Ninja Potato
- Ody
Thanks, all that hard work over that past weeks combined with your advice really made this something else, nothing I've ever done before even compares, really.Potatoes! I'm so proud of you.
Thanks, all that hard work over that past weeks combined with your advice really made this something else, nothing I've ever done before even compares, really.Potatoes! I'm so proud of you.
Thank you sir. While it is incomparable to my real masterpiece, I'm pretty proud of this one. Special thanks to our friend Feline on Mars for helping me out with this one.<3 <3 <3
So I communicate in protomen lyrics, and you communicate in Deadpool gifs. Got it.
If you want to call those haphazardly placed lines "detail" then sure.....is it just me or you put more detail in her boobs than in her face.
"Eggplant shaped." That's a good descriptor lol. Sorry for unintentionally inciting boob envy.BOOB!
I mean, it's so perfectly eggplant-shaped that it makes my flat chest scream in jealousy.
Also, it's Ancient Greece. They used to be eating grapes and seeing things while melting in the sun.
Is it a snake in the background? It looks very suspicious.
And I have to admit I love the way the strokes can be seen in all of your drawings. They add so much depth and texture.
Also, did I say boob? Yeah. An eye-catcher.
Oh, there's also a cat...
Nah, don't worry about that. Being flat is actually much more beneficial than being busty, but it's not a thread on boobs, so I'd better shut up.Sorry for unintentionally inciting boob envy.
I see. Crossovers are a fun thing to see and to create.The characters are from a series called "Girls last Tour."
This is, in fact, an actual thing in greek architecture. A certain cat made me very aware of that while I was working on it, I actually had it all the way under originally. I probably over did it with how far it sticks out though.My only complaint is how the pillars aren’t fully supporting the roof. Surely this is not a thing in actual architecture?
Shademp you're my favorite. Boobs don't always have to be sexual, I did it to convey Yuu's lax personality compared to Chii. I say this fully aware of that Tifa drawing up there lol.Some of your breast work.
It's so like her, just laying there eating grapes while her boob hangs out of her robe without a care in the world.Boobs don't always have to be sexual, I did it to convey Yuu's lax personality compared to Chii.