

Hello! I'm MakoHeadrush, but you can call me Mako. I joined here like, over a year ago and have been too shy to post anything yet. Anyway...I'm obsessed with FFVII. Aren't we all? Other obsessions include Castlevania and Alien/xenomorphs.

I write a lot - mostly fanfiction of the FFVII variety, though I've also written Avengers, Lost Boys, and other things. I am an active Simmer geek, and have a Simblr for screenshots of my various Sims getting into trouble.

Well, that's me! I probably should have spoken up before now, but....oh well. Better late than never?
(rushes over and hugs) Yay, Mako! You're here! Trust me, this is a very friendly forum where it really pays to post lots. It's the best way to get to know everybody. Nobody will ever get offended if you jump into a thread with your two cents; in fact, most people welcome addition voices to the discussion. We love active newbies! As internet communities go there isn't much drama and the staff are awesome. (Oh wait, I' m staff, I think. Okay, staff are awesome except for me. Can't vote for myself) Which is not to say we don't have disagreements, but on the whole I think we manage them very well. Anyway, once again, welcome!

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
I feel slightly awkward welcoming you since I joined after you :P but hooray! First post! Welcome to the crew! What Lic said is absolutely true, as a newcomer here I can testify to that. Also Licorice, you're awesome too! :monster:



I can also vote for Licorice, she is awesome. And if you're into fanfiction, you should totally read hers. *Here ends the shameless fangirl advertising*

I love Sims too! Is your profile picture from Sims 2? Because it's an amazingly accurate remodel.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Welcome aboard. I like Alien too


I recognise your name.....are you off tumblr? This place is 1000x better than tumblr :monster:

Mako Headrush

Lv. 1 Adventurer
(rushes over and hugs) Yay, Mako! You're here! Trust me, this is a very friendly forum where it really pays to post lots. It's the best way to get to know everybody. Nobody will ever get offended if you jump into a thread with your two cents; in fact, most people welcome addition voices to the discussion. We love active newbies! As internet communities go there isn't much drama and the staff are awesome. (Oh wait, I' m staff, I think. Okay, staff are awesome except for me. Can't vote for myself) Which is not to say we don't have disagreements, but on the whole I think we manage them very well. Anyway, once again, welcome!

Licorice! I've seen you banging around the fandom and have stalked, your fanfiction over the years. I am glad to finally be here.

What is this 'not much drama' of which you speak? Sounds unusual. And refreshing. :)


I can also vote for Licorice, she is awesome. And if you're into fanfiction, you should totally read hers. *Here ends the shameless fangirl advertising*

I love Sims too! Is your profile picture from Sims 2? Because it's an amazingly accurate remodel.

Yes indeed, the render in my avatar is from Sims 2. I have 3 and 4, but seem to always go back to TS2, the faces are a lot easier to mash around. Plus, I have an insane amount of custom content for TS2...something like 16K files. :aah:

Welcome aboard. I like Alien too


I recognise your name.....are you off tumblr? This place is 1000x better than tumblr :monster:

Yes, I am from Tumblr! And dA, and FF-net....and AO3, lol. Same username everywhere, I am not terribly original. :D

Thank you all for the lovely welcome! I shall go and mingle and act un-shy now. :headbang:


Also, I'm apparently an idiot and somehow created two accounts here? I will be getting that remedied shortly. :) Sometimes I amaze even myself with my own...well, whatever. :D

Nice to meet everyone here!

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Welcome. Hopefully you've learned much about how things work here with your year+ of lurking, because with great lurking, comes great knowledgeability. :monster:
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