, just take him out already!

However, I personally want a different story: I want the story of the heroes who stopped Jenova 2,000 years before the game started. I think this would make a good RPG. Plus, SE wouldn't face any accusation of milking the images of the FFVIII characters, since no one from the familiar characters would be in (save Jenova).


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I agree that they should just close the Compilation. They bothered to get Genesis in, just take him out already!

However, I personally want a different story: I want the story of the heroes who stopped Jenova 2,000 years before the game started. I think this would make a good RPG. Plus, SE wouldn't face any accusation of milking the images of the FFVIII characters, since no one from the familiar characters would be in (save Jenova).

I guess you could do that. But, at the same time, that was one of the many things that made DoC so bad. Almost none of the original characters were there, and when they were, they only showed up for like, 20 seconds :( It would feel so....unfamiliar.


Harbinger O Great Justice
However, I personally want a different story: I want the story of the heroes who stopped Jenova 2,000 years before the game started. I think this would make a good RPG. Plus, SE wouldn't face any accusation of milking the images of the FFVIII characters, since no one from the familiar characters would be in (save Jenova).

I was initially really hoping that this story would be told, long before the Compilation was revealed to be so tight knit. There are lots of really interesting opportunities to have a world with more magic, and somewhere that listening to the Planet was commonplace. Nanaki's race would still be alive, and possibly more thriving. Then there comes the question of technology: Since it's 2,000 years before FFVII, would there still be any significant technology?

Bone Village has tons of advanced things that are being uncovered during the time of FFVII, and I wonder a lot about how much they'd attempt to tie in the FFX Al Bhed migration to Gaia to cover for the technology, and possibly sew small little seeds of ShinRa at the same time.

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

More Cetra as well. If anything, we'd get to see how much powerful exactly they were with materia and such. Not to mention that FINALLY, we would see all those awesome powers and knowledge and technology and whatnot they had. :joy:

Alas, this seems that never crosses SE's mind. It's all about the already known characters.

I guess you could do that. But, at the same time, that was one of the many things that made DoC so bad. Almost none of the original characters were there, and when they were, they only showed up for like, 20 seconds :( It would feel so....unfamiliar.

Err, that would be different. DoC still had to do with some of them. Such a story would have NONE of the characters in, not even a passing mention. The connection would be about the world and the planet and how the actions of the past lead to the ones of the future, rather than the people.

It would still be the FFVII world, but with new (old?) characters and story. And I'd be all in for this.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
More Cetra as well. If anything, we'd get to see how much powerful exactly they were with materia and such. Not to mention that FINALLY, we would see all those awesome powers and knowledge and technology and whatnot they had. :joy:

Alas, this seems that never crosses SE's mind. It's all about the already known characters.

Err, that would be different. DoC still had to do with some of them. Such a story would have NONE of the characters in, not even a passing mention. The connection would be about the world and the planet and how the actions of the past lead to the ones of the future, rather than the people.

It would still be the FFVII world, but with new (old?) characters and story. And I'd be all in for this.

That's just the thing though. I wouldn't. Call me a fangirl, but just so happen to LIKE FFVII's characters. I don't wanna start all over again; I get attached. *sigh* on the other hand, it looks like most people here would want it...O.o


little nerdling
A new FFVII game with none of the original cast in it isn't appealing to me. I've found that I don't give a damn about most of the new characters in the Compilation, because I only care about what happens to the characters I grew to love 14 years ago.

A totally new cast in the FFVII universe might as well be a totally different FF.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
FF7 game with none of the characters from FF7 as main characters

This is still a fucking retarded idea.


he are sick
new characters dont seem to 'fit' into old classics. Zack did work, but he already had and established past wasnt too unfarmiliar from Cloud at face value.

Whole new characters seem to really ruin things, i know in DoC I didnt care for any of the new characters. And as for Genesis, I just really hated him.

When somethings so close to people they dont like change.

I would like a new entry into the compilation but I fear it would be a let down. Just let them bastardise the original with a vamped up version of it... or port crisis core to a PS3 format and throw in some extras


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Actually, I never wanted any sequels/prequels or any of that jazz. Didn't want AC/C, didn't want DoC or BC either. I just loved the original so damn much, I could replay it ten years from now and still love it. DoC/BC all proved how little I gave a damn about 'new' characters. FF7 had a brilliant cast as it was, why even try messing it up?

That being said, I still only want a remake, like I've been saying for many years now. Really, I could care less about the compilation. It'd be nice if they finished it but I'm not holding my breath...I just want a remake. :(
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