Kain Strife
Some Kind of Animator
Hey, Hi, hoe, Hiya, How you doin?
Today, I was able to spot a lurker on a different site due to her
ology and her FFVII interest by being a creepy stalker. She's not exactly fond of joining forums and getting their feet wet around strangers and honestly neither was I really (No wait, I still am. I've only been trying again for like a week.).
I personally have only been trying to be active due to motivation from those in TLS chat. I figure the same may be the best way for others, too. Only thing is, Chat is now a Closed Door kinda thing, being on Skype and all. So I vote we make the chat easily available again.
I'm starting by trying to be active in the IRC again. However, The TLS Web Client burned to the ground like 20 years ago, right? Why not patch it up and get back in the routine of chatting up lurkers and showing them there's a community here?
For me the faulty client was the main reason I stopped using the TLS IRC. I can list many of the small inconveniences that that causes but basically it's a main reason it's dead imo.
My suggestion is this Open Source IRC Client. Made to put in a Browser, as expected. Something free, and hopefully low maintanence that won't need as much attention as the very buggy client that is there.
Anyways, thats what I gotz ta say about this.
Today, I was able to spot a lurker on a different site due to her

I personally have only been trying to be active due to motivation from those in TLS chat. I figure the same may be the best way for others, too. Only thing is, Chat is now a Closed Door kinda thing, being on Skype and all. So I vote we make the chat easily available again.
I'm starting by trying to be active in the IRC again. However, The TLS Web Client burned to the ground like 20 years ago, right? Why not patch it up and get back in the routine of chatting up lurkers and showing them there's a community here?
For me the faulty client was the main reason I stopped using the TLS IRC. I can list many of the small inconveniences that that causes but basically it's a main reason it's dead imo.
My suggestion is this Open Source IRC Client. Made to put in a Browser, as expected. Something free, and hopefully low maintanence that won't need as much attention as the very buggy client that is there.
Anyways, thats what I gotz ta say about this.