New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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It also doesn't mean every clerith is a spiritsex follower who devoutly masturbates to angelalex's fic every night.

It also doesn't mean that every time spiritsex is brought up the person is talking about all C-Words.

But that doesn't stop some people from jumping to that conclusion rather quickly now does it?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
It also doesn't mean that every time spiritsex is brought up the person is talking about all C-Words.

But that doesn't stop some people from jumping to that conclusion rather quickly now does it?
Considering the topic, I find it highly unlikely that you were talking about post-death Aradia/Sollux.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
The one wonders why they get so offended?
I don't know, would you be deeply offended if I said that your Republican beliefs clearly point to you being delusional and quite possibly insane?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Thank you for defending me, I like you :)

Also to the Clerith people on this thread: Nothing in my sig says that Cleriths are horrible people I did not say that, I am simply making fun of the absurdity of some of their arguments and about that infamous Clerith fanfiction I'm sure you all know about where Cloud has spirit sex with Aeris.

Despite Spirit sex being roundly ignored now and Alex being one of its few remaining adherents?

How do you know it's not canon, have you watched/read the Inuyasha series. Again just take a look at my essay again, at the very least the pairing is *semi-canon* concerning Sesshomaru's feelings.

Yes, I have.
And No, It's not.

Again I have all the evidence and quotes from the series and just the series as well as common sense regarding the author's attitudes towards gay relationships, past works, and general common sense regarding the difference between platonic and romantic love.

Hi. You're blowing smoke out your ass. Rumiko Takahashi certainly isn't homophobic by any stretch of the imagination, but she's not pro-incest.

Clerith shippers on the other hand try to use evidence from outside sources of the canon and their evidence has no passionate feelings in it and could just be seen as Cloud caring platonically for Aeris.

My Irony meter has just blown its emergency breaker.
You do realize the 'It could just be platonic' is far more applicable to a child and a parent in narritivium than two grown adults, right? I'm not saying there's much to the C/A is canon argument, but there's less for Seshy/Inutai.

(Also Cloti has been announced as canon so yeah there's really no basis anymore for Cleriths, Sesshomaru on the other hand hasn't been announced to be canon with anybody so there's also a wider room for speculation on his part.)

Which also means he could be with Kagura, Jaken, Rin, or even Kagome's Mother if we're throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Also another problem I have with *Most* not all but *Most* Cleriths is that they constantly bring up the "Tifa doesn't deserve Cloud because she was cruel to him, and helped bully/didn't stop the bullying in his childhood, she also excluded him and intentionally lied to him and OMG!!11" card.

... YOU brought that up. You even said it was justification for Cloud to be cold to Tifa in adulthood.

Its really getting fucking annoying, especially when they claim that Clerith is a better pairing simply on the basis that Aeris was "nicer" to Cloud.

I see no way in canon that Tifa was even REMOTELY cruel to Cloud, what they're doing is basically just character bashing over a ship. Tifa is a good girl and I hate to see her getting ripped to shreds by the fandom, particularly the Cleriths.

But again...
You said:
Hi there nice to see meet you too^^ I have finally decided to venture into the dark realm of the eternal LTD lol. Now as for your points on Tifa. Perhaps you're right she probably didn't so much as reject Cloud but was oblivous to his feeligs and I guess we cant't blame her for that. But still Tifa does reject Cloud in a way when she doesn't stand up for him to her group of friends or tried to make an effort and let him in to her little group when she saw how lonely he was. That's why I felt she rejected Cloud and didn't really care much for him in their past.

Plus I was also always a bit angry that she was the one who caused the trigger of events that made Cloud the way he is, and she didn't even try to help him she jus wen along with it, kind of messed up of her to do that if you ask me especially since she was the reason, she didn't even seem to feel any guilt about it. Also I feel she is cold to Cloud especially in the beginning of the game, she doesn't radiate warmth or try to be funny and get to know Cloud like Aeris does, she acts very stoic with him in the beginning I felt.

While Aeris always treated Cloud with warmth and interest. Again this doesn't mean I prefer Cleris, I'm just saying Tifa as a person isn't as good a person as Aeris. I prefer the couple Cloti though because Tifa is f the one Cloud had always loved since the beginning and it's really beautiful how they finally manage to come together. Plus Cloud never really loved Aeris at least not in the way he did for Tifa.

Also you said:
I'm sorry I'm not trying to bash Tifa really I'm not but compared to Aeris she just seems so....selfish, to me at least. However alot of the things we both mention about her is ultimately good for a character, and helped Tifa develop and face her past, she's definitely a well developed and dynamic character that's for sure. Again, I'm a Cloti shipper so I can never really hate her, I just find faults within her character, more faults than within Aeris which actually benefits both her and Cloud's relationship making it more realistic.

And I didn't mean Tifa is cold in general, of course she's not or she wouldn't be so good with kids, I meant that with Cloud in particular she comes off cold compared to Aeris especially during their past as kids. Of course again, this could just be her shy nature, and she's not intending to act cold, that's how it came off to me though.

Yeah I know there would be no game if it weren't for the events triggered by Tifa lol, but again I'm just stating a point that she did more harm to Cloud than good, while Aeris did the opposite. Of course this is one of the reasons on why I love Cloti so much, they had a rocky relationship in the past but they both worked hard together and overcame it, Cloud and Aeris didn't really have that so that's what makes their relationship a bit less realistic than Cloud and Tifa's

Again though as a character I do prefer Aeris but only because she's so sincere, pure and not jaded like Tifa seems to be. I also like her whole backround and how everyone in the group gets infected with her sweet, cheerful personality. EVERYONE loves Aeris (Well maybe not Sephiroth lol) even Tifa deep down, she really is like Mother Earth, everyone's light in the darkness. That's why I like Aeris, she just seems to have this totally different character from the others and from Tifa, it's more mystical-like and out of this world.

Sir, you are defending a girl who ships gay incest because she is a 'feminist' and thinks that the damaging effects of incest do not effect men.

But if that's the sort of image you wish to propagate, then by all means, do so.

Ven is, interestingly, the very model of the white, male, heterosexual republican oppressor pig she thinks needs to be raped so he knows what it feels like.

She can be an unhinged loon. Doesn't make the spiretsex followers any more logical.

This is a fair point, but kind of entirely irrelevant. It is attacking all christians for the actions of WBC.

I don't think I've ever met a Clerith that believes in spirit sex. Especially ones that are here.

There are like four. Maybe. I'm not sure how prevalent the associated Spirit Meld idea still is, but that was still distinct from Spirit Sex. The 'lives on inside him' thing being taken literally seems to still be going strong.

I don't know, would you be deeply offended if I said that your Republican beliefs clearly point to you being delusional and quite possibly insane?

Or that anyone who identified as a republican was a radical end of times cultist because PMDers are pretty much universally republican.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Ryu just kicked ass. I know some of you don't like him, but you need to get to thanking his post.

You have been repeatedly told to stop posting this nonsense, and you have already managed to get two of your own threads closed as a result of it. If you continue to persist in bringing it up, particularly in topics where it is not even relevant, there will almost certainly be adverse consequences for your account such as infractions and possibly bannings.

To be fair, I kinda brought it up this time. I mean it was obvious she'd defend it after that...

yay I caused drama :joy:


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
This is how I feel about this thread now::mal:

I have yet to meet a clerith fan that actually LIKED that stupid crap that wasn't the author himself.

Also, every clerith fan I've met on this forum is so beyond that shit. This is someone who hasn't even been here longer than a week. :awesome:

I don't really blame them for taking offense. I'd feel the same way if someone switched out the clerith to cloti in that signature. :(


wangxian married

i always love aki
i mean i do ship us together :awesome:


I have yet to meet a clerith fan that actually LIKED that stupid crap that wasn't the author himself.


this spiritsex thing seems to have gotten way out of hand from being a shitty fanfic written by one person and an in joke to now being recognized as a widespread "belief".


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I have yet to meet a clerith fan that actually LIKED that stupid crap that wasn't the author himself.
So does the author consider those Cleriths "the enemy" as well?


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
LOL. No clue.

He said he wrote it for his 'friends' and that they liked it. Then said that us CloTis were the 'enemy'. Whatever that means. :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
You know... not even sure if I should even say this... but I only just read EurAsianGirl's sig fully and now I feel stupid. :monster:

The only thing I really noticed was the :pics: of Clerith part. :awesome:

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