New High Quality Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Screenshots!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I personally enjoy the attempt at added depth and backstory to the mish mash mess that is KH's storyline. Cute and fun only goes so far, unless we're just looking at this thing superficially.

They should at least attempt to add tension, backstory and drama to this. How much cuter can we get without just stripping the RPG storyline and making this just KH Mobile?


AI Researcher
Is Leonard Nimoy playing Xehanort or am I hearing things?

Also, Aqua.

Also, I like Japanese Vanitas better.


AI Researcher
I mean the voice reminded me of him. But maybe that was my fault for using laptop speakers and not headphones :monster: Didn't know he'd retired.


AI Researcher
Listening to it again, I don't care for Terra's voice either.

Not that I was planning on playing it anyway, but still :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

The amount of win in this VA choice, is highly illogical.


Yet KH2 was the best game in the franchise, and was game of the year in 2006.


Waiting for something
Terra, Eraqus, Vanitas and Xehanort from what I heard all seem like good VAs have been chosen to represent them, but Aqua...WTF!? Seriously you're giving us that??? Come on, she's the only main female character in this game and probably one of the most important in the KH franchise and what do they do? They only go and give her the most unemotional, flat, dead sounding voice I've ever had the misfortune to hear in the KH series.

I mean they normally get it alright in KH, I've never had any complaints about KH's VA its always been good in my opinion but based on that one performance (I know its only the trailer and that it could be tweaked around a little between now and its release date) I may end up chopping my own ears off if I have to hear Aqua's monotonous tones the whole way through that game!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Welcome to S-E voice acting. :monster:

Imagine how I felt with Crisis Core. :(


Waiting for something
S-E's selection Of VA's is honestly getting worse and worse with almost every new game thats released overseas. I say almost because there was some pretty good VA in FFXIII whereas Dissidia kinda proves my above statement...most of that was just cringeworthy.

I actually did like Crisis Core's VA but I do agree it wasn't always great in places.


★ ★ ★ ★
Xia, Saya, Misha, Janet
I also liked Crisis Core's VA's. I actually like Aqua's voice actress in Japanese
The only line I liked so far in the trailer was when she said he's not as weak as he thinks or
something like that that line was pretty good.
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